If a couple is separated, living in separate homes, still love each other so neither wants a divorce, then why is the "woman" always judged and looked down on. And if the husband/guy sleeps around it's ok, he's single. My situation, he wants to see other people, and wanted a kinky s*x life (reckless meaningless s*x, 3somes, and to be a swinger) I wasn't in that life style. I love the monogamous "conventional" marriage. But the lack of attention he gives is pretty much forcing me to want to see other men. I do love him, but don't want to force him back into our marriage. That's how things ended up they way they are now; him not being totally ready So am I wrong, I need companionship and affection too. After all that's why I got married? How do I conver to his "single" but "married" life when my nature cause me to be "married" and unhappy living the "single" once a week gf life style. I have all kinds of nice guys tearing my door down to praise me, but my heart is still with my husband. And to add kids in the mix, makes it that much harder!! He is a wonderful man, other than him loving a variety of woman. I just can't phantom the idea of sharing him. and then to throw STD's in is like eewwhh.