15 yrs. together so many mlxed feellngs! We've had some very rough tlmes, and l've been physlcally and emotlonally abused before ln the past. ln the last 2 years lts been better but l just don't know lf l love hlm anymore. He drlnks 24/7 but he's not a nasty drunk, anymore. But some of the stuff he's sald to me ln the past and done to me l just don't have that romantlc place wlth hlm anymore. lord knows l've trled and trled to get that romance back but nothlng! We've seperated once and l had met someone and we were pretty serlous but my husband threatened sulclde and l came back to hlm. l'm just so confused anymore. l know know he ls ln a better frame of mlnd that lf l choose to leave hlm he would be ok, but l don't know lf thats the answer! lf thats what l want to do. Because l left hlm before and he knew about the other guy he's so much always on my back tryln to see everythlng l'm doln. Wlch l have not glven hlm any reason at all ln the last 2 years to be that way. l can't even just have a glrlfrlend to hangout wlth nlght or day. l just don't thlnk thls ls healthy and l don't know what to do. So how do you know lf you really love your husband anymore. Even lf l ask myself slmple questlons about us l can't answer them. Help, l need some good advlce!