If a man works all day, is it too much to ask your lady to cook, clean and do laundry?
2016-02-21 17:41:13 UTC
If my wife worked all day, I would cook clean and do laundry no problem.
158 answers:
2016-02-22 16:37:04 UTC
Well... if she's at home all day and your at work all day I see no problem.

My mother is a nurse on call when she's not in clinic and works from 6 to 4 most days. Sometimes longer. Her husband stays home most days and does cooking cleaning and their laundry. Sometimes he's away for work and she does it all.

My dad and his wife are both police and work equally demanding jobs and split it all 50 50. They have enough time the days one works the other doesn't to finish everything before the other is home and have free time. A small child to that.

If you have a desk job 9 to 5 maybe do something extra. Cleaning can be a lot depending on the house, so make a chore list like for kids and pick and choose if that makes her feel better.

Split the house work if you both work out of house. Surprise every now and than by doing something she normal does or should do by doing it on your own on a weekend.

This can also be part of a marriage Agreement some states.
Jane Tris
2016-02-21 23:33:26 UTC
I only have my roommate for comparison. I work 50 hours a week and he works 20, but we still take turns cooking, we usually clean together (because our place is cluttered as hell and it takes a lot of labor to move everything around, which neither of us are comfortable doing alone.) Laundry doesn't apply because we do our stuff separately though. No washer or dryer, so it's handwashed. I imagine we would have shared that chore too.

Personally, I don't care whether or not he did work. I would still help out with the house stuff. Assuming I already got a solid 5-7 hours of sleep, I usually only need 1-2 hours of "recharging" before I'm ready to go. I feel uncomfortable when someone is banging around in the other room cleaning things while I sit doing nothing. But I guess it also depends on the intensity of your work. I have an office job, so I already sit down for 10 hours a day. I usually WANT to do stuff and move around when I get home.
2016-02-21 19:48:16 UTC
It depends if you have a kid because that's a full time job. I'm a stay at home mom and my boy is so active IL clean and 10 min later the place is a disaster. Running around with him all day takes a toll on me. But if u have no kids and u work all day of course u have to clean and cook and do laundry that's ur part in the relationship. Also communication is key instead of letting stuff accumulate u have to talk about it. What u don't like as well as what she don't like is tge only way to solve problem if not that build up can brake u apart
2016-02-23 12:55:56 UTC
Noway it's not too much to ask. However...maybe there's another issue that's not being addressed. Idk. Try talking and really listening to what's being said. With women 8 out of 10 times it's another issue that cause them to shut down. Relationships/marriages take work and communication is so important. Personally, i feel that intimacy is crucial...not just sex,. Things like hand holding, simple gestures of, a sweet email or text, just showing your partner they are loved and appreciated can make such a difference. If a women feels like she's just there to cook clean and do laundry it can begin to feel like they are just there to take care of your needs. I don't know what your situation is...but I can tell you from my own experience it's either what I mentioned above, or...depression may be an issue. I think it's a good idea for housewives or for any person who does not have a job to get a hobby. Nomatter what it is. If a person can get some time to do something that makes them feel good, then they are more likely to be productive in other parts of their lives. I hope this comment was helpful in some way. Ultimately I think you need to ask why things aren't getting done? But really listen to the answer and try ND figure out what you both can do as a unit to make things more desirable at home.
2016-02-22 17:17:10 UTC
Well, if all you do is stay home 7 days a week 24/7, cooking, cleaning, and doing the laundry can get boring. Also, I'm sure there are other things that need to be done. All I'm saying, is maybe you should look at this issue through your wife's eyes
2016-02-25 11:00:26 UTC
If she is home then the house should be clean picked up laundry done cooking sorry I'm old school I used to work a night job come home watch my Grandson at 8am when he went for a nap I would nap a little too! Then get up clean up and cook something for dinner walk dogs one at a time there were two,and take my grandson for the walk then take the other dog out.Now I no longer workI do the same cook clean run errands,walk dogs pick up Grandson from school,cook wash dishes no dishwasher walk the dog again then relax watch tv I don,t know how I did all of this I was a lot younger then
2016-02-22 03:04:31 UTC
absolutely not! I work all day and I have my wife do WAY more than that... sure she can cook and clean and do the laundry, but that only takes a few hours! I have my wife wake up at 5 am and chop wood even though we don't have a fire place. YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU'LL NEED WOOD. after that I have her do some light cardio before breakfast. she needs to keep her energy up as I don't allow her to eat more than a handful of figs at a time. once she's done breakfast it's time for her to do my spreadsheets so she can fax them into work. (my boss usually expects them by 8:30 am. I know it's technically "my job" but she uses water and electricity on the three allotted days I allow her so we feel this is more than fair. from 11-11:14 she has free time. (I'm not a monster) then I have her cut the tops off the tins in the recycling with a pair of scissors ( a little something just for me). then for the afternoon she finds dates for me on various phone apps, it's important to keep things spicy in the bedroom or one of you may end up unhappy. it's like the old saying says: marriage is prison for a wife, and so is my home.
2016-02-22 00:17:43 UTC
No but you should ask her nicely and if she works than yous should both help out around the house hold just because she's a women doesn't mean she has to do all the house work you can also help out but if she's a stay at home wife/mom than she should do the house duties but also being a mom is a lot of work so some days she's gonna have a lazy day lol
2016-02-22 06:48:55 UTC
Lets be honest here...the majority of Western men who complain that they worked all day and their wife didn't have dinner cooked or the house cleaned, are also men who have wives who worked outside of the home all day too.

So yes, in the majority of the situations where men complain that their wives aren't taking care of the meals and the laundry, etc., they are indeed asking way too much, because it's actually the man who isn't doing his part.

I have yet to see a guy complain about this and him end up being the sole bread winner. It's usually a guy who thinks that house work is always women's work, even if his wife works outside of the home full time, too.
2016-02-22 02:51:01 UTC
I work just over 12 hours a day, and I used to do all my own cooking, laundry, and did my best to keep my place clean. My girlfriend has since moved in with me and she likes to do those things for me as she's unemployed right now and has more time on her hands, but I certainly don't expect her to, nor would I ever. I would never expect someone to cook and clean for me, I just wasn't raised that way. However, the flip side of that coin is, she knows not to expect me to buy her whatever she wants whenever she wants it. She understands what I'm willing to do for her.
2016-02-24 10:38:53 UTC
Definitely she should cook, have the house clean and laundry done! Unless of course you have under school age kids. I clean all day, cook, and raise the kids and the house is a mess by the time my husband is home and I'm winded! I feel horrible for what he comes home to, but I give everyday my best effort. The kids never give me a break to have everything spiffy for my man. So, if you have kids that stay home with her all day, she's probably working all day. If not, the house should be spotless if she has no job. I worked almost full time and was a mom and with one kid, I had everything handled for my man. As soon as we added another family member, I wrestle with the children and home. From the perspective of being a stay at home mother with more than one child and the hard working outside of the home mother of one, being a sahm is harder. I know it's hard for a lot of people to understand until it happens to them, but it is tiring and there are never enough hours in a day!
2016-02-21 18:58:08 UTC
No, it's not too much to ask. If you're not working outside the home, your job should be to take care of the home throughout the day.

It also shouldn't be too much to ask if the stay-at-home person wants help with the chores that need doing at the end of the day, like cleaning up after dinner, bathing kids, reading stories, homework etc.

Once both parents are home it should become a team effort (assuming the two people in your scenario have kids).
2016-02-22 10:02:13 UTC
If a man supports the family, a woman should be happy to cook and clean. Unfortunately, many have an attitude that being the breadwinner isn't a big deal and doesn't merit appreciation, and "a man better not dare tell me what to do or ask for food JUST because he provides." If the shoe was on the other foot, though, they'd expect help.
Kinkade 0001
2016-02-22 09:35:42 UTC
It's not too much for the spouse with the longer hours to ask the one who gets home first to cook most of the time. Obviously everything should be in moderation, but if both spouses get up at 0500, it's insane to expect the husband who worked a 10 hour day to come home at 1700 and cook dinner, put the kids to bed and pack the lunches for the at home wife because she's been 'on the clock' for 12 hours.
2016-02-22 06:54:36 UTC
I think it is more dependent on what they agree too than men and women's traditional roles. If they agreed for him to be the provider and her to take care of the house, that's fine (despite feminist comments like Steinem's).

There are problems with such arrangements: If he dies or leaves, she is left with having not kept up with market skills for the duration of their relationship.

There is no reason, NO REASON WHATSOEVER, that you can't reverse the genders in the above example. She makes all the money, he takes care of the home is perfectly viable as long as both agree to it. True, society still considers it new/unusual, often mistaking it for a parasitic relationship, but as long as it is agreed to, it isn't society's business.

What IS too much to ask is that (in your question) she be asked to cook, clean and do laundry after SHE has also worked all day, particularly if this is not the agreed-to relationship.

The feminist comment that women work all day, come home, and are then expected to take care of the house is not entirely BS (though men are certainly asked to change the tire on the road in the snow storm, clean the gutters, etc). It all comes back to what you agree too.

I have yet to see a guy push back and tell HER to clean the gutters, but in terms of labor, it is perfectly reasonable to ask that community chores be shared by the community in liew of previous agreements.
2016-02-22 20:57:19 UTC
I don't care what sex each person is. If one person has a full time job, and the other has no job or other important activity occupying their day, yet doesn't do housework, they're a freeloading sponge. It's as simple as that.

Watching awful daytime TV, drinking, or both don't count as an 'important' activity in my book. If they're at home at least some of the day, why can't they get off their backside and clean something? Unless they're a tetraplegic or something, then they're excused. But only until science finds a way to repair a severed spinal cord...
2016-02-22 13:36:33 UTC
I suppose not in your case. It's better than having her sit on her a'ss all day doing nothing which will lead to inedible boredom which will lead to eventual promiscuity when your working. For every fixed situation, the means mess other people over. Your situation is sinc. Other people's situations are messed up. In your case, it is acceptable and fair you ask that she do something to carry the weight of the household. Some women want to go to work too in other cases but feel like their household duties are holding them back from doing so because of their responsibilities and carried weight. In that case it should not indefinitely be the case for everyone and that by stereotype should not be the only case especially when women want to work. Your case is acceptable because your lady refuses to work for a living. She should carry her weight around the house. So no, it's not too much to ask. It's only fair that way. It will also get rid of her boredom and keep her loyal coincidentally.
2016-02-21 19:04:38 UTC
Most women work all day AND they do the majority, if not all, of the cooking, cleaning, laundry AND child raising.

Is it too much to ask? It doesn't matter. It's not like men care.
2016-02-23 20:13:02 UTC
SUUURE you would. How about just ending the marriage?, keep working all day, then come home and take care of yourself anyway. But you're still there so, wait what? You're lying??! That makes more sense.

Here's how it really goes, your wife cooks, launders, and cleans but she doesn't do it to your standards so you don't give her any credit at all.

Let's face it, you're getting something out of the deal or you'd be gone! So stop treating her as inferior and start appreciating what she DOES do!
2016-02-23 08:05:15 UTC
If she isn't working full time, then yeah, it would be more than fair. If both of you are working (which is the case for most families these days) then that would definitely be asking too much, you need to split up the chores.

I assume you're talking about a stay at home mom/wife, though, in which case yes, she should be doing the domestic work.
2016-02-23 02:48:36 UTC
Well, if she's at home all day and your at work all day I see no problem.

My mother is a nurse on call when she's not in clinic and works from 6 to 4 most days. Sometimes longer. Her husband stays home most days and does cooking cleaning and their laundry. Sometimes he's away for work and she does it all.
2016-02-22 16:29:06 UTC
No. BUT, if she's home taking care of kids all day in addition to those responsibilities, then don't expect it all to get done. Kids first. Then Cooking. Then laundry, Then cleaning. Kids alone are a 24-7 job. It's hard to get the rest done sometimes.
2016-02-21 21:10:02 UTC
No American women are lucky there. Here a man works all day. The wife gets up. Gathers the eggs, cooks him breakfast, sees he has a lunch before he goes to work. Cleans house does dish's. Walks to the river to do wash, Brings it home & hangs it out. Cooks a light meal for herself, Feeds the animals & water them, works in the garden & yard. Fix's supper And has that ready for her mans return home. Most women here are house wives. Kids they have many also. They watch them & the neighbors. As kids run here. They might be at your house for a hour then down the road then further down the road. So women watch kids as a group project. They also sew by hand, do small task or stay busy all day as they say. After supper they wash the dishs, Put all away hang the mosquito netting and such as well. So no in America they have it made. Wash machine, dishwasher, no wood to cut for cooking or charcoal to bring in. They are the queens of the world there.
2016-02-22 00:07:23 UTC
It happens and a woman has to do the home economics on her own, but that's old back in my parent's childhood days where my only living grandparent was the master of home economics and is now doing the stamp collection job. My other grandmother... I guess she's sweet and she passes on clothes to some of us as an extended family on my dad's side to let the American dream go on according to her, but literally failed when my aunt Liz had the clothes taken care of for the girls. It looks like my house needs a huge makeover for the spring cleaning.

Nowadays, both genders work all day, in competition for equality, but they came back home with fast food and they have to binge watch certain and overused shows for a few hours before they go to bed. That is very sad for their laziness after work, and I was raised in the leisure lifestyle where things move to the next level aka the dream job. I want to be more productive and be famous as an outsider of the general population of millennials. I deserve to make my American dream become a reality and watch it unfold to make it happen.

On the con side, it could affect the marriage. On the other hand, she has to get on with it and work all day at home with the kids at school. I'm having a treasure inside me, that I'm giving my heart away to a man IRL a few years away from now.
2016-02-22 11:44:47 UTC
Not enough information. Do you have kids? If so, how many? You would be surprised how much time kids take up and how big their messes can be. If you only have one child and she doesn't work, I'd say it's fair to ask. But keep in mind, she needs a break sometimes too, so on the weekends you could do it or at the very least help.
2016-02-21 21:29:07 UTC
If she is not working, then it's not too much to ask. However, I'd be careful about a few things. If she occasionally asks you to cook or her cleaning isn't quite up to your standards, I'd let that go. And when you talk to her about this, I'd be direct, yet calm and loving.
2016-02-23 09:59:08 UTC
If she's a stay at home Mom then she should cook, clean and do laundry when you are at work. If she works then you should help cook, clean and do laundry too.
2016-02-22 07:47:21 UTC
Not at all, if he asks and also if she's worksnot also working. It's not a woman's duty to do all the domestic chores. Even if hubby works he should still pitch in a little. That's taking responsibility not just complaining. Because he's no clean underwear.
2016-02-24 08:33:15 UTC
I never got why the wife is responsible for doing the man's laundry. I don't care if I worked 14 hours in a day I would find time to do it unless she really wanted to.

Also depends if she has a job or not.
2016-02-23 20:22:20 UTC
No it's not. Most women work all day too.

If she works long hours maybe you could cook together.

My husband and I worked very long days.

At the same job 65 hours a week sometimes more.

So I was just as tired. It's hard to get it all done...

Work together and get it done that's what we do.
2016-02-23 21:07:25 UTC
Well. If you are a man as I assume you are since you said lady. Do you have kids? Do your wife work? Go to school? If she is going to work, school and you have kids then there is your answer. My wife was working full time and attending school full time and caring for our boys and she was trying to do her wife duties also. After the 3rd year mark of doing it all and she was not home barely I started to feel as I was a stay at home single dad myself. I ended up cheating on her and I feel badly because I did was cheating on her for at least for 3 years, I did come clean and told her the truth, she for gave me as I knew she would. I told her that she was taking on too much being a super woman. I had her quit her job and focus more on school and our boys. I know how hard she is trying to get herself educated, so I will cut her some slake. When I am home from work I will take over the housework and take care of our boys so she can get her homework done since we are paying out of pocket. I know you being a man that might be hard for you to understand, I have come home to our house being messy, but we have boys. I love my wife more then my life and I know she had the house clean and she did the laundry and she did cook dinner, there might been a few times something came up as in her having to do some with the boys on running around doing this or that. But she comes home and she is doing her best and I can see that.

I come home and I see it is clean and the second I grab a glass of my red wine go outside smoke some pot then sit down at y computer and I am there until I go to bed, after a few glasses of wine I can see how the house is a mess and then I will get mad and think my wife is lazy and she didn't do anything around the house also. Then I have to think, what did the house look like before I walked into the kitchen grab my glass of wine. It was clean and when I take a closer look the mess came from me, I leave a trail behind me and I am ok to admit when I over look things and I am the who also help makes the mess and my wife is the one who keeps cleaning up the mess and our boys and I mess it up. I truly do not know why men who say they love their wives would come on here and air out their dirty laundry and bash their wives into tiny little piece. You married her didn't you not? You probably cheated on her too right and you are a coward and can not come clean and stop bashing your wife. Maybe you are a chicken is my thinking, is that why you have to make yourself private, because you are afraid your wife will find out the truth about you? Remember one thing, she is your wife not your servant and you should be happy she is putting up with a low life manipulator as yourself. Grow a pair of balls and show your wife who you really are. I bet you can not even do that van you. Go get a divorce and live by yourself because your wife deserves a lot better then you are giving her and again stop bashing your wife over the whole internet to see....
2016-02-22 04:28:58 UTC
From what I've gathered the women who complain about this do so because their family just drop their stuff wherever and leave messes in their wake right after they have cleaned the house and washed the dishes. So it's like it never ends because their family can't be bothered to put laundry in the hamper or wash a dish. This is just from what I've noticed from the women in my life I don't speak for everyone.
2016-02-23 16:14:37 UTC
Not really. I was a stay at home mom/wife, by choice. We made the agreement that I would stay home and raise the kids ( we were active mormon at the time) and that it was by far, easier on the both of us, if one parent stayed home with the kids. No strangers raising our baby,no extra work clothes to buy, no extra money for food at work, none of the headache that two working parents have to face.

Just the idea of a stranger holding my newborn, made me bawl. No joke.My 10 year old was not happy about that either. So,i cooked, cleaned and did laundry when my husband gave me money to do so.

It was not easy,m because i did so on little sleep, but did it. i would not have traded it for anything, but would have loved to have slept more. :)
2016-02-21 17:43:41 UTC
If she's a stay at home mom then yes I think you're right, if you're helping bring money in outside the house and she's doing nothing at home then I would think she should do some cleaning and cooking and laundry to help out. But if she's working too then you and her should split chores. Hope this helps :)
2016-02-21 21:46:48 UTC
women don't like the idea of being tasked. they want to "decide" but the problem is they are ruining the unit because they think doing their part is a slight. or they think they are slaves just because they are being a team player.

but see they don't play ball well at all. they are often better at dictating what they want and ignoring what you want. especially once they've conned you with good sex. once they give you sex and you like it they will demand a kings ransom and play hardball against you on everything.

There is no mystery why marriages end in divorce and peppered with lies and tearful eyes. They are pulling a hustle. they believe that they are superior to man and shouldn't have to do anything un;less they decide because they have more options to get men. they actually believe they are doing you a favor.

And that is why i won't marry an american woman.
Adelaide B
2016-02-24 17:09:32 UTC
Your wife may suffer from either depression or a physical illness or both. If she's depressed there could be several reasons why. Or she could be hypo-thyroid, diabetic, etc. Before judging her or dealing with her harshly try and find out why she's lost interest in maintaining a clean home. A little bit of communication can go a long way.
Debra Rounion
2016-02-25 13:25:10 UTC
Speaking from experience, you can add about 10 more things a women does during the day, 7 days a week. and her days don't end like yours does. If you could trade places with her for a week, you would choose your job over hers in a heart beat. That's the problem with society, the working partner has no idea how hard it is to maintain a household.
2016-02-25 05:42:31 UTC
It's never to much to ask someone you are close to to do something for you. Just remember kindness go along way. Ask yourself "would I cook and clean for me am I the kind of person someone would want to this for me. You know attitude makes a difference. The Bible says there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. So find helpful ways to do things together, experience the joy of giving, it can do much to help you cope with negative circumstances in life.
2016-02-21 19:10:20 UTC
No, It is not too much to ask, but I also say If the woman works all day and the man's at home then he should do the same!
2016-02-24 06:46:41 UTC
No it is not. I work 8 hours a day five days a week. I have two children and ....both are young and a husband... I make sure that they have a hot meal every day. It is hard but as a woman/mother we have to do's in our genes to be a nurturer. If you're doing what you should be as a husband, there should be no issue to provide for you and give you what you need as a wife. Talk it over with her......
2016-02-22 15:53:33 UTC
Only if she stays home all day not doing nothing then yea. If the man have to go out there and work to pay the bills a least the women can do is cook and clean the man clothes for him.
2016-02-24 07:51:38 UTC
That s not too much to ask at all. I work all day and still go home and cook a good meal for my family, clean, laundry and whatever else that need s to be done. As long as I feel appreciated, there s no problem.
2016-02-22 04:03:00 UTC
To be honest I see nothing wrong with the woman doing the chores and I'm more than happy to do them myself, but I would definitely expect my man to help if I've had a lot of things going on! But to answer your question, no, it's not too much at all, you just have to share the responsibilities.
2016-02-22 17:15:51 UTC
If your wife is a stay-at-home, it's her duty to clean house, cook, and do laundry, et al... Those things are her contribution toward the household. Just as your contribution is to earn the money to keep the household going. Each person has a job to do. If one of them is not doing his/her part, then he/she is a slacker, and not showing respect, nor integrity... and hasn't put the relationship first. In a word... she's selfish.
2016-02-25 07:41:32 UTC
Well of course. You answered your own question. I don't think anyone would not cook and clean and do laundry for their partner who goes out to work.
2016-02-22 08:37:48 UTC
Expecting a woman to cook and clean is considered sexist nowadays and if you ask them too they might just call you sexist... It's really stupid I know but if she isn't working than she should definitely be cooking and cleaning. What else would she be doing? Dildoing her *** all day long?
2016-02-23 02:09:36 UTC
No and if the man stay home meaning don't work and the woman does then he should cook, clean and do laundry as well...
2016-02-29 10:20:09 UTC
I'm so sorry for your predicament. Consider the following:

When you speak with your wife, speak with compassion, kindness, humility, mildness and patience. If you two differ too much on the subject, perhaps it makes get be better to start with what you agree on. This helps to build common ground.

In the end, it takes compromise to make a marriage work. Show love to your wife and show that you care about her feelings. This will help in open and loving communication.
2016-02-25 17:26:22 UTC
A legitimate question that should be talked about before marriage. I think the key word here is "talk". To assume anything in a marriage is a surefire recipe for disaster. You asking for these things isn't too much ask for, but maybe there is something you're not giving her that she so desperately wants.
2016-02-24 06:25:55 UTC
Not at all. Im a stay at home mom and i clean, cook and do laundry. doesnt bother me a bit. Its unfair to your bf/husband to come home to a destroyed house with no meal. I know this isnt the 50s but if u stay at home all day u have to do at least SOMETHING productive
2016-02-23 22:33:47 UTC
This would only work if the wife was a stay at housewife which more and more is not the case. If you both work fulltime you work together and take turns. Or you call each other up or text and meet for a meal or grab some take-out.
2016-02-22 15:16:39 UTC
Well you would not think so, but is there no end to a females complaining. Since a male has to put up with females to such degree, which does make a males life unbearable at times, I strongly advocate all males to not go into a relationship. Besides, in the relationship and in comparison to females, the law is against males in our society. So the best way to save being wrongly incriminated altogether, is to abstain from commitment.
2016-02-25 16:11:00 UTC
To be honest, you shouldn't have to ask. Part of a relationship is helping one another out. If I wasn't working I would do this for my man because we are partners and should want to do these things for the other one without being asked.
2016-02-22 08:29:28 UTC
The "old fashioned" roles of men and women are not as defined as they used to be. Men used to be the breadwinner and the only one in the household to work. However, there are some cases, where women today are the bread winners and men stay home and care for the house and children. It is important to find what works to the convenience of you both involved. Proverbs 15:22 says "Plans fail when there is bob consultation, but there is accomplishment through many advisers." You would not want your wife to feel subservient to you, but to feel loved and respected by you. If she feels you appreciate her contribution to the household, I'm sure she will not mind caring for your needs, as you continue to care for the needs of your family.
2016-02-25 08:07:35 UTC
Both partners should share equally in the maintenance of a household. Hpowever if one is working full time and the other has no children and no employment of any kind then it makes sense to use those same hours productivly by contributing to the home
2016-02-24 03:48:49 UTC
I work all day then I come home and take care of my sick wife. This includes doing all the shopping, cooking, and cleaning. I even make time to workout and to go mountain biking.
2016-02-23 20:38:28 UTC
Why are you asking us? We have no idea about what kind of a state your relationship is in. Woman who loves her man more than she loves herself would do everything to make his life easier, and her employment or lack of it would have no effect on that. Now, she might be depressed, upset with you, unhappy in your relationship or who knows what else. Or she just might be self-centered and lazy, but you are the one who picked her. So, some of the blame for her behavior is yours to carry. Now, in my experience, the only way relationship has a prayer for survival is when both partners stop trying to get each other to serve them. Relationship is a team, each of you is no longer a single individual with your own demands. Each of you is a team player. So, for your team to work well, each of you should do as much as you can for each other. Calculating how much more you contributed verses your girlfriend’s lack of efforts, might give you strange satisfaction. But it won’t bring you happiness, and it won’t make her do what you want, either. Talk to her, ask her how you can help her to become a better team player for success of your relationship. And talk to her with love without demands. Best of luck!
2016-02-22 11:18:07 UTC
No! it is not to much to ask your lady to do all those things.. Although if she worked just as long and hard as you then It would be a lot... Believe me I know... now if she is a stay at home wife then heck yeah she should be doing all those thing anyway without you even having to ask her...
2016-02-23 18:52:56 UTC
If she was home all day, and it wasn't her only day off it's not too much to ask. If she works 40+ hours a week working hard and enjoys her one day off it is.
2016-02-23 02:56:31 UTC
Because from young a woman have been doing all this. It gets bored.

It's just like every day going to work since young, the sound of it just sends shivers down the spine.
Wizard Fro profile is open
2016-02-21 20:34:36 UTC
No. Makes perfect sense. It's called 'division of labor'. You'd think that Marxists would be OK with that.
2016-02-22 08:34:31 UTC
It completely depends on whether you have children, does she work outside of the home, ECT. When I was married I was a stay at home mom, my kids are in school so that left me with time to do most of the house stuff, but I was still going to my husbands work to help him when he needed it, he owned his own business and sometimes needed me to run errands set things up ECT. But the one thing we almost always did together was cook dinner.
2016-02-21 18:43:06 UTC
I think if you are home you do the housework and cooking that is fair but what if you both work all day and both come home tired? Usually it's the woman doing double duty - and that is NOT fair.
2016-02-23 20:04:08 UTC
Shouldn't have to ask honestly, women should do that regardless. It's okay for the man to cook sometimes but the woman should definitely do it !
2016-02-23 13:37:57 UTC
I'm quite old fashioned , I think the man should go out to work all day and the wife should look after the house and children .
2016-02-24 05:01:06 UTC
I'm going to guess what your other answers: "Blah blah blah feminism blah blah blah not 1950's blah blah blah."

My answer: No, it isn't too much to ask. No one gets a free ride, not even your wife. If she isn't at least doing the minimums (cooking and cleaning the kitchen) then you should throw her to the curb with the rest of the (trailer) trash.
2016-02-21 23:06:32 UTC
No it's not asking for too much
2016-02-24 14:34:33 UTC
Only if she is a stay at home wife but if she works out of the house as well then it is a fifty, fifty split. Actually being the man you need to to more than your fair share !
2016-02-21 17:50:10 UTC
If my man worked all day and I didn't, I would have no problem keeping up the home. Who in their right mind would?
2016-02-21 20:00:53 UTC
If she doesn't work and is a stay-at-home mom, it is not asking too much. Recognize, too, though that while you will need time with your friends, so will she.
2016-02-22 12:41:44 UTC
No its not too much. You are doing your part and your wife should be able to keep the home tidy and have food cooking when you get home. It's the least she can do.
2016-02-23 05:49:01 UTC
I think both should work the same hours whether home or not - if spouse at home is working while other out they should both quit after dinner dishes done TOGETHER r and have a nice evening relaxing
2016-02-21 17:58:03 UTC
It's not.
2016-02-22 21:08:13 UTC
Married couples can work out whatever division of domestic chores works best for them. Incidentally, a majority of households are dual-income families where both members of a married couple work.
2016-02-21 18:06:35 UTC
Depends on your arrangement and if she's cool or not. If you're the sole earner in the relationship, and she enjoys domestic servitude, and you trust her to not poison your food, then sure, this sounds like a livable, long-term bargain.
2016-02-25 06:08:26 UTC
There cannot be any hard and fast rule . What is required is a perfect understnding between the couple . Care and share should be the criteria that should be adopted for a happy family life .
2016-02-23 17:32:36 UTC
Nope it's not too much at all. As a matter of fact if the wife isn't doing her job at home, than she needs to get a job outside of the home.
2016-02-24 15:33:52 UTC
if she has a job too then yes but if you bring all the money in then she can cook clean and do laundry yes
2016-02-22 00:58:07 UTC
No, it is not too much but you will understand the situation if you get into her shoes,turn the situation to your side. Next, both of the sides should be looked upon meaning putting yourself on the others place and looking for a mutually acceptable decision. this is how the life goes on.
2016-02-24 21:22:57 UTC
It is a given that she should be doing something constructive during the day while you work to support her.

A relationship is not a one way street
2016-02-22 23:34:26 UTC
If she works too then I would say its equal home job too but if she stays home I guess she could do a lot. If shes got a few kids though it will make it harder but you guys could come to some agreement.
2016-02-24 17:53:34 UTC
Of course, although it wouldn't hurt the man to help out from time to time. His wife is not his slave. They should both cook for instance, in my opinion.
2016-02-21 18:44:37 UTC
Absolutely she should be doing the house chores if she doesn't work. If you both work you should split the chores or take turns on certain days.
2016-02-21 17:43:16 UTC
I love how you imply that only one spouse is going to be working.

It's 2016, in case you just woke from a coma.
2016-02-22 11:44:39 UTC
When you get married woman only understand one thing what is yours is hers and what is hers is hers and if she don't feel like cooking or cleaning.Than that is the way it is.If she did not do them things before you got married what make ya think she going to doing them now.)))
2016-02-21 17:50:23 UTC
If she's not working, she really should be holding the home stuff down. Of course this implies she's not working, sick ect.
often wrong
2016-02-24 13:08:46 UTC
It shouldnt be just expected to have anything just given to you. Need to work out who's jobs are who's and stick with the plan.
2016-02-23 04:35:49 UTC
It's balanced.
2016-02-24 15:00:54 UTC
first of all is she giving you sex thats the most important part,second talk about it first you first need all the details before you make your move..get her perspective on it reasearch how many other women do housework on average in the state ect...get all the info then..decide the best my wife is up at 5am starts cleaning,gets my shirts out irons my cloths,makes my food.sand papers my unfisnhed windi house shes building in the back,...then at 7.00am i take her in the room for an anal ****.i make her bend over and force my dickk reall hard up her anusss,then after i *** in her *** im off to work
postal p
2016-02-21 17:47:07 UTC
Not if she works all day too.
2016-02-21 17:43:49 UTC
I work all day
2016-02-23 10:03:51 UTC
If she doesn't have an outside job, then yes she should be cooking, cleaning, etc.

If you both have outside jobs, you SHARE the houshold duties.
2016-02-21 23:23:18 UTC
Women want to feel useful. She might think those chores are meaningless compared to what you do therefore they're not necessary.
2016-02-22 06:37:26 UTC
Me and my husband both work 50+ a week and we split up the house chores were a team so we both put in work at our house.
2016-02-21 18:22:44 UTC
Men should keep living with their mothers because nooone is going to pet u little dog

Hahaha have fun poking urself in the backside
2016-02-22 20:28:32 UTC
if a man support the family and woman should be happy to cook and clean,,the shoe was on the other foot, though, thy expect help..
2016-02-29 00:59:43 UTC
No its not too much to ask. A wife should be happy to do these things.
2016-02-21 19:16:16 UTC
No, it's not.
2016-02-22 21:23:49 UTC
If i were in your shoes, honestly yea i would be kind of be irritated/upset in a way. also very annoyed. i'm sure if it were the opposite, like how you explained..your wife would be upset as well. if she came home to a messy house and **** all over the place, i bet she would be running her mouth.
2016-02-21 19:30:16 UTC
As long as she has not also been working all day either in paid employment or raising children.
2016-02-24 12:59:24 UTC
That's not right. Just because you work all day does not mean your wife is confined to doing the dirty work.
2016-02-23 13:50:31 UTC
If she is too ill or disabled to do housework, yes. That is a difficult situation. A maidservant or additional wife?
2016-02-22 15:24:06 UTC
Every body works, whether paid or not. It is 2016, stop living in the 50s.
2016-02-23 13:05:06 UTC
do not ask someone to clean something. that is so rude. if I was at work and someone asked me to clean up after them, and got mad that I didn't, I would tell them **** off.
2016-02-22 21:01:51 UTC
If it's only 8 hours you just lazy
get outta here howdy
2016-02-21 19:21:12 UTC
It's only fair
2016-02-23 20:07:48 UTC
The wife has to chat with her friends, so that's work too.
2016-02-22 19:04:57 UTC
I look at bras and panties and my husband put rats and mice in my bras and panties and ran out and during sex he try to put it on me then he pee on me cause I didn't cook and clean and he then took a **** and shove my fave in it and he threw me outside naked
2016-02-27 12:31:52 UTC
yes he should maybe list to do Monday thro Friday for her will help, as will you not giving her a dime and going go grocery shopping and pay it instead of give her the $ fo (groceries)give certificate for cooing lessons fore next holiday.

Nothing happens to us that we do not allow happen from our lack of action, or ur atons
2016-02-22 02:23:32 UTC
In a perfect world! Wait, do you look like George Clooney or Denzel?, Then, no, she should drink all day.
2016-02-22 18:24:51 UTC
Not too much ask. Especially if she home all day
2016-02-22 14:16:14 UTC
Nowadays women don't like playing the housewife role anymore, they hire a maid instead to do all their crap.
2016-02-25 11:13:08 UTC
2016-02-23 01:44:47 UTC
If she likes to do, she could do it. If she doesn't, you could hire someone to do your house chores. She didn't marry to become a maid. She has choice to do what she likes or not.
2016-02-23 09:30:27 UTC
Yeah I don't care if she's got 10 kids to take care, the house should be spotless. Papa bear should get a delicious hot meal & kids put to bed & she should then please her man.
2016-02-22 16:52:41 UTC
2016-02-23 01:10:28 UTC
If the woman is a housewife who loves her husband who is really busy,then she doesn't need her husband to even ask her that question.
2016-02-21 17:55:20 UTC
You shouldn't even have to ask, it should already be done. Like magic it will be between the two of you then! :)
the best that you can tell
2016-02-24 18:10:51 UTC
if she works and you work it should be both of you unless she has school then it still should be separate chores

if you work and she doesn't then yes she should do chores

but theres also whos the bread winner etc..etc
2016-02-23 13:43:47 UTC
No, it's not. And she needs to be barefoot and pregnant. Now go get my dinner.
2016-02-22 11:46:34 UTC
No but sometimes he can take a hint and clean up himself.
2016-02-24 05:51:29 UTC
yes silly. It is the woman's job to do the household chores even if she works a 40 hour/ week job
I care
2016-02-25 15:03:30 UTC
You failed to mention if babies are involved..........if she is working also? Usually when two people work they both should share the load in your household.........always............

Plus your attitude is sort of sour..........if one talks to a loved one as you are..........why would they want to do all the above? Sugar brings more than vinegar.............
2016-02-21 23:59:48 UTC
Yes. I think its too much. But still it depends on your wife.
True Blue Brit
2016-02-22 02:07:56 UTC
Certainly not, if she is at home all day long. Families should pull together.
2016-02-24 21:23:31 UTC
Equal responsibility for housework if both work.
2016-02-24 16:25:02 UTC
No she should do that with or without a man
Sandy K
2016-02-22 17:28:37 UTC
You shouldn't have to ask your wife, if she is home and not working it is her job to do this.
2016-02-23 10:53:41 UTC
Well get a housekeeper to come once a week. Your wife is not a slave.
2016-02-22 07:58:29 UTC
You can ASK anybody to do any thing ..But if you want it dunn then it is how you ask that will make you a sucess
2016-02-23 10:03:52 UTC
Well, it's whatever you both agree to.
2016-02-21 21:14:37 UTC
If my wife worked all day, id suck her dick as soon as she came home.
2016-02-21 17:42:38 UTC
Depends. What if she worked all day?
2016-02-23 05:56:17 UTC
there is no problem to this as long as she is an understanding lady
2016-02-23 03:39:49 UTC
I depends if she also works or not
2016-02-22 13:33:13 UTC
I put it this way if he has hands then he can do it his damn self. I'm not his damn maid!!
Iron Butterfly
2016-02-21 18:44:44 UTC
not if shes home all day
2016-02-21 18:30:35 UTC
Just, get along. Be nice.
2016-02-22 08:42:51 UTC
2016-02-21 23:46:13 UTC
You have a lazy wife.
2016-02-22 07:00:05 UTC
yes you should because women want to
2016-02-24 13:45:34 UTC
no it isn't make them know whose boss around the house
2016-02-26 23:03:24 UTC
Everyone should pitch in.
2016-02-23 17:36:39 UTC
that her job how would she like it if you stop going work
2016-02-23 00:59:07 UTC


Not if you two have kids, or if she also works.
2016-02-22 01:14:32 UTC
2016-02-22 20:20:39 UTC
maybe, if both parties are on board.
2016-02-23 00:58:46 UTC
yes you can
2016-02-23 18:39:00 UTC
2016-02-22 02:28:42 UTC
Kurt H
2016-02-22 21:22:45 UTC
2016-02-22 10:29:25 UTC
No it is not. I would be more then happy to do this.
2016-02-24 04:31:43 UTC
2016-02-23 08:35:02 UTC
2016-02-22 06:12:14 UTC
2016-02-22 15:55:01 UTC
2016-02-23 13:09:10 UTC
2016-02-22 14:17:33 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.