2013-09-12 07:04:47 UTC
I've been with my partner 2 years, there's 6 years difference, I'm 18 he's nearly 24, I'd say we were happy and going really smoothly, we have a beautiful 2 bedroom house (which I pay for). I'm a full time student at college and its my last year, I consider myself to have worked really hard considering I was homeless a year ago. I work nights of the weekend an I really try my best to get somewhere in life. I was brought up by my dad with my older brother, my mum was never around because of drug problems in the past, she has been on the road to recovery for a few years and we're finally creating a relationship as I never had a mum growing up which was hard. I wouldn't say I've had the easiest life, I'm sure people are a lot worse off than I am. (I have never complained of my up bringing and how hard I've had it etc, if anything I turnt out to be ok, I hope..)
My partner on the other hand has had it so easy and he doesn't see that, I don't critise his up bringing, I wish I had parents like his, he was very spoilt as a kid and more or less given everything on a plate to him which has caused his attitude towards life etc like it is now. He can never hold a job properly down and secure it, he smokes weed (I'm against drugs 100%) and I make him smoke outside as I'm a non smoker. When he can't have his own way my god he throws a paddy and spits his dummy out until he gets his own way. But when he's working and not smoking he's amazing!
Underneath the negative points of my partner I can't help but love him, he's my best friend as well as my partner, I guess you can't help who you fall for in life.
Anyway the reason to why I'm writing on yahoo is that 4 weeks ago I found I was pregnant, I was taking my pill but I was poorly in July. The day I found out I was shocked, everyone was, but I bonded straight away with my baby growing inside of me. I am 9 weeks pregnant today :)! But I have been given the ultimatum by my partner if I have a termination he'll stay and support me but if I choose to keep then he's walking away, either way he's making himself look bad? He's been so hurtful and selfish and then making out I'm being selfish because I want to keep our baby? He thinks its the easy way out? When its not :(! I hate him right now, we had a massive argument yesterday because I told him how I felt..he's not even willing to try whih hurts, we seen our baby last week and he didn't show any emotion he didn't care? I wanted him to accept it so much but he isn't coming round :(! The first part of the procedure is tomorrow, I can't face telling my family as they'll know he's making me do this and I feel guilty and ashamed, I don't believe in termination and he doesn't care how I feel? Because of what is aid yesterday he said we were finished because i pushed him to the edge? And I'm the one selfish and need to do what's right for everyone when it's not right, he said its whats beat for both of us blah blah blah...I will admit on one hand some o the things he's said I agree with but I feel I dot have a say? :(! It's breaking my heart! I shouldn't have to choose between our child and him? It's not fair, I Sao if he loved me like he says he does he wouldn't be doing this. He replied because he loves me this is why he's doing it? Don't make sense?
He doesn't get it? From a woman's point of view it's her going through a termination, it's an easy way out for him, he won't even think about what it would look like, if it was a boy or a girl, to be able to hold it etc I feel he's taking my chances away from me :'(! If I go through with this I will never know if it was a boy or girl or even to hold it :'(! I feel very hurt right now and I don't know what to do? I'm petrified going through pregnancy on my own and giving birth on my own when he should be there, I wouldn't ask for a penny off him but for him to be there emotionally as I never had 2 parents and he doesn't want to, he said he can't. He said yesterday 'I love you. I don't want to finish with you Katie, but I'm sorry I will if I have to.' What's that suppost to mean? I haven't spoken to him since that text. I feel so angry and hurt right now :(! Advice please? :(! No harsh comments either please