No fault divorce laws passed in the 60s and 70s as the result of the women's movement made it easy for people to just bug out when times got uncomfortable.
Many people attempt to walk away from problems, but problems follow them. They blame others and often the focus is on the spouse as they are generally the easiest target.
I believe divorce like abortion should be rare and only in cases of Infidelity or abuse.
Here is my take, people marry for a reason, generally it's because they "love" each other. I believe often people fail to kindle and keep alive in relationships because they lose "that feeling". Love is not a feeling, it is an action. It is doing each day what is needed. Sometimes I am really pissed at my wife, "pre-that-time-o-da-month" is generally the worst. And I know I drive her nutz as well at time. The trick is to get through those times.
We made a pact after we had some hard times several years ago that included a separation, divorce and remarriage to not ever get to that point again, so we work on it. we go on dates once a week without kids, try and talk throughout the day and make sure we connect.
The problem with divorce is generally it doesn't resolve a person's own character problems that lead to it to begin with.
There are no guarantees. But the point is to keep one foot in front of the other and keep moving.
My grandparents and parents have both celebrated 50 yrs. I know my folks don't always get along. My mom drives dad crazy at times with her activities.
Marriage is a one day at a time activity as well. in this world we live in too many people live in yesterday or live in tomorrow and p*ss on today.