My wife just recently put a password on her iPhone , she had told me she had nothing to hide so why would she put a password on her phone ?
2016-08-23 09:07:00 UTC
It's the one to unlock your iPhone I want serious answers
And none of this you don't trust her I do trust her , I don't password my phone and I don't expect my wife to either plain and simple
78 answers:
2016-12-20 23:48:10 UTC
2016-08-23 13:26:16 UTC
The question about putting a password on your phone can be long debated. However, trust in the end has got nothing to do with it. If she is hiding something then you should be able to observe it in her behaviour when the phone rings or when a notification on her phone comes through. I for one however feel that having access to another person's phone, even if it is your husband or wife, snooping around and reading their messages is like reading another person's private mail. No matter what the relationship we all are still allowed a certain level of privacy and having a cell phone in these modern times are just one of those elements that everybody is entitled to. so, in the end if you do not observe any sudden changes in personality, behaviour or conduct I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you. Good Luck
2016-08-23 11:22:36 UTC
Putting a password on the phone by itself is not enough to come to any logical conclusion. However the sudden change in behavior without cause (like a new phone) should raise your suspicion. I would just be aware of her behavior around the phone. If the text previews are turned off and she jumps for the phone when she gets something and then makes sure you can't possibility see when she reads it you could have a big problem. Either way you can always pull the phone bill and match some of the numbers she is calling a lot without even tipping her off.
Andy Underhill
2016-08-27 03:40:15 UTC
It's a conversation you need to have with your wife. Maybe she's just been scared by all of the news reports about what can happen when a phone is stolen and all of the personal data available should it end up in the wrong hands. Maybe she uses it for work and is required to have it password protected by work policy - this is why I have mine password protected so it has absolutely nothing to do with wanting to hide something from my husband Ultimately, all we as strangers can do is guess. It's your wife who will be able to tell you.
2016-08-23 10:00:06 UTC
Phones are always a private possession of someone.

No one want to expose it to outer world. Even there is nothing to hide.

We can't set access controls to each people. So setting a password in general will help secure the phone from intruders around us such as friends, colleagues etc.

Also it help to secure when phone is lost. And its an iPhone. It have higher demand among thieves and are subjected to get stolen!!!

She have a great privacy concern and had gone for a better protection.
2016-08-24 01:55:13 UTC
I don't think anyone here knows why your wife put a password on her phone. I think you should either A) ask her why-straight up. Or B) find a reason to need her phone (maybe you lost your phone and need to call it to find it). When it asks for the password, just say, "Hey, what's your password?".

I would see it as a red flag like you, but there really are so many legit reasons for her securing her phone. If she has a problem giving you the password, keep an eye on her behavior. Remember with today's technology it's so easy to cheat without getting caught. She could use a texting/calling app to talk to someone, then sign out while you're around so there's no chance it'll ring. Sit back and watch. How attached is she to that phone? Does she seem to carry it *everywhere*? Does she ignore calls/texts/notifications when you're around? Just watch. If she's doing wrong, she'll slip.
2016-08-23 11:01:31 UTC
She put it on there because she can and has the right to. YOU aren't the only person on the planet who might come into contact with her phone.While putting a pass code on it won't stop a skilled person at getting into it, it may keep friends, kids, co-workers, etc from snooping. It also would thwart some thieves and at least give her time to find out the phone was stolen and erase the data remotely, before someone got into the phone.

Understand that not everything your partner does, is about you. What you may 'expect' and what you get, are often 2 different things. Just because you don't mind anyone having access to the data on your phone, doesn't mean she's equally comfortable with that (nor should she feel obliged to be).

I'm single and have a code on mine. It's like locking your car doors. It won't keep out those determined to get in, but it keeps out those just checking to see if they can find anything worth taking/damaging.
2016-08-23 20:12:22 UTC
I see no issues with password protecting a phone when your spouse knows the code. My husband and I both use the same pattern code on our phones. We have nothing to hide. A sudden and unprovoked privacy issue is usually a red flag of something more serious. If she is only taking precautions to ensure her phone isn't tampered with by strangers then she should have no problem with sharing her password with you. People with nothing to hide hide nothing. If you did provoke her in some way, however, it may not be out of the ordinary for her to guard her privacy.
2016-08-26 02:38:56 UTC
Firstly try and speak to your wife , asked the reason for the password if she gets all upset and angry then you probably know there is more to it. if you do manage to speak about it in a respectful manner ask if she cannot remove the password because it makes you feel uneasy. Never just jump to conclusions. ive got a password on my phone my fiance was uncomfortable with the wholw password thing as well but now weve got matching passwords
2016-08-23 09:13:24 UTC
If you don't password your phone, you're nuts with a possible financial death wish. It's that simple. People leave their phones in restaurants, subways, busses and taxi's all the time

Considering how smartphones have integrated themselves into our lives, storing personal information, our buying habits, our bank accounts, our credit card numbers, our addresses, our contacts, and those other little embarrassing things that come with just living life. Leaving a phone unprotected and open for the world and a thief to see and use is just plain stupid.

If you say you don't have those on your phone, I believe you. But just because you choose to live in the 1970s, that doesn't mean your wife has to too. She's the smart one in your family.
Harley Lady
2016-08-24 17:44:33 UTC
I have left my last two phones in bathrooms while I was shopping. Although I got the phones back, I could tell they had been used in that short period. So, this phone, I immediately put password protect on it. Nothing to hide here. But, I would ask your wife as it does sound suspicious. If you have a family phone plan, you ought to be able to see her phone's activity online. Or, go to the provider and request a print out if in doubt.
2016-08-23 09:36:33 UTC
Well I suppose instead of wondering why she did it, you should ask her. Then each and every time you want to look at her phone, you ask her to unlock it so you can look through it. Seems simple enough for me.

If you want to leave your phone unlocked, so anyone, including your wife can pick it up and go through it, that is your business, she on the other hand has the right to do with her phone as she feels fit. But again if you want to know why she did it, you ask her. If you don't really want to know, stop whining online about it, and wondering WHY she might all of a sudden want her phone locked.

Oh if she is cheating like I'm sure you think she is, there is a reason for that, and you know what it is.
2016-08-23 09:21:08 UTC
Passwords don't exist just for trust, lets say a thief steals her phone. With the password on it they can access her contacts, view emails, photos, access her social media accounts. Pretty much anything that doesn't require another password to be entered, would you want a thief to have access to that content? Everybody has something to hide from thieves
2016-08-25 23:36:24 UTC
Maybe safety issues, there is a password on the phone for a reason so that no one can invade your personal business. We also put password just in case if our phones get stolen (but there are ways to hack in phones but not everyone knows how to hack). You can ask her if this password thing is bothering you....
seedy history
2016-08-23 13:19:28 UTC
Most people who have a phone that can be easily activated by co-workers, neighbors, relatives and people they cohabit with use a password on their phone. It isn't about hiding anything. It's about being smart. If someone steals her phone but can not activate it.. that's being smart. It's recommended to do so.
2016-08-24 19:05:58 UTC
I have a password on my phone just in case it is ever stolen no one can get into my personal info. Nothing bad in there. Not saying that she does or doesn't have anything to hid but there is reasons to put a lock on a phone without anything bad in there :)
2016-08-24 15:06:43 UTC
I think that pretty normal I put password on my iPhone and have nothing to hide what if she lost her phone and a stranger takes all her photos !!it is part of security
2016-08-23 12:17:26 UTC
Others on here have pointed out why one might put a pw on their phone - for security reasons.

Im not understanding why you cannot simply just ask her for the pw.

My fiance and I have all each other's passwords. Not because either of us feels the need to snoop, but because it makes life easier. I can have him send an email for me, or I can send a text for him or we can check things like utilities accounts/bills for each other etc, or if we need the # of someone who isn't already saved to contacts etc.

Sometimes we only bring one of our phones with us when we go out.

So just ask her. What if there was an emergency and she was unconscious and your phone wasn't working for whatever reason?
2016-08-23 21:14:27 UTC
Everyone should have a password on their phone. It's basic security.
2016-08-23 11:14:14 UTC
If you trust her there is no issue She has a right to privacy and wanting it does not mean anything bad is going on. You don't want that privacy fine it is your choice as it is hers. You do not trust her or this would not matter to you Everyone is not the same and just because you do something for a certain reason does not mean everyone or anyone else does that too even your wife. You need to check into your trust issues because you do have them or you would not be suspicious
2016-08-23 12:14:37 UTC
Lots of practical reasons:

Prevent accidental calls

Prevent accidentally turning on apps that drain your battery

Prevent people from accessing data on the phone or connected devices (like a work computer)

To hide sexy texts or photos or emails or calls or other things you don't want your husband to see

Or to take advantage of the neat-o fingerprint lock feature and feel like a tech wizard without really doing anything techie lol

You're the one married to your wife. Which is more likely? What did she say when you asked her?
2016-08-23 12:56:42 UTC
I think you should be honest with her as she is YOUR wife after all. Or like another answer I read on here, keep an eye on what she is doing around her phone.

My old gf cheated on me and I knew her pass code but I wasn't the type to check up on her but noticed her acting suspiciously with her phone.

If she was upto something you would be able to tell from how she is with her phone I'm sure.
2016-08-25 12:39:52 UTC
Maybe it's because she has selfies on her phone which she feels embarrassed to show you? Or even she may have disgusting pictures of her friends like I do and don't want to make them feel ashamed by showing you lmao. That's why I keep a password on my phone.
2016-12-06 17:33:06 UTC
passwords don't exist just for trust, lets say a thief steals her phone... with the password on it they can access her contacts, view emails, photos, access her social media accounts... pretty much anything that doesn't require another password to be entered, would you want a thief to have access to that content? everybody has something to hide from thieves
Jim M
2016-09-01 00:28:08 UTC
Forget your phone. Need to make a call. Ask her the unlock code. If she doesn't share you will know the situation. If she shares it you won't need to snoop.

Having a lock code is a good idea. As others pointed out that phones get misplaced. A friend once looked at my phone list and said he knew so much about me it was absurd. Anyhow, my GF just told me the code when I needed to use her phone.
2016-08-25 01:39:10 UTC
I and my husband don’t have any passwords to apps on our phones. We use each other’s phones if needed, even without taking permission. However, we have a common security phone lock. But I know my friend’s husband who has a password to every app in his phone, and it’s funny that it’s not revealed to his wife. I would have been very uncomfortable with this. It’s good to know that you trust your wife. It’s a very important issue and small things do matter. Do you think it might be helpful if you speak to her openly about how you feel?
2016-08-25 08:43:16 UTC
If she can tell you the password, then the reason is just because she doesn't want others to get into her phone. But if she can't tell, you might wanna keep an eye on her.
The Duke
2016-08-26 09:25:03 UTC
I put a password on my phone to make it hard for someone to get information off of it in case I lost it. My wife knows my passcode and can check/use it anytime she wants. Maybe she put one on for the same safety reason.

2016-08-25 09:16:21 UTC
First you may want to ask her this question directly, at least to let her know you're bothered about it. Then. maybe you should do the same with your own phone and see if that would get a reaction out of her. At the end of the day, posterity would do you good if you let her know how it disturbs you, so if there's something you can handle it with maturity and if there isn't...well, good riddance.
2016-08-23 14:45:28 UTC
It's called "security."

If you lock your phone, nobody can use it other than you.

If it automatically locks, nobody who finds or steals it can access it to use her websites, online shopping, contacts, or even make phone calls.

It's foolish for anybody to have a smart phone that isn't password protected.
2016-08-23 09:10:26 UTC
If you trust her, then why don't you just ask her why she put a password on it? Wouldn't she know better than we would? She either told you she had one (so "Why?" would seem logical), or you know she's got one because you just picked up her phone without her knowing... other she'd have mentioned it.

I have one on mine, so if I leave it somewhere another person can't just pick it up and use it.
2016-08-23 21:44:29 UTC
She has a right to privacy, however I do understand where you're coming from. If this is new behavior for her and she used to not care if you saw her phone, then maybe something is going on. But don't let your imagination run away, it could be something simple and innocent like a surprise gift for you or planning some event.

I had a similar situation with my ex, for years she never cared if I saw anything of hers, emails, phone, etc. and I didn't care what she saw of mine, I didn't go looking but on occasion we would grab the wrong phone in the morning or leave our email open and it never mattered. One day she started getting very private always having her phone with her even in the bathroom, changed all her passwords, etc. Turned out she was just starting to talk to another guy and it was escalating, I caught on right before it could have gone too far but the damage was done, she lost my trust permanently and I filed for divorce.

You know her, watch her reaction when the phone rings, especially at odd hours. If she is changing her patterns and her overall way of acting, you might want to look into it, but like I said don't let yourself get out of control with assumptions. I've had friends with spouses doing similar things and almost always turned out to be something innocent, one was planning a party, another buying her husband a car and all the corresponding was done through email and on the phone so they had to safe-guard them.
2016-08-25 05:39:56 UTC
Seriously bro if you foucs on the 1% of your relationship which is going wrong you'll loose the 99% which is going right, foucs on the good going on in your relationship compliment her looks kiss her rather than ask about her phone be the kindest man shes ever known then she will probably throw you her phone with the password.
2016-08-23 16:43:27 UTC
Maybe she just felt like it? Lol if you want her password just ask for it if she doesn't give it to you then she probably is hiding something. Don't assume right away :)
2016-08-24 06:15:43 UTC
Why is this such a big deal for you? Being in relationship with someone means there are always going to be issues and problems but if this is the only issue you have with your wife you are a lucky man. Don't go looking for issues where there might not be any. If you are really having a difficult time with this, perhaps you should sit down with her and tell her why it bothers you so much. I little truth telling is good for a relationship.
2016-08-24 12:29:05 UTC
Tell her you think this is a good security measure, given the loss of privacy and hackers etc of today. Then add a screen unlock password to your phone too, and then give it to her and ask for hers in return. If there is nothing to hide, there is no reason not to share this with each other.
Bisexual Aromantic
2016-08-25 01:16:24 UTC
Maybe because she's getting sick and tired of your pathetic insecure a*s nosing around through her phone.

You say you trust her? Bullsh!t, you're complaining about your wife having a pass-code on her phone, THAT'S INSECURE AND SHOWS RIGHT AWAY THAT YOU DON'T TRUST HER.

I always have a pass-code on my phone, and I wouldn't care if the f*ckin Prime Minister ordered me to remove my pass-code, I wouldn't f*ckin do it. I wouldn't do it for ANYONE. Pull your enormous head out of your a*s and grow up! I think your wife should divorce your pathetic a*s and find a REAL adult
2016-08-23 13:59:00 UTC
Cuz somebody other than you might steal the phone and access all her data. You'd be smart to password-protect your phone, too.
2016-08-26 10:35:30 UTC
It keeps her phone from getting stolen and prevents butt dialing. I have a password my spouse knows to keep my kids from stealing it to play games on it.
2016-08-26 02:37:13 UTC
It's a simple security practice nosey. I hope you don't find anything you can't handle. Ignorance may be bliss in this case. Just a thought, Everyone discuss.
2016-08-23 09:13:49 UTC
So if you lose YOUR phone (or it gets stolen), you're saying you won't MIND that someone can then potentially use what's on there to 'steal your identity' and potentially generate bills that YOU will be obliged to pay most of?

I see! Really not so big on security, are you?

Do you leave your car unlocked, too?
2016-08-23 21:32:50 UTC
It could be as simple as she doesn't want your children on it, (If you have any) or, the whole reason the passcode was invented, to protect her phone from strangers or other people.

She has every right to put a code on her phone, just like you have the right to put one on yours.
2016-08-23 11:34:54 UTC
It could simply be because she doesnt want it stolen or broken into. If shes given you no reason to worry in the past, or there is no weird changes about her, then you need to get over it and trust her. Be observant about her behavior and maybe test her, something like "I forgot my phone and I really need to call work/text someone, could I borrow yours?" And see how she reacts to that.
2016-08-25 06:42:59 UTC
Have you thought maybe if someone stole her iPhone or someone at work picked it up they have all of her info? If someone steals her phone they can delete the data and sell her iPhone. She is not cheating on you, that's a mans job is to cheat and lie, trust your wife,
2016-08-23 16:42:25 UTC
maybe it's not you. maybe she doesn't want anyone at work going through her phone, if there's a password on it she won't have to worry about people going through it if its stolen
2016-08-28 15:29:50 UTC
"Hmmm, you don't password your phone.............could I borrow it for a minute? I'll get it right back to you." But seriously, did she give you the password? NO, hmmmmm.
2016-08-24 11:51:23 UTC
You just mentioned you have your own phone. Then keep it that way. It's none of your business. Stop acting like a pussy and don't worry about it. Dumbass.
2016-08-24 11:37:08 UTC
There is nothing suspicious about putting a lock on your iPhone. It probably just occurred to her that she did not have one on.
2017-03-09 09:07:52 UTC
2017-02-16 00:19:59 UTC
Think out of the box when it comes to dates. Do things that are unexpected and fun. You want her to feel like when she’s with you anything is possible. Learn here

She’s been on plenty of dinner-and-a-movie dates. Do a little research and find interesting places and things to do around town that’s out of the ordinary. There are hidden gems in every city. Also, get to know the owners of small restaurants and business. When your date is known by the people in the establishment, it feels more like you’re being invited into his inner circle. Just be aware that there’s a fine line between being impressive and showing off. Make sure that you make your date feel like you’re inviting her in and sharing instead of being a douche. It all goes back to intentions.
2016-08-23 18:30:53 UTC
so you can't snoop

on her phone

cause she's cheating on you, planning secret get aways, and spending your money buying stuff for the HOT BF
2016-08-23 13:32:30 UTC
I can only think of 3 reasons, she doesn’t want u to be nosey with her personal convos or she might have a juicy secret, or a juicy side boo. My opinion anyways ;)
Barry Manilow
2016-08-23 09:08:13 UTC
Well putting a passcode prevents others from accessing personal data such as if the phone is stolen or lost.
2016-08-24 13:09:55 UTC
Because she has a right to. Just like you have a right to leave your phone unlocked
Just Mopar
2016-08-23 16:50:40 UTC
Yeah...she has something to hide...she most likely having an Affair.
2016-08-23 12:17:35 UTC
If she is engaging the password function she has something to hide.
2016-08-23 19:48:27 UTC
You're creepy for asking this
2016-08-27 07:56:28 UTC
well, think of safety measure. you can ask her the passwords. if she refuses to give it to you, she probably hiding something from you.
2016-08-24 06:13:24 UTC
Don't overthink this one buddy. Its just a security thing.
2016-08-25 08:58:26 UTC
You do what you want with your phone why should she do what you want with hers? A good reason would be if it was stolen they could not use it?
2016-08-23 09:32:09 UTC
it isn't to keep you out its to keep thieves out if she loses her phone or it gets stolen.

Stop being so paranoid.
2016-08-23 17:42:58 UTC
Cause she's cheating
2016-08-24 03:19:48 UTC
id wonder too if she has nothing to hide ask her to show you and put your mind at rest p pogue
2016-08-26 12:10:35 UTC
She's a fûcking hoe dìckhead
Linda R
2016-08-27 10:57:31 UTC
Her phone....don't worry about it.
Jay R
2016-08-23 09:09:41 UTC
Are you saying that she isn't entitled to do something that YOU wouldn't do? Childish much?
2016-08-24 17:41:12 UTC
Privacy goes out the window once you say I DO . The bathroom door doesn't even need to be shut in some cases .
2016-08-24 11:12:54 UTC
Update she took the password off , I gave her an ultimatum either take it off or divorce she did the right thing by taking it off 😆
2016-08-23 09:08:17 UTC
In case she loses it. Smart girl.

But YOU need to grow a pair.
2016-08-24 09:50:14 UTC
make her take it 0ff and l00k thr0-ugh it. d0 yu pay the bill, 0r m0st 0f it? d0 y0u pr0v0de m0re finacially and pay m0st 0r all 0f the bills? if s0 then its y0ur and y0-u can decide
2016-08-24 14:44:48 UTC

2016-08-25 11:31:25 UTC
Just ask her honesty is the best policy
2016-08-24 16:21:27 UTC
cause she does have something to hide, common since
2016-08-25 04:49:59 UTC
Because its her right to do it
Ace Shorty
2016-08-24 13:31:40 UTC
I think she is hiding something from YOU.
2016-08-23 10:57:15 UTC
Sucks to be you
2016-08-25 10:47:02 UTC
2016-08-24 10:49:39 UTC
Your wife is screwing other men and does not want you to know who the men are. !! DUH !!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.