My wife* has disappeared for almost 2 weeks. Should I report her missing or just assume she has moved on ?
2009-07-05 15:40:25 UTC
It seemed to have started back when she found out I had found some sexy photos of hers in her closet. I had some of my friends enlarge them on the computer ( he works at Staples, so he is an expert when it comes to these things) and we examined them closely, and made some into posters.
When she heard about this she flipped out saying I had finally even out stupified myself. She would not even say goodbye to me when I left on a 4 day business trip.
Well I came back 1 day early to surprise her. What I found was a house that looked like it was burglarized. A lot of her clothes and personal belongings were missing.
The bedroom looked like a fraternity had just had a party in there. Then I noticed a bottle of Old Spice(which I would not wear even if I fell into a septic tank), matches with a picture of the Queen Of England, an Elton John CD, and used condom wrappers from the "Trojan Beginners Series".
I then remembered her mentioning something about some English guy that had a crush on her. The clues seemed to add up. I then realized the sheets smelled like deli meat, and their was a pair of panties stuffed under the pillow with "British Airways" logo on them.

Could I have finally driven her to the arms of another man? Its been two weeks. She left no note, there have been no calls from anyone looking for her, and she had just taken a new job that I honestly have no idea where it is.
Luckily, my secretary Vanessa has been a sweetie staying over to help out with the kids and things. I do not know how I could go on without her (Vanessa)..she cooks wonderfully and gives great deep tissue massages.
Sixteen answers:
2009-07-06 07:47:14 UTC
Maybe she just wanted to verify that LoriXX was still a back stabbing slu+ *****?

Hey love I am back! Sorry dear, I had just taken off for a short little adventure to clear my head from the anger when I saw my poster over the mantle in your friends apartment... I still can't understand how you could ever frame my photo in plastic with plastic glass, the travesty! So to overcome this anger I took a hike as I often do, nothing strange just me and a backpack, I thought one or two nights at the most... however I went a different direction into the woods this time and after a full days hike made camp when these three women came out of nowhere, we started talking and naturally hit it off while sharing a pipe and they invited me back to their camp. What can I say time flys when shrooms, pot, LSD and good ole beer are mixed - the trees were amazing and I found peace in the multicolored waters of the stream. I did however come home with a gift to you to show you how much I care... a squirrel tattoo on my azz with your name on his tail... because you complete me and I complete you he is even holding two nuts in his little squirrel hands with our initials on them... now you had best be able to "go on without Vanessa" cause love I am home!

Oh I almost forgot...

About the house I think that it is time to re-key... while Scoundy did stop by I was not there any only received a voice mail and those panties that you had best return to me!... I think that the hippies may have taken my wallet from me and reimbursed themselves for my indulgence in their supplies while we were in the woods, but the last weeks taught me love, so lets not worry with the house lets just make love.....
2016-03-03 10:56:20 UTC
She's working 2 jobs going to school and taking care of almost all the house work and 2 kids??!! Dude! She's burned out! I hope you're working two jobs as well and helping around the house so she doesn't have to come home (after work) and work some more! See if you can somehow alleviate the work she has to do everyday. Maybe if you got a beter paying job she wouldn't have to work 2 jobs to support the household. A month is enough time for her to do some soul-searching and if I were you, I would try asking her out on a date and see if her sister will babysit the kids so you two can spend some quality time together. There probably hasn't been much of it as she's working so much and going to school. I'm sure there is a reason she's working as hard as she is as with any family, you to have a goal you've set out to accomplish by working as much as you are. Remind her of this goal, she's probably forgotten why she's busting her a$$ for this marriage. Good luck.
2009-07-05 23:39:16 UTC
Firstly Ted, you should ignore some of the ignominious answers given here by people who have little or no knowledge of relationships other than their own simple world in which they live.

Open relationships work very well indeed for those such as yourselves who obviously have deep love for each other and yet wish to retain a certain Independence in life.

English guys are perfect gentlemen in every respect and if he is involved in this is any way it can only be of the utmost gentlemanly conduct. He would have most likely brought the panties as an offer of good will and the fact that your wife* stuffed them under the pillow is a gesture from her of polite refusal of the gift.

As she has done this before, I suggest there is nothing to worry about and she will be home soon after her adventure. In the meantime, you should accept lori xx offer to look after you in her absence. She has recently been on a bikini diet and is at the peak of her fitness and physical activity and would tend to all your needs in a more caring way than this Vanessa woman.

Hope this helps and that she will be home soon.

PS. If she does mention my name on her return, it is purely incidental as I was just passing through at the time.
2009-07-05 15:55:39 UTC
contact the police and ask them what to do. it seems possible she left on her own but you can't rule out foul play especially with kids involved. most chicks who leave their husbands rarely abandon their children. there's always the chance someone staged the scene to make it look like she left on her own. i'd file the police report just to be safe. just because some dude had a crush on her doesn't mean she returned his affection. what if that dude was a psychopath who kidnapped her, or worse?

btw, wasn't your wife home with the kids while you were away on business? why didn't you ask them what happened to their mother.
2009-07-05 15:47:06 UTC
You wasted 5 points to post this crap?

Ya, call the police and file a missing persons report. What the hell, at least pretend to play the worried spouse.
2009-07-05 15:53:37 UTC
well to keep you out of trouble you had better report her missing

because if something has happened to her then you are going to-be

the one the police are going to come after. and they are going to say

things like you knew she was missing and you didn't report it.

and then they will keep on and on and on.
2009-07-06 00:59:20 UTC
LOL Ted you've really done it this time, but Vanessa doesn't sound bad at all, maybe you should wait a while
2009-07-05 15:52:04 UTC
hmmmmmm, looks like she left for someone else.

y would u blow up her pictures into posters? and u found them in her closet, so its a habit of yours to invade her privacy?

im not sure, maybe u did drive her away to another guy...

but seems odd that out of everything u mention how shes a great cook and gives great massages?

is that what you miss?!?!

sounds odd to me!

good luck
2009-07-05 15:49:14 UTC
you should have reported her missing asap. makes you "look" guilty since you didn't. Not accusing you of anything 'cause it's not my place. But from what I have seen on the TV... well I am sure you get my point.
2009-07-05 15:54:58 UTC
Are you bored tonight. Great story, hasn't it been on Lifetime?
2009-07-05 15:51:36 UTC
well see your so lucky , how you have vanessa to take care of you and the kids... while your wife has left with her new man! well it seems like your not sad so what the heck..
Tori P
2009-07-05 16:10:49 UTC
i knew this would happen! she is all wrong for you

tell Vanessa she can leave

i'm coming right over

you poor, poor man
2009-07-05 15:50:15 UTC
this sounds like a joke. you don't sound worried or anything.
2009-07-05 15:47:04 UTC
Lame attempt at a joke.
2009-07-05 15:54:22 UTC
You suck at trawling.
2009-07-05 15:52:31 UTC
:)) funny...

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