When will females realise that they are the weaker sex?
2006-03-22 10:26:30 UTC
A woman couldnt possibly do my job yet they continually bang on about equality. All they have to worry about is make up, laundry and playing with the kids.....they should think themselves lucky.
Eight answers:
2006-03-22 20:23:42 UTC
And to think, I made it all these years without a man. Just don't know how I did it. I'm pretty sure that out there somewhere is a woman who can do your job as good if not better than you and ain't sacred to do it. After all, women can do anything we set our minds to.
2006-03-22 22:43:51 UTC
I don't think weaker sex is a fair sratement. However I do agree that there are naturally some things men are better and the same goes for women. Men are genetically built to want to provide for and protect their families, while women are genetically equipped to be more nurturing and maternal.
2006-03-22 22:20:49 UTC
First of all you must be very intelligent , because you spell so wonderfully. REALISE? It is spelled REALIZE, jackass! I don't know how someone so great could incorrectly spell a word, you know, with the knowledge to use spell check and all! All women have to do is look for a man who is NOT self-centered or sexist--Thanks for pointing out to everyone just how brilliant you are!!!!
2006-03-22 20:50:05 UTC
You and I would get along just fine. All you'd have to do is make sure you bring home that paycheck, I'd take care of using your money to hire someone to do the laundry, buy myself more makeup and look beautiful for my beautiful children.
2006-03-22 21:36:28 UTC
Oh, thank you, O Great One, for making me realize that all I have to worry about is makeup, laundry, and playing with the kids. I had failed to see the err of my ways until you enlightened me with your incessant annoying yammering about how great you men are.
2006-03-23 02:51:46 UTC
you are such a liar i read all your questions and your full of sheit your just trying to get ppl going on your wife is lazy cause there was laundry in the sink when you pissed in it bl;a bla bla your an idiot
2006-03-23 16:57:50 UTC
What is your job???? And why do you think a woman couldn't do it as good as you??? threatened?????
2006-03-22 20:29:02 UTC
when you can prove we are the weaker sex.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.