Yes, there are faithful men out there.
I am one.
In fact, my fiance lives 1000's of miles away, and I'm waiting till marriage for sex.
And then, only with her, evermore, regardless. Even if she could'nt have sex, I would still marry her.
Love is a choice.
The feeling follows.
But why most anyone cheats, as women do also, is usually because they have had more than one marital and/or sexual partner. More than one is all it takes.
The result >>
Divided devotion.
Conflict of interests.
(>>1 Corinthians 7<<).
(Mathew 5, Ephesians 5).
Back and forth.
Never enough again.
Fear of commitment.
And porn, fantasy >>
Causes men to be mentally married to many women. As men are often mostly stimulated by sight. And is designed to only have (behold) one image only.
Anything more than one, is unfaithfulness.
And sex before and/or outside of marriage, is unfaithfulness.
If you had sex before marriage, well, that would be part of your problem.
Why do woman compromise their standards?
I know, cuz they trust, or try to.
Trust the man's word.
"If you really love me, you'd have sex with me" many say deceptively, just to "get some".
No, if they really love you, they will WAIT. If they truly accept you, regardless of... .
If they really love you, just for you.
Without the "I DO!", and being before and by God, there is no security.
And it depends on how the bloodline is/was also. What we saw our parents, etc do. And if we had healthy relationships and role models, or if we learned fear of trusting, fear of relationships failing, and/or learned how to be unfaithful.
More than one intimate/marital/sexual relationship, becomes...
never enough.
The cure?
>> Burn all the bridges.
All the ties to past devotions/relations.
All the porn, all the sensual/sexual mental images, fantasies, lustful immoral desires.
Repent, turn from it, and evermore resist.
be faithful.
To God alone.
"By faith", is the only way.
I could elaborate/illustrate so much more, but that's the basics.
If ya desire to know more, message me.
There's also a lil insight found in Genisis 3.
Something bout...
when God alone is not enough.
And there's a lil somethin bout ...
"the image".
And, about that special grin on a man's face, and gleam in his eye, upon seeing that 1 image. And only loses it when the image becomes "shared", contaminated, mixed, polluted, adulterated.
Multiplied, exaggerated, diminished, etc.
Thus... conflict.
More reading? Hehe.
>> Proverbs 5, 6 & 7.
God bless.