Some things to think about before you get married...
With the divorce and family court system heavily tilted in favor of women, and with no-fault divorce - fathers are ripe for the financial picking.
The man all-too-often loses half or more of everything and is relegated to a visitor in his children's lives while being forced to pay high child support for many years to come. Mothers have the support and encouragement of the entire system to go for and get everything that they want in a divorce.
It's why women with children initiate divorce nearly 3/4 of the time in the U.S. It's why the divorce rate is hovering somewhere around the 50% rate. It's why women are awarded primary custody of the children more than 80% of the time.
The states get financial kickbacks from the federal government for child support collections, which is why the man most often is relegated to visitor status and made to pay CS through the state's enforcement division.
Follow the money and realize the great financial incentives which exist in the billion-dollar divorce industry (yes, it is an industry) and while the overwhelming majority of losers are fathers (and children).
No man in his right mind today should get married and have children. When you understand the depth of the fraud and corruption, you will see just how under siege fathers and families are in this country. Men and fathers really need to wake up and take meaningful action... young and old alike, and the women who love them, too. This is a societal issue that doesn't get the extreme attention it deserves.
I suggest that before you get married, you invest in and read the book by Dr. Stephen Baskerville called "Taken Into Custody." If you want to get married in this country after reading that, more power to you.