Do you believe in interracial marriage?
2008-12-06 10:31:22 UTC
I'm a black male and my mother obviously has a problem with black men dating or marrying interracially. She's always warning me about "white women will only get with black men for sex and then make a false allegation such as rape to the cops" or "White women want them just for money".

Do you believe in interracial marriage?
35 answers:
2008-12-06 10:41:47 UTC
" white women will only get with black men for sex and then make a false allegation such as rape to the cops" If this wasn't ridiculous enough... then the quote, " white women want them just for money" beat the first one hands down. This is seriosuly the craziest thing I've heard in a long time, no offense to your mother or anything.

Now, to answer your question of whether or not I believe in interracial marriage.. yes, for I am in one. My husband is black and hawiaan and I am 100% caucasian, blonde hair, blue eyes, with some Irish and Scandinavian in me somewhere.. I do not believe race has any bearing in terms of success in marriage. As long has the two share the same values, morals, beliefs, are compatible/ have similar interests, and love & respect one another, it's just like any other marriage. I never got with my husband just " for the sex" .. that's for damn sure, lol.. his personality and sense of humor won me over, as for the money, shiiit... I bring in more than he does at the end of the year. Color means nothing.
Blue Rainbow
2008-12-06 11:03:57 UTC
I'm not against interracial marriage, but I do think marriage in itself is difficult, and interracial marriage is even harder. The divorce rate is phenomenal, and it would take a very strong person and relationship to make it work. I know some of the other comments have focused on the people getting married and their feelings, but if you want a peaceful life and relationship with your family you should think twice about it if your mom feels that strongly against it. Your mom is always going to be your mom, and what she thinks will always matter to you even if you pretend it doesn't. It can destroy a family,,, I know. Also, if you want to have children then you should think about that as well. Even though society is accepting interracial marriages more, there is still a stigma that sometimes can be more than little children should have to bare. On the flip side, I'm not saying it isn't worth it if you and your partner or both strong enough to live with the side effects of this relationship. You may have to give up a lot, and you may hurt others in the process. Are you ready for such a strong commitment? Good luck with your decisions, and many wishes that all goes well.
2008-12-06 10:54:29 UTC
Well let's see I'm a interracial and bi-cultural female. The myth that white women only want black males for sex is so untrue - I mean in my residential area it does not appear to be true, if it is why are they marrying the men. My female friends square Italian men are the best lovers so are they "using" black women and non-Italian females?

Long ago certain white women did accuse black men of raping them and it turned out these women had sex with white men but to save their chasity for marriage, which was proven by examination they blamed black men or some other minority of raping them.

Your mother must come from that generation and unfortunately, your mother (I apologize) is a racist. Gradually people are getting over racial stigmas, there will always be a few racist of every culture - as we enter war and hardship world-wide we will be forced to look beyond a skin hue because we will need to depend on each other.
2008-12-06 10:54:58 UTC
If I didn't then I wouldn't be married... I'm black and my husband is white the colors of our skin have NOTHING at all to do with our relationship or or love for each other... you could put a bag over our heads and we wouldn't care, we'd still be together, my in-laws were a bit worried, they thought that I might be "ghetto" but they actually got to know me and now they love me almost as much as they love him, my MIL calls to check up on me and they would help us out if we needed it

my uncle (my mother's brother) is also in an interracial marriage and I love my aunt to death it doesn't matter to me that she's white, she's my family, she's never caused my uncle any legal problems (his ex-wife, who is black does all the damage) and they even made a deal so that he could spend time with my new little cousin, she went to back to work and he stays with the baby

we have some family members who are like your mother and we had to tell them to either learn to accept it or stop talking to us... it's sad that in 2008 almost 2009 people still have a issue with this
naughty girl
2008-12-06 11:16:41 UTC
Yes, but I am also an biracial child. So, which race would I marry? I can understand both sides of the argument, except the part about white woman only wanting sex and making false rape allegations. I was very confused when I was younger, I grew up in an all white area,(utah), went to school with all white kids, never knew anything about my african american half. I felt really alone and thought nobody could relate to me, and when I moved and began dating and african american men, and wanted a baby,(with my husband who is african american) I wanted a african american child. i didn't want that baby to go through what I went through.
2008-12-06 10:53:45 UTC
Ha haa well i think your mom is just prejudice . First off black guys love white woman and doing most of the chasing and hates it when a white guys go after black woman . False allegations ? Well all woman do that black and whites when they get caught cheating on there man and the money thing well i don't know to many blacks with money . most of my friends are black . I think your just making a funny in here lol but it was a good one lol
One Way! Yeshua!
2008-12-06 10:39:06 UTC
I'm originally from the USA. My wife is from a country in Central America. We are married and happily live in a Muslim nation far from both of our native homes and differing cultures. We are followers of Jesus the Christ the Messiah and know Him as Lord. The only Biblical restriction placed on whom a Christian can marry is whether the other person is a member of the Body of Christ.

Question: "What does the Bible say about interracial marriage?"

Answer: The Old Testament law commanded the Israelites not to engage in interracial marriage (Deuteronomy 7:3-4). The reason for this is that the Israelites would be led astray from God if they intermarried with idol worshippers, pagans, or heathens. A similar principle is laid out in the New Testament, but at a much different level: “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14). Just as the Israelites (believers in the one true God) were commanded not to marry nonbelievers, so Christians (believers in the one true God) are commanded not to marry unbelievers. To answer this question specifically, no, the Bible does not say that interracial marriage is wrong.

A person should be judged by his or her character, not by skin color. All of us should be careful not to show favoritism to some, nor be prejudiced or racial to others (James 2:1-10, see especially verses 1 and 9). A Christian man or woman's standard for selecting a mate should always be to find out if the person they are interested in is a Christian (2 Corinthians 6:14), someone who is born again by faith in Jesus Christ (John 3:3-5). Faith in Christ, not skin color, is the Biblical standard for choosing a spouse. Interracial marriage is not a matter of right or wrong, but of wisdom, discernment, and prayer.

The only reason interracial marriage should be considered carefully is because of the difficulties a mixed-race couple may experience because others will have a hard time accepting them. Many interracial couples experience discrimination and ridicule, sometimes even from their own families. Some interracial couples experience difficulties when their children have skin tones of different shades from the parents and/or siblings. An interracial couple needs to take these things into consideration and be prepared for them, should they decide to marry. Again, though, the only Biblical restriction placed on whom a Christian can marry is whether the other person is a member of the Body of Christ.
2008-12-06 10:58:48 UTC
i was raised to be against it....but im not. my father was racist and tried beating it into my head. he was convinced that only black people do wrong things...and as you see in the news thats not the case. i was told that if i brought a black man home he would shoot us both. pretty crazy right? race doesnt matter at all. if people would get their head out of their *** and see that we are all human beings, this world would be a much prettier place. i think any relationship can work regardless of the race as long as the two people love each other. racism is getting very old and i wish we could all be equal.....the way we should have been a long time ago.
2008-12-06 11:04:22 UTC
I believe in marriage period. Give her time. Finding someone to spend the rest of your life with is hard enough, who cares what color they are. But parents are parents and you can not prove them wrong, they'll never admit to it. But she will learn to love your wife too. Theres always going to be some reason why the mother doesnt like her sons wife. Her reason, she didnt have to go snooping for , but whoever you marry, well never be good enough for her baby boy!!! You have a really good opportunity here, to slowly change her ideas on a lot of things. People dont like change, and OMG you know how mothers are set in there ways! She'll be fine eventually.
Double MM
2008-12-06 10:42:24 UTC
Do I believe in it? Do you mean like I believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny??

My second marriage was interracial. I am white, she was biracial. It produced 2 kids. Of course I "believe" in marriage.

Your mother is a racist. She is judging white women by the color of their skin, hence racism. I feel bad for her.

Marriage is marriage. Why should the color of someone's skin have any bearing on marriage, or for that matter, any relationship??
2008-12-06 10:56:10 UTC
I think it can work but the world still isn't as accepting of it as it should be so there would always be critics and obstacles to overcome. I think there are still a lot of problems in this world for an interracial couple to face and especially if children are involved.
2008-12-06 10:39:24 UTC
I believe that interracial marriage is a beautiful thing and should be embraced as a symbol of unity. I say, if you love her, ask her. I understand where your mother is coming from only because I'm looking at the time she grew up in. She must understand that times have changed and things are no longer what they used to be. Look at our president!! What a beautiful example of interracial unity!
2008-12-06 10:54:57 UTC
There's nothing wrong with "interracial" dating or marriage. We are all part of the human race after all. Besides, no one is a "purebred"; we are all products of a mix of colors, cultures, etc. If two people truly love one another, why is color so important?
2008-12-06 10:49:37 UTC
I know several who have done that and it worked out just fine.

Your mother needs to quit being a racist. Racism works both ways.

Tell her to either grow up or have no more contact with her if she can't be nice to any white girls you may choose.

Edit: Remind your mom that Obama was raised by a white mother when the black father left. Or was it his mom and grandma that raised him? Whichever. Remind her that he picked a white guy as his running mate.
2008-12-06 10:38:19 UTC
Tell your racist *** mother to come out of the 1800's. I'm married to a white woman, and I tell you what...she's been better to me than ANY black woman ever has! It's not because she's white, it's because she's a good woman period. They can be found in any race, but I've noticed that the generation now wants the drug dealing thugs and can't handle an intelligent man that has goals and doesn't want to fit the hip hop stereotypes that are found out there.

The problem with your mothers generation is that they cannot accept the fact that things are not like they used to be. We still have some growing to do, but it's NOTHING like it was in the 60's here in 2008.

Love sees no color, so if you want to miss your blessing because the woman that will give her last breath for you is white, and instead marry some one not fit for you that's deserve the drama that goes along with that decision.
2008-12-06 10:50:28 UTC
People who love one another should be together.

The concept of separate races has no biological validity. We are all human and are all the same. Race is a social idea and has been socially enforced...and the less we allow ignorance and fear to run our lives, the better.

Promise her that you'll only date within your race - the human race. Then smile and tell her you're not a racist because she brought you up better than that.
The Little Army Wife
2008-12-06 10:45:51 UTC
No, it's fictional, like the Easter Bunny.

Of course I believe in it. Do I support it? Yes. But interracial couples need to understand that there are certain things they will have to overcome. Mostly the cultural differences, the bigoted opinions of others, things like that. Can it work? Yes. But it is certainly harder than it should be on them.

As for your mother's claims, they are way off base.
2008-12-06 10:47:12 UTC
Race has nothing to do with a relationship. It has to do with inner personal emotions and the desire to be with a person.

I dated a black woman before and my father found out...he was upset with me. Racist he was and it ruined the relationship I had with her. The woman was successful...trying to succeed even further but the color of her skin was not mine.

I can only say this....forget about has only to do with the heart and emotion if you think it's the right thing. God created people of no specific race. Enviorments and nature change the colors of skin with evolution.
2008-12-06 10:37:18 UTC
Your Mother is living in the dark ages. My daughter (who is white) only dates black men. I have no problem with this. She had two beautiful daughters from a previous relationship who I am proud to call my Grandchildren. Your Mother is racist. That's a shame.
2008-12-06 11:18:40 UTC
yes- I have one! I am a white woman married to a black man. And we have a pretty happy normal relationship- we also have 4 beautiful kids!
2008-12-06 10:59:21 UTC
Yes. I believe marriage can work or not because of many factors and issues. Race does nothing to do with that.
Charles D. M.
2008-12-06 10:49:25 UTC
I do but often the children suffer lack of identity. Parents want to keep the lineage pure and maintain family traditions. If we didn't have interracial marriages the Earth would be very sparsely populated with only one ethnic group per country.
2008-12-06 10:39:48 UTC
It's understandable that your mother feels this way - a rejection of black women may feel like a rejection of HER.

But marry whoever you want to marry. Once you have children, she will fall so deeply in love with her grandbabies that she won't even think twice about your wife's race.
2008-12-06 10:38:41 UTC
i dont believe your mothers allegations about white women are true.. (i am a white woman, who has interracially dated..) but, i do believe, through my experience, that the difference in cultures among races makes it quite difficult, if not almost impossible to have a real, good, true and loving relationship... i was married to a mexican.. he ended up cheating.. i should have known better since his father cheated on his mother, and pretty much everyone in his family has also done the saem.. its accepted in their culture.. thats just an example.. now, i wold not have anything bad to say about a couple who were of different races.. hell, i'd wish them all the luck in the world and back them up in anything.. but for me, it will not work..
2008-12-06 10:38:31 UTC
I see no problem with it. You just have to be prepared for the stares, the accusations and everything else that goes along with being out of the "norm". If you truly love each other, it will work. Good Luck
2008-12-06 11:00:56 UTC
We all belong to the human race n'est pas? I'd say I have something against inter-species dating.
Michael T
2008-12-06 10:44:14 UTC
I believe people should marry who they want to marry, regardless of race. That is what I believe in.
2008-12-06 10:37:32 UTC
Your mother sounds racist. I believe in interracial marriage just as much as I do gay marriage, straight marriage, intercontinental marriage...whatever. Two people who love each other are two people who love each other.
2008-12-06 10:37:25 UTC

Who cares about color/sexual preference/religion/or etc. To each their own, and in this day and age if two people can find each other and be happy then they deserve it. Who are we to judge or say differently?
2008-12-06 10:34:59 UTC
It can work. It is just a culture barrier to cross like any culture barrier. I would ignore her. But, like any marriage, it should not be entered into lightly. Her prejudices are no more valid than any prejudices not based on facts.
2008-12-06 11:44:52 UTC
Yup i believe in it
2008-12-06 10:40:01 UTC
2008-12-06 10:37:17 UTC
Your mother sounds bitter, angry, and paranoid. Do what you like, not what mommy says.
2008-12-06 10:47:01 UTC
i do .. i hope your are happy with the woman you pick.. and she is happy with you ..
2008-12-06 11:07:48 UTC
hell no. im not racist. im a white guy. but i HATE when isee a white chick with a black man. i think every color should stick with it. asians with asians. blacks with blacks. whites with whites.

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