2012-06-18 09:18:06 UTC
My son's father is known for pulling the disappearing act on me.
He left me when I was six months pregnant, and came back trying to do right, now my son is 15months and he just stopped calling and checking and offering to help me with him about a month ago.
That is the last time I heard from him. I found out he is living with a woman and her two kids. He also has two kids by another woman.
He hasn't had a job in the 71/2 years that I have known him he is a 3 time felon and honestly I don't no exactly were he is but he is on parol.
I am very angry that he has left me to care for my child alone, and this is also my first child. The woman he is staying with is an older woman, well compared to me and him she is older, maybe like 32 or 33 but his brother told me the last time he spoke with him he was talking about the things he has done for her son.
He does little odd jobs like work on cars and help fix up houses and he is actually good at it, but why would he help with this woman's kid and not his own.
I'm also sure he has reached out to his other baby mama and has probably sent money to them why would he not reach out to me about our son at all, he hasn't denied him and my son looks just like him and his other two kids.
So why would he just act like our son doesn't exist.
I will be honest he has been on and off of pcp, doesn't have a car, job the clothes he has either got from a woman buying it for him or he stole them from someone he know's.
The cell phone he has his mom makes the payment on. He is 27 years old. I already have established paternity through the state because he did not comply.
They added his name to the birth certificate and basically established paternity although when he said he would be there to help, he started helping so I did not show up for the final hearing and they withheld the child support order, but forced him as the biological father. So now I am having them add the child support but he has absolutely nothing.
He is known for living off of women, heck he even gets them to were they are into him and trust him uses them in a way were they don't feel like there being used and robs there house like when they go to work and takes off.
He has done this a few times that I no about. So I'm sure the woman he is staying with now is doing the vast majority, while he is getting more in the long run.
But at the same time he is helping her with her kids and ain't done anything for his own. How would child support work in this case?