What to do about my super liberal husband?
2017-06-07 19:53:53 UTC
I am an avid Trump supporter who is married to a radical left-learning liberal husband. Not only did he vote for Obama twice, but he also voted for Bernie Sanders during the Presidential Primaries. He didn't cast a vote in the 2016 presidential election due to his opposition to both presidential candidates.

I don't have a problem with him being a far leftist. It is how extremist and elitist political views that conflict with our marriage. He goes on and on about how global warming is problematic and how increased production of carbon dioxide through the burning of fossil fuels is the driving force for global warming.

He has a Ph.D in Physical Therapy, which makes total sense because he probably experienced years and years of liberal indoctrination by his professors. I know this because I have an undergraduate degree and often found myself being an outcast when I would engage in political discussions with my professors.

Worse, he also supports hate groups such as BLM and PETA. Before I get answers like "you should have discussed this before marriage," please know that he was a fairly moderate liberal at the beginning of our marriage. Now he's turned into an SJW and posts about of anti-Trump nonsense on Facebook.

What should I do about my husband?
274 answers:
2017-06-10 20:36:05 UTC
Ask James Carville & Mary Matalin. One is republican & the other is liberal.
2017-06-10 20:17:19 UTC
He's not wrong about global warming and climate change. I feel bad that he married a republican. Of course I'm not exactly an SJW and I view BLM as a terrorist group but still.
2017-06-10 12:39:17 UTC
Wow, he's a very educated man; what you can do is learn from him! And feel lucky he chose you in spite of your ridiculous political views.
Warren T
2017-06-10 04:29:09 UTC
2017-06-09 22:21:44 UTC
Consider your marriage as its own microcosm of government. It can work great with cheques and balances. Opposites sometimes do attract.

Or it can be a divided house where each other is too proud to compromise and it will fall.

Sort of like the choice we seem to be facing now in America. Fight together to hold on to our Democracy, or let an outside foreign influence destroy us from within.
Ruby Wilson
2017-06-09 22:11:36 UTC
How is physical therapy liberal? I really hope that conservatives don't actually think that. Also, how is BLM and PETA hate groups? One is simply stating that black people aren't disposable and the other is about protecting animals. I don't like how they shut down Ringling Bros, but other than that, they're not a hate group.
2017-06-09 05:03:54 UTC
Er pumping 40 billion yes, BILLION tons of co2 into the atmosphere every year for 50 years is going to have no effect. It's like a volcano erupting every 2.5 seconds. That would be a sight.... If there were volcano's erupting that fast all over the earth continuously would that change your perspective? LOL people would be running around saying it's the end of the world! So just agree it's a lot, but lets wait and see if we can get some beachfront property in greenland.
2017-06-08 09:14:55 UTC
A word of advice! Your vote is your vote, and that goes for your husband as well. My first husband myself and were young, when we married. I remember going to the polling station one day. Before we went in, hubby told me that 'we' were going to vote for 'xxx'. I had every intention of voting for that person, but I said to him, 'It's my vote, not ours.'
2017-06-08 06:21:37 UTC
It comes as a surprise to me, pollitical inclinations can cause marital troubles. I don't have anything to say, you should leave him with his opinions and you can have your own opinion as long as your married life is not affected.
2017-06-08 02:25:00 UTC
Don't let politics interfere with a marriage. If you love him for everything else then who cares? He's one out of 325 million people in this country.

PS I do agree with him in the climate issue though. You should be more open minded to his opinion too!
2017-06-14 07:15:52 UTC
File for divorce. I'm serious.
2017-06-13 08:20:23 UTC
live and learn....
2017-06-12 08:16:36 UTC

It's only a problem when dealing with ACTUAL spouse's in REAL life.
2017-06-11 18:59:26 UTC
Let him have his kool-aid.

My husband is super liberal and I'm a conservative. Neither of us tries to sway the other.
2017-06-11 10:41:25 UTC
2017-06-10 18:58:05 UTC
in your case you need to get him to read and/or watch things that prove your case without it being labelled, when he finally sees the truth he will change, there are people with very determined viewpoints that can see the light and change
2017-06-10 09:25:43 UTC
First, Im a Black Trump supporter and Black Lives Matter is not a hate group. They areva frustrated new generation that is tired of corrupt police and lack of justice even though i denounce what some have done in the name of Black lives matter. Both liberals and conservatives have some ridiculous views which are only coming to light because of Trump. But first you need to examine some of the ridiculous things you believe and offer them as a peace offering and then tell him he needs to do the same with some of the ridiculous liberal ideas like supporting illegal immigration etc., and make him realize his ridicuous ideas and find common ground but once you abandon your extreme conservative views he needs to respect your views and you need to respect his but do not abandon your reasonable views.
Donnie Doom
2017-06-09 20:57:51 UTC
Dig a hole in your back yard and bury him.
2017-06-09 17:48:02 UTC
Divorce him posthaste.
2017-06-09 16:31:26 UTC
Sounds phoney to me - fake news. You and Trump deserve each other.
Buddy Rich24
2017-06-09 05:11:51 UTC
You should probably put aside politics for the both of you and focus on why you loved him when you met him, I mean, people should probably respect others despite how they think stuff should be run and you're super guilty of that because you're asking random *** strangers online on what to do about your husband. Here's what you should have done first, stop letting petty little things like this leave your life and focus on each other maybe???
2017-06-08 21:28:20 UTC
You can't change who someone is, find someone else if the differences are incompatible to you.
Kontrolling Karen
2017-06-08 18:48:01 UTC
Divorce him, he deserves an intelligent wife.
Hoekom Jy My Haat
2017-06-08 15:47:11 UTC
Trade him in for a newer model.
2017-06-08 14:06:05 UTC
He should be able to vote for whoever he wants. Same for you. I would suggest letting this slip because overall, you two are married. Also he sounds like a great guy... :)
2017-06-08 12:39:44 UTC
Why do you put so much effort and details into a phony story? LOL
2017-06-08 08:52:02 UTC
Facts have a liberal bias, don't they? It's really awkward for an American "conservative" to have to exist in the real world instead of some dimension where the Trump gang is competent, honest and not an international joke.

You might try listening to him instead of the raving ranters and deliberate liars on the right wing.
Desert Runner
2017-06-08 04:11:36 UTC
Put a Ouija Board under his bed and see if that helps. His mind is warped.
2017-06-07 22:41:50 UTC
He doesn't seem to have a problem with you, so why do you have a problem with him?
2017-06-07 20:16:25 UTC
Call him a brainwashed libtard that should learn from his smart wife. His professors probably brainwashed him during his schooling. A lot of professors are super liberal.
2017-06-13 16:23:23 UTC
You fell in love with him for some reason knowing his political views. Stay away from politics. There is more to marriage than that. Agree to disagree. It means nothing. Sheeeeeeeeeesh!
2017-06-11 01:02:13 UTC
I donno, but sounds like you are royally screwed. Looks like your marriage is headed for divorce. Sometimes love can't cure all. Sometimes peoples true colors come out years and years later from the initial meeting. Sorry to hear it, but sounds like there is little happiness for you in this relationship/marriage. Be good, pray about it and leave it up to God how this should be handled.
2017-06-10 19:33:34 UTC
Bring home a hung Black man and make him watch then pay to see you have a good time
2017-06-09 23:00:17 UTC
Wow ur a **** he doesnt deserve you
Tad Dubious
2017-06-09 19:57:58 UTC
Hold off on the sugar, Hannah, if you know what I mean.
I am me
2017-06-09 17:18:21 UTC
You need to get a life. Preferably one with a husband you love more than politics. Your husband is right and you are stupid. There's a reason that liberals are more educated.
2017-06-09 15:31:48 UTC
The whole purpose of marriage is to provide income for divorce lawyers. Do your duty and suck up to those lawyers.
2017-06-09 13:31:27 UTC
Find a right leaning candidate for him that represents all the people not just the extremely rich and one that will continue to support the Paris Climate Accord and protect the Earth's atmosphere.
2017-06-09 11:47:29 UTC
If all he does is piss u off politically. Move on. Be glad he is not waving

a rainbow flag behind your back and boinking binky. He is not beating

you. Apparently he provides something to the relationship besides

his bad taste in ideology. So consider yourself fortunate. And when

he gets on a political tirade. Put some shooting plugs in your ears.
2017-06-09 06:18:13 UTC
Do you swallow?
2017-06-08 20:53:06 UTC
Realize that you are stupid and that he can do better. If you ever loved him, let him go. Imagine if you are feeling this way how he feels being married to an idiot.
Common Sense
2017-06-08 18:16:50 UTC
Tell him he needs to go outside and live in a tent and walk to work so he does not add to the pollution he feels causes global warming. As long as he lives in a house, uses electricity and fossil fuels, he is his own worst enemy.

There is nothing you can to to one who is so brainwashed that they live their lives with irrational thinking. And, I am not saying I agree or disagree with his views because that is not the issue here. The issue here is that he is an extremist who's views are causing you, his wife, distress. This is effecting your marriage and it probably has pushed a lot of your friends away, too.

He is not going to change, nope, he won't. So, you have two choices. Accept him for who he is or leave him.

Pick one.
2017-06-08 16:57:05 UTC
All you can do is very carefully debate on the issues. Better yet, you FIRST must find if, and then that, you both DO love each other for real and dont just WANT each other! IF THAT BE TRUE, then you can BOTH agree to disagree in politics. Especially since your marriage should be above that and many other things, except for God. Other wise, he's gon'na go "What should I do about my ultra-conservative wife"?! Ooooohh I don't think we want that too soon now do we? Marriage first, (as long as you have a real one).
2017-06-08 12:53:21 UTC
Move to N. Korea
2017-06-08 11:26:53 UTC
I think you are the insane one if you think he is a far left extremist because he is worried about climate change and doesn't like trump. You seem a tad extremist, this immense hate for liberals is just crazy.
2017-06-08 10:27:53 UTC
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions in life.

I'm sure that he too is also trying to get some sense into you regarding how stupid trump is
2017-06-08 09:06:03 UTC
Make him listen to conservative radio. Do research and prove to him that he has illogical thinking.
2017-06-08 07:02:48 UTC

You can't do nothing , there is confusing situation, liberals is not supposed to be the same as leftists.

But ,

communist, leftist, socialist, agnostic, atheism, a broad range of organizations to choose and end up in terrorist group.

all this people are enemies of the state.

It is a huge mistake to get involved with them, they only looking for one thing : the power and control, dictatorship.

Once, in the power they go and start killing ,first the political enemies, second the people pretending to be " friend of the revolution" those that help to be in the power. Will be killed too ,not time for politics.

In a already taken country there will be no freedom of nothing no news,not free TV , not return ..and everyone is worry for the food

everybody is and slave and all started with Your kids ,America.

check the news from Venezuela ,they are already slaves.

And probably the next is Mexico.(
2017-06-08 01:26:21 UTC
Tar and Feather.
2017-06-07 20:24:34 UTC
Try getting with a marriage counselor. Maybe you and the counselor can encourage him to keep politics out of the marriage.
2017-06-11 20:27:20 UTC
I would leave him and find a nice elderly white man in a trailer park who agrees with all my opinions. Because having differing political opinions from your spouse is a horrific affront to God. If you don't leave him both of you will burn and eternally argue over politics.
2017-06-10 11:20:38 UTC
Cut him up into little pieces and flush him down the toilet .
2017-06-10 02:48:29 UTC
Never talk about politics
2017-06-10 01:23:31 UTC
Marriage is about more than political views, although there's a little paradigm split here. Still, that shouldn't be too hard to overcome. You can avoid conversations around politics, or keep them short. You can engage in conversation and learn to listen, keeping your judgements to yourself. Sometimes that's difficult, but what would it benefit you to argue about it? I voted for Trump hoping that he'd be the real deal, and while I think all the media circus about him is a liberal farce, I wonder if this whole thing is a scam. I mean, do our votes really count, or is all the world a stage and presidents are merely players? It isn't as important as what's going on around you, because that you know is real; you know the people in your life and what's going on with them. If you think you need to talk any sense into anyone, including your husband, present your arguments like you would to anyone else. You don't have to 100% match each other on things. If you two agree how to pay your bills, spend your money, raise your children (or have children), etc then nothing else really matters
2017-06-09 23:25:35 UTC
Tell him to prove his reasoning for political and environmental view or shut do not want to hear it.

If the guy supports hate groups like BLM or PETA.....he puts your marriage and both your lives at risk.... that is if ether of you are white or eat meat, wear animal products as clothing including leather belts shoes or fur of ANY kind.

Good Luck.

Have a nice day.
2017-06-09 22:37:09 UTC
You need to have coffee and laugh with a guy who understands you and knows what you want.
2017-06-09 17:42:17 UTC
You should never have gotten married in the first place. You don't share the same values. Also, he deserves better than a racist piece of trash like you.
2017-06-09 16:07:17 UTC
Have him listen to a Merle Haggard album, change the oil on his car, read the Manosphere (Rollo, Roosh, Quintus, etc) and then he'll become an enlightened alternative conservative and look back and cringe at his former weak, liberal, pozzed self.
2017-06-09 15:45:00 UTC
Don't let politics ruin your marriage. If you love him than you love him. His political views should just be a side thing
2017-06-09 05:38:47 UTC
Educate him
2017-06-09 05:36:07 UTC
Remember what it was that got you together!
2017-06-09 04:39:02 UTC
2017-06-09 03:30:13 UTC
Nothing. Don't try to make him believe what you believe. If it's really a big deal maybe you should find someone else? If you really love him his political opinions won't matter.
2017-06-09 01:25:40 UTC
your husband is a saint for putting up with you.

he is going straight to heaven someday,

if there is one..
2017-06-08 23:35:38 UTC
Politics are useless there's just stupid fights.
2017-06-08 20:42:16 UTC
He should leave you. He deserves better
2017-06-08 13:49:18 UTC
It may seem like a big problem now, but I assure you a lot of people who become extreme SJWs usually get bored of it within a year or so, so it's best to just wait it out rather than have a huge fight out of it. If he does keep it up, it's best to just ask him to keep his political views out of the house.
2017-06-08 05:47:27 UTC
Obvious troll
2017-06-08 04:37:23 UTC
support his views
2017-06-08 01:55:34 UTC
Complain on Yahoo Answers.
2017-06-12 14:16:20 UTC
I tend to agree with your views more than your husbands.However,its a free country and hes entitled to his beliefs-no matter how foolish they may be.
2017-06-12 12:33:33 UTC
I pity the morons who think this is real
2017-06-10 23:42:33 UTC
One positive fact is your report that he voted for Sanders over Madame Secretary. Kind of think that most adult Sanders voters were filing a statement against Clinton.
2017-06-10 19:47:07 UTC
1.You could kill him.

2.You could divorce him.

3.You could divorce him and then kill him.

4.You could kill yourself.

5.You could kill him and then kill yourself.

*6.You could spend hours and hours-a-day on Yahoo! Answers: that would really drive him crazy.
2017-06-10 15:23:02 UTC
Buy (and wear) animal fur lingerie. The two extremely opposite emotions will fry his mind and you can rewire him.
2017-06-10 02:51:28 UTC
You could try to grow a brain, but that's probably not gonna happen. For the record, he's the smart one, you're the dumb *****
2017-06-09 22:31:12 UTC
If you love each other, does it matter?
2017-06-09 07:43:37 UTC
2017-06-09 04:28:15 UTC
I'm sorry, but you are extremely misguided. Black Lives Matter is not a hate group, and global warming + climate change are definitely problems today! I believe you are the problem. It's very obvious that you're quite ignorant when it comes to all the things you oppose, so please keep an open mind and actually look at credible sources.
2017-06-09 01:37:05 UTC
Agree to disagree with each other. Agree to not argue or debate politics or social issues and to keep your opinions to yourself.
david a
2017-06-09 01:24:50 UTC
If he is a cultist who will indoctrinate your kids and waterboard you, run as fast as you can. Just be advised that a cultist for Trump is just as likely to indoctrinate your kids and waterboard you. Just how much of an extremist is he. I was called an extremist because a conservative was complaining about diesel fumes, and I said "You should go live in Calcutta, they have no regulations about diesel, in fact, they encourage it." He said I was "Hard Core" and "Ripping on him" because I said he should go where the Republican line on environment is law.
2017-06-09 01:11:40 UTC
You shouldn't let politics come between your marriage if you really love each other.
2017-06-08 23:43:59 UTC
Divorce him he is a beta
2017-06-08 22:39:51 UTC
Leave him, get a divorce and this will free him up to marry an intelligent woman.
2017-06-08 17:06:55 UTC
Nothing. Don't talk politics to each other. Also, turn the TV off. That fuels debates because of their false news which is really entertainment commentary.
2017-06-08 13:38:32 UTC
yay for fake posts.
Mr X
2017-06-08 11:53:58 UTC
He doesn't seem to have a problem with you, so why do you have a problem with him?
2017-06-08 02:38:37 UTC
Divorce him so he can find someone as good as him
2017-06-07 22:15:27 UTC
Try to keep politics out of your marriage at any cost
2017-06-07 20:06:25 UTC
Many homosexual men lean very conservative, your "husband" seems to accept your conservativism, maybe you should accept his liberalness. Stop being a drama "queen" about it
2017-06-11 10:43:56 UTC
Quite possibly...Who knows
2017-06-10 16:14:23 UTC
2017-06-10 07:57:34 UTC
See young girls this is an example of stupid women, they get into relationships before understanding who they marry.
2017-06-10 02:32:59 UTC
leave it
2017-06-09 23:50:44 UTC
If you are a Trump supporter you are a bigot, a racist, a fascist, a liar and of low intelligence. Smarten up. Why is your husband still with you?
2017-06-09 23:23:19 UTC
I am surprised he married you at all. Most liberal men don't want weak women.
2017-06-09 19:04:08 UTC
Yall are still arguing about this sh!t huh
2017-06-09 10:14:36 UTC
2017-06-09 05:58:27 UTC
Why did you fall in love with him? Was it because he fell into your ideals? If not then the question gets more problematic. Why did you fall in love. Do you still love him. Can you handle the fact that he might have a change of opinion or that he can change at all? Is he being honest about how he feels on this stuff even if it might result in you rejecting him? Does he care enough about you to expose himself to potential rejection from you? Do you still love him? Does he still love you? Can you deal with a difference of opinion on this one issue? Are you capable of loving him if you might need to sit down and talk with him? Can you disagree with him yet still respect him? Are you ready to throw your life with him away? This is what you need to ask yourself. I do not care what you believe but you should. You should be very careful on how you think about people who do not fit into your belief mold. You have a lot you are putting on the line. Think Hard.
2017-06-08 20:45:33 UTC
Politics have nothing to do with marriage. As long as you have trust communication and love forget the stupid things like politics
It's All About Tyler
2017-06-08 16:51:24 UTC
Sounds like your husband needs another wife.
2017-06-08 16:18:05 UTC
I suggest you may look at trumps acts. Trying to raise taxes..... good right? Trashes the environment.... it's not like the 2nd biggest pollutor in the world has to care about climate change right? And banning moslims for no reason
2017-06-08 15:25:36 UTC
I hope you are not going to dump your husband because you fell head over heels for a treasonous A hole. But then again, people do dumb things all the time.
2017-06-08 14:44:10 UTC
Well, if you don't know how to relate to your husband & ask on an anonymous site such as this for advice, where there are no experts then the full problem is with you, not him. I hope this helps.
2017-06-08 12:11:53 UTC
It's hard to talk about anything with him, isn't it? Let's say you leave on Saturday morning for a road trip, but 50 miles out if town there is road construction that is stalling traffic for an hour or two. While you're stuck there, you say it's because the government is incompetent. He says it's because the Republicans don't fund infrastructure projects adequately. The argument becomes heated and the fun trip is ruined. What can you do? I don't know. The weird thing is that the Conservatives know what the Liberals will say. And the Liberals know what the Conservatives will say. Neither side is ever "educated" by the other. Maybe you could play a game sometimes where you state his side of the argument and he states your side of the argument. This would prove how silly it all is. If you don't do something to get out of the box, you will eventually have nothing to talk about. That's not good.
2017-06-08 05:33:35 UTC
Lol, the people who took this post seriously are hilarious.
2017-06-08 01:44:28 UTC
easy, you become super liberal
2017-06-08 00:01:30 UTC
you have to work out what to families is a political deal breaker,

it happens,, all required to cause a break is take your pick of any issue,democrats will callya names. they advise you to bust it up because you are a trumper

no matter the education,most in that field have long ago,ceased to listen to the opposition THINKING, seldom/never exchange views with non democrats

it is your call,see who is the more tolerant,you shut up button it,don;t say what you think,hub concludes you are still a trumper,finds that intolerable.

throws a fit,,nuts
2017-06-07 22:15:10 UTC
Tell him over and over again he is smarter then to be a liberal. Hope he doesn't call you a deplorable racist.
2017-06-07 20:04:35 UTC
Why would you need to do anything about it? Vive la difference.
2017-06-13 23:39:36 UTC
There probably has been many divorces over this last election (for real). If you don't want to get a divorce, then you both need to sit down and have a strict rule of NEVER EVER discussing anything political. If one starts, then simply walk out of the room or out of the house.

If this doesn't work, you may need to part ways and divorce. Thankfully hubby and I both are on the same side in the political arena :)
2017-06-13 11:22:24 UTC
2017-06-12 13:08:29 UTC
perhaps you shouldn't read his facebook posts and perhaps you shouldnt talk politics with him... also i agree that you should have talked about this before you married him - im not sure i could be with someone who thought so differently from me
2017-06-12 03:31:24 UTC
I am a guy and I can relate. I'm a Libertarian, but my girlfriend of 15+ years is an extreme Liberal. It was never a problem in the past. I mean sure she would gripe a lot, and we would disagree pretty often, but generally we would have good debates - but nowadays I can't even discuss politics with her without her absolutely flipping out and potentially attacking me. We ended up breaking up and I absolutely will NOT date another Liberal woman.

That said, I think something has changed. I mostly blame the media. The political divide is worse than ever. I live and work in a very Liberal place and I can only express my views in secret with Republicans and Libertarians. We Conservative types need to watch out for each other. Liberals have lost their minds. It's like they're all consuming the same news media (which is biased and "fake news") and they cite it like it's gospel.
2017-06-11 11:13:57 UTC
Did you not know this before marriage?
2017-06-10 15:05:01 UTC
You should divorce him and find someone equally as stupid as yourself for a relationship. Also he deserves to be married to someone with intelligence like himself. Also you should get your tubes tied so you don't procreate and pass on any hereditary conditions you might have.
Chloe Hunt
2017-06-10 14:14:11 UTC
Be proud of him! There's a lot of ignorance in this world, people who vote without any recognition of the issues at all. I would be ECSTATIC that he has strong political views. Maybe you can learn from him.

If that isn't your ideal option (ha), be respectful. You two must've bonded over something else beforehand, so try and bond over different things and refrain from politics. Or try and have educated discussions
2017-06-10 11:13:07 UTC
Look, this is something that's obviously bothering you, and you're obviously really struggling with what to do, so I'll give you the best advice I can:

1. Evaluate your personalities. A lot of people will tell you that if he's a good person - kind and caring - then you'll be able to overcome your differences, but that's not necessarily the case. Our political ideologies are an expression of ourselves and are often something we are deeply passionate about - they are formed from our own deeply set ethical and moral views. If you disagree with his views to the extent it's overshadowing any other qualities, maybe he's not the right man for you. Remember that people change and your perceptions of them do too - the man you fell in love with may be a different to the one you're now married to. At the same time, remind yourself why you care for him - does he still have those qualities? Can you still appreciate them?

2. Communicate and compromise. If you do truly love him and want your marriage to work out, you need to tell him how you feel and try to see things from his point of view. There's no point suffering in silence - try to work together to fix your marriage and form a relationship in which you can both express and have your own views without frustrating the other.

3. If necessary, end the marriage. Divorce seems very extreme, but if after trying to work it out as a couple you are still unhappy, you may need to consider ending the marriage. It will be long, painful and complicated, but you both deserve partners that make you happy. If him being himself is making you miserable, then it's not worth years of pain.
2017-06-09 22:26:09 UTC
I'd divorce him and get with somebody with similar political views
2017-06-09 21:47:23 UTC
Why did you marry a










2017-06-09 08:54:02 UTC
Chop his cock and nuts off as he sleeps
2017-06-09 04:03:35 UTC
2017-06-09 00:45:41 UTC
You married him so for the rest of your marriage you'll just have to grin and bare it! That's his stand! Just vote for the one you like, and let him pick his! Chris
2017-06-08 19:44:52 UTC
No kids....LEAVE NOW!
2017-06-08 18:40:15 UTC
You should probably dump him for a normal Trump voter who plucks pubes out of urinals for a living and hates black people.
2017-06-08 13:53:06 UTC
Some ppl can't be intellectually honest.Time will tell.
2017-06-08 00:52:19 UTC
Women that support Trump scare me, it's not the women, it's the fact that Donald Trump is a really good salesman.

Say what you want but the man can sell anything to almost anyone.
2017-06-08 00:00:17 UTC
Keep vices like politics out of your married life with him and pursue more objectives with your husband that are compatible with your affinities.
2017-06-07 21:35:38 UTC
Let him do what he wants ... the fact that u support final trump is the real problem .... open ur eyes
2017-06-07 20:25:34 UTC
Here is an answer for you. Some fools will ask you for the peer comparisons but that is not valid. These are historical quotes made by people who have been proven wrong historically. They used their credentials to falsify facts or they didn't really know the facts and are the same caliber as alarmists today.

In 1970 when Earth Day was conceived, the late George Wald, a Nobel laureate biology professor at Harvard University, predicted, “Civilization will end within 15 to 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”

Also in 1970, Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford University biologist and best-selling author of “The Population Bomb,” declared the world’s population would soon outstrip food supplies.

In a article for The Progressive, he predicted that “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people will be starving to death within the next 10 years.” He gave this warning in 1969 to Britain's Institute Of Biology: “If I were a gambler I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000.” On the first Earth Day, Ehrlich warned, “In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct.” Ehrlich has won no fewer than 16 prestigious.

In International Wildlife (July 1975), Nigel Calder warned, “The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside of nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind.”

In Science News (1975), C.C. Wallen of the World Meteorology Organization is reported as saying, “the cooling since 1940 has been large enough and consistent enough that it will not soon be reversed.”

In 1970 ecologist Kenneth Watt told a Swarthmore College audience: The world has been chilling sharply for about 20 years. If present conditions continue, the world will be 4 degrees colder for the mean temperature in 1990 but 11 degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.

Also in 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson, D-Wis., wrote in Look magazine: “Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, Secretary of the Smithsonian (Institution), believes that in 25 years, somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all of the species of living animals will be extinct.”

Hoodwinking Americans is part of th environmental agenda. Environmental activist Stephen Schneider told Discover Magazine in 1989: We have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. … Each of us has to decide what the right balance is of being effective and being honest.

In 1998 then Senator Timothy Worth, D-Col., said “We’ve got to … try to ride the global warming issue. Even if it theory of global warming is wrong … we will be doing the right thing anyway in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

Americans have paid a steep price for buying into environmental deception and lies.

In 1970 when Earth Day was conceived, the late George Wald, a Nobel laureate biology professor at Harvard University, predicted, “Civilization will end within 15 to 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”

Also in 1970, Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford University biologist and best-selling author of “The Population Bomb,” declared the world’s population would soon outstrip food supplies.

In a article for The Progressive, he predicted that “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people will be starving to death within the next 10 years.” He gave this warning in 1969 to Britain's Institute Of Biology: “If I were a gambler I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000.” On the first Earth Day, Ehrlich warned, “In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct.” Ehrlich has won no fewer than 16 prestigious.

In International Wildlife (July 1975), Nigel Calder warned, “The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside of nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind.”

In Science News (1975), C.C. Wallen of the World Meteorology Organization is reported as saying, “the cooling since 1940 has been large enough and consistent enough that it will not soon be reversed.”

In 1970 ecologist Kenneth Watt told a Swarthmore College audience: The world has been chilling sharply for about 20 years. If present conditions continue, the world will be 4 degrees colder for the mean temperature in 1990 but 11 degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.

Also in 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson, D-Wis., wrote in Look magazine: “Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, Secretary of the Smithsonian (Institution), believes that in 25 years, somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all of the species of living animals will be extinct.”

Hoodwinking Americans is part of th environmental agenda. Environmental activist Stephen Schneider told Discover Magazine in 1989: We have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. … Each of us has to decide what the right balance is of being effective and being honest.

In 1998 then Senator Timothy Worth, D-Col., said “We’ve got to … try to ride the global warming issue. Even if it theory of global warming is wrong … we will be doing the right thing anyway in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

Americans have paid a steep price for buying into environmental deception and lies.
2017-06-10 02:44:34 UTC
Say goodbuy
2017-06-10 02:41:24 UTC
2017-06-09 22:21:20 UTC
you obviously​ don't love him otherwise you would respect him and his obviously greater intelligence.
2017-06-09 19:17:33 UTC
If you don't love him anymore, then leave him but if you still love him, talk to him about this and not with us. You will find a solution together by talking slowly and softly. You should be both open-minded ​and patient. You should both listen to each other.

Don't spoil your marriage because of politics, really...

Sorry for my mistakes I'm French
jeffrey f
2017-06-09 19:02:49 UTC
You should accept him as he is.
Will Powers
2017-06-09 03:13:03 UTC
Do you know how I know your husband is gay?
2017-06-08 22:46:53 UTC
Nothing can be done.
2017-06-08 20:29:37 UTC
Dear Trump supporter,

Your husband is right. He deserves a smarter wife.


The British Liberal
2017-06-08 19:50:44 UTC
The matrimony sometimes is a cause of the worst mistake in your life: .....
2017-06-08 14:59:54 UTC
Climate deniers are not only an embarrassment to the United States but all of humanity. Americans are sure working hard to maintain their reputation as the dumbest people on earth.
Minister of Truth
2017-06-08 13:26:12 UTC
news flash,

2017-06-08 07:56:31 UTC
How about you try to see his point of view without hating on him? Considering how he has the education to back his claims.. when you go to college you take courses that teaches you FACTS about politics and global warming etc. It really sounds like you just want to be hateful instead of listening to him and researching the things you disagree on. Married couples will disagree some, but it sounds like you are giving him no respect at all. Try having an open mind and maybe you will find some common ground when it comes to politics. Most people want the same results, they just go different ways to get there.
2017-06-08 03:21:20 UTC
does he trust you to cook for him? probably not. cook for him once. He'll divorce your smelly ***
2017-06-08 00:21:33 UTC
Seriously, we all know you are a troll.
2017-06-07 23:53:32 UTC
I can't imagine there's much anyone can do to save your marriage if you are going to be this condescending to him for caring about black lives and our planet. Did you ever consider why he might be passionate about BLM or global warming? Maybe get you news from someplace other than infowars stay away from the ad hominen. Also, having a Phd doesn'take him an elitist it means he worked hard so stop undercutting his achievements
2017-06-07 22:06:03 UTC
Divorce him
2017-06-07 22:02:54 UTC
Turn on Fox news for real news . All the other networks are rabid and either hide news ,slant or lie .
2017-06-07 21:53:48 UTC
avoid political discussions with him.

that's really all you can do if you want peace in your marriage.

don't expect to change him.
2017-06-07 21:50:44 UTC
Make a pact NEVER to discuss politics , if you love each other that should not be a problem..
2017-06-07 20:56:35 UTC
Sounds to me you are lucky as anyone with an average or higher intelligence can see that Trump is a President for the rich and does not care about the average person. Anyone who thinks that Trump is helping the country, except as a way to make himself richer, is in serious need of professional help. At least having a husband who can see him for what he is means that you have a partner who is smart enough to guide you through the Trump years.

To date Trump has reduced, or plans on reducing, services to the poor, the elderly, women, and children. He plans on increasing the deficit far beyond anything Obama did with probably less results in the areas of employment or economic growth except in those areas that pollute the environment causing increased health issues that people will no longer, under his health bill, have coverage for. he will reduce unemployment but the method behind this is one commonly used in third world dictatorships, not a modern, advanced country.
2017-06-11 20:35:07 UTC
I keep politics out of my house. me and my dad might talk about it but thats about it.
2017-06-11 12:51:06 UTC
You both sound as though there should be some rules of engagement whenever you both interact with one another. However, for a woman to have such faith in such a sexist misogynistic thinking a**hole, maybe you need to rethink why you both cannot agree as it might have nothing to do with politics and more to do with two enormously ego's that cannot accept or back down because, I'm right and your wrong mentality.
2017-06-11 00:52:36 UTC
blow him
2017-06-10 16:40:49 UTC
tell him to volunteer, in an inner city school tutoring under served minority kids
2017-06-10 12:10:37 UTC
That his beliefs
2017-06-10 06:51:51 UTC
If you love him for everything else then who cares?
2017-06-10 04:06:12 UTC
Sieg Heil Trump!

He shall have you hanged by the balls for this BS!
2017-06-10 00:51:38 UTC
Who cares? At then end of the day it doesn't whos political bed you lay in, given half a chance they'll all screw you.
2017-06-09 16:02:48 UTC
Just try to avoid talking about politics.
2017-06-09 06:41:32 UTC
Do what the liberal feminists are doing, divorce him. lol
Full Metal Jackson
2017-06-09 00:47:15 UTC
If you want to bring him closer to you politically, or just make it so conversations about politics can be civil, then I suggest trying to get the both of you to listen to someone like Dave Rubin.
2017-06-08 13:52:53 UTC
Your husband thinks you are an ultra right wing fascist and has already drawn up divorce papers, which should come as a great relief to you. But a word of warning, you are not going to get any of his money or possessions after the divorce.
2017-06-08 11:34:50 UTC
personally I would not enjoy your situation. But I would suggest the same as in at relationship where people don't see eye to eye on certain things. Avoid bring up politics and when he does just politely and calming say it's clear we don't agree on these topics and when discussed neither of us are happy. I would much rather have a conversation with you on the things we both enjoy. and leave it at that.
2017-06-08 11:20:55 UTC
2017-06-08 11:19:55 UTC
He's entitled to his opinion, stop this bullshit childish nonsense of yours, and he's right about the questions.
2017-06-08 09:03:42 UTC
Let time deal with him, he'll soon let it go as soon this country becomes prosperous.
2017-06-08 06:02:15 UTC
Have you tried talking to him? Communicating your issues with his beliefs and behavior and trying to come to a compromise? Does he even know how you feel?
2017-06-08 05:18:43 UTC
Put Trump on a petistle. Fight fire with fire. He might realize how annoying it is if you do the same thing. Either that or threaten divorce if he doesn't lighten up. I do know how you feel. I'm have black have white and I voted for Trump. Finding a girlfriend is especially difficult because I'm attracted to white girls. So how do I find a white girl who is open minded enough to date a mixed person and isn't a liberal? I do hope you're happy with your husband. I don't think I could live with someone who has views so different from my own. Good luck to you.
2017-06-08 04:55:40 UTC
Liberal left thinking is squarely based upon the teachings of Jesus and not upon Capitalism, a system which denies the poor even a basic quality of life.

Equality among the people is liberal thinking which began in the Age of the Enlightenment, during which the War of Independence took place - a war (Revolution) which gave power to all the people and not just a self appointed elite.

Bernie Sanders is not simply a 'liberal', he is a 'Socialist' in the true meaning of the word and cares deeply for the welfare of the Common People of America.

Donald Trump is an Oligarch - you'll understand more about this when you learn about the founding of the world's first fledgling democracy in the city of Athens some 2,500 years ago. Democracy itself calls upon the people to join together to form a 'collective' effort in order to gain power for all of the people and not to be ruled over by despots.

So, why not start at the very beginning?

Athens - The Greatest Show on Earth

The Oresteia

Athena with you always, defender of Democracy.
2017-06-08 02:11:16 UTC
I don't know...
2017-06-14 19:08:59 UTC
I wonder the same thing about my wife. She was apolitical when we married. Since then she has become a raging liberal. She will get verbally abusive when I express my opinion. I have threaten divorce over her abuse more than once. Wish I could be more helpful.
2017-06-11 13:40:39 UTC
Cheating is liberal too so do that and see what he says
2017-06-11 01:11:03 UTC
Just kill him JK
2017-06-10 19:33:15 UTC
IM LOOKING THROUGH YOU .................WHERE DID YOU GO? ..........I THOUGHT I KNEW YOU .........WHAT DID I KNOW???.................I see you in there ...tricky one!!
2017-06-10 08:36:18 UTC
Holy hel...
2017-06-10 06:59:54 UTC
get a new one simple
2017-06-09 16:20:33 UTC
Talk with him. Tell him you're unhappy. It's ok to be on the completely opposite positions with your husband. But unless you talk it over - he'll continue to do it. And if he has a problem with you wanting him to be a bit more moderate, maybe you should ask him whether he respects you enough to respect your world views. Btw I hate Trump, but I don't think people liking or supporting him makes them super evil.
2017-06-09 06:37:46 UTC
You should start thinking like him because he's right
2017-06-09 05:05:57 UTC
End the relationship. He deserves someone better.
2017-06-08 23:53:00 UTC
Atleast one person gotta be a moderate if the other is a super conservative/liberal
2017-06-08 17:53:47 UTC
As far as your relationship with your husband goes, if you love him, then you should be able to overlook his political views. If you can't, then you never really loved him to begin with. You loved him for what you could make of him, not for what he is.
2017-06-08 14:12:51 UTC
Umm... global warming is an issue, and there is plenty of evidence of CO2 emissions trapping heat (just take a look at Venus, full of greenhouse gasses, being hotter than Mercury, which is closer to the sun. Or a credible scientific study).

In any case, I agree with you that PETA is terrible (take a look at this and tell me PETA is good for animals and BLM is full of angry, bitter, and easily duped people. There isn't institutional racism in this country anymore, and guilt doesn't transcend generations. Rather than calling him names, or something similar, do a lot of research and provide him with a lot of facts. I used to be a radfem myself, and calm people with facts are what changed my mind. Best of luck!
2017-06-08 12:42:03 UTC
This is very sad. A man wjo is a libersl is tathet disgisting.
2017-06-08 12:33:03 UTC
What to do? Well, TROLL who opened their account YESTERDAY, we all know there is chance you have a husband, let alone one who has read a book.
2017-06-08 07:17:00 UTC
You voted for Trump. A man with NO POLITICAL EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE ON FOREIGN POLICY. If I were him, I'd divorce your worthless ***. It sucks that the majority of America are idiots just like you. Boy, you conservatives believe y'all should be the only ones free to worship and live as you please and that everyone else should also worship and live as YOU please.
2017-06-08 03:12:01 UTC
Move to Europe. He'd probably be considered right-wing there...
2017-06-08 01:59:12 UTC
Tell him Hillary got 3 million more votes then TRump


but something went wrong and they wanted TRump

and his fat family to be 3 presidents

for 3 reasons money money money.
2017-06-08 00:29:08 UTC
Well I work for a boss who calls me a liberal pansy, but it's interesting how I served my country in the U.S. Army for 6 years, he never served.I go to my evangelical church, he doesn't go. SO GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2017-06-07 23:06:58 UTC
Keep politics OUT of your marriage. Surely you and your husband must have more important issues in your marriage to argue about, other than who likes who politically.
2017-06-07 21:54:33 UTC
Divorce him, cheat on him first though, and tell him you just doing it, because you believe everyone needs a fair shot. What a pussy your husband must be. Not a real man at all!!!
2017-06-10 22:04:36 UTC
2017-06-10 19:02:12 UTC
Divorce him. Life is just too damn short to be stabbing someone in the back like this and you are wasting his life as well as yours. If you don't love and respect him then let him go find some woman who DOES love and respect him. And stop doing yourself the disservice of thinking that you cannot be any better than a backstabbing creep.
2017-06-10 12:24:44 UTC
He sounds like a jerk.

Do not have any children with that wretched human.
2017-06-10 12:12:43 UTC
You should probably put aside politics for the both of you and focus on why you loved him when you met him, I mean, people should probably respect others despite how they think stuff should be run and you're super guilty of that because you're asking random *** strangers online on what to do about your husband. Here's what you should have done first, stop letting petty little things like this leave your life and focus on each other maybe???A word of advice! Your vote is your vote, and that goes for your husband as well. My first husband myself and were young, when we married. I remember going to the polling station one day. Before we went in, hubby told me that 'we' were going to vote for 'xxx'. I had every intention of voting for that person, but I said to him, 'It's my vote, not ours.'
2017-06-10 00:47:12 UTC
maybe you guys should not talk politics with each other. how about not flaunting each others political views. maybe take up a common hobby like gardening, or tennis?
2017-06-10 00:00:17 UTC
Get him sectioned or certified, or whatever it's called...

2017-06-09 23:51:34 UTC
You can agree to disagree, but also not to discuss your conflicting views or political issues. If your marriage is otherwise intact, this is a good route to follow. When something of this nature comes up, learn how to change the subject, remind him, or even just to walk away. Good wishes. I do not believe that the groups you mentioned are "hate groups".
2017-06-09 18:28:43 UTC
let me work and support him?
2017-06-09 12:04:35 UTC
2017-06-09 05:52:33 UTC
You sound like you need to grow up. I don't agree with everything democratic or everything republican but to deny that global warming exists means you almost have to intentionally be ignorant. Aside from that you also need to grow up in terms of relationship skills. If you both know you don't agree then don't talk about it. If you can't handle not arguing with him about something then I'm all honesty you should have thought it through before you continued your relationship. You don't sound even remotely mature enough to handle a relationship let alone a marriage if you can't handle not discussing something you know you won't agree on
2017-06-09 04:58:06 UTC
I'm more concerned with how he treats YOU, as his wife. If he's not being a good husband anymore, the solution is simple...
2017-06-09 02:06:34 UTC
2017-06-09 01:21:49 UTC
Why don't both of you become Mussolinian Fascists? You'd both be totally in agreement then, only on different emphases. Of course, you'd have to hide your politics under a plastic tub.
2017-06-08 23:15:21 UTC
Let him be. You're the problem.
2017-06-08 21:49:01 UTC
I just wonder how you can vote for a guy who "grabs womens pu$$ies" cheated on two of his ex wives and would date their own daughter. Sick.
2017-06-08 20:25:20 UTC
Ignore him
2017-06-08 13:33:32 UTC
Tell him its OK to pee standing up.
2017-06-08 07:45:44 UTC
Liberal men are usually good in the sack, contard snowflake
The Football God
2017-06-08 02:20:47 UTC
He's watching too much TV, Yahoo and any other social forum which is not really the problem. What you've got to do is have him understand 99% is BULL5H!T. Turn off everything, me I just ignore and mock.
Harley Lady
2017-06-08 01:21:03 UTC
You married him for better or worse. But, if you cannot deal with it, I guarantee he will not change. So, only two choices....leave or learn to deal with it!
2017-06-11 01:10:47 UTC
As is the case with our legislators, both the far right and the far left have forgotten that government works only when both sides have their say and a logical compromise is reached. The democrats appear to want a totally socialist federal government. The republicans want to kick some people off the state dole as well as dropping government subsidized health care leaving 10 to 20 million individuals without health care of any kind. At the same time give tax breaks to the rich. They seem to think that the rich will plow the extra money back into creating jobs. All they will do is keep the money and become richer. On the other hand Ronald Regan said that "a government that is big enough to give you all you want it big enough to take all you have". Somewhere there is a middle ground or there used to be. You and your husband's situation is an example of why nothing is getting done in congress. Learn to compromise. Nothing is black and white, there are only shades of grey. Although all of us, including myself, would like clear cut, concrete and simple answers to any situation. That is not how the world works and neither is it how the USA as a nation can work
2017-06-11 00:28:38 UTC
Climate change is something I do agree with your husband on. Even if you don't think anthropogenic climate change is a thing, we do have issues with air pollution. He isn't wrong to care about the environment for the future of the planet.

However, I can see why you are worried when he supports PETA and BLM because there tend to be a high number of extremist. Just tell him to tone it down. You shouldn't let politics get in the way your marriage. Everyone will always have different opinions.
2017-06-10 16:39:18 UTC
Divorce him and be with a strong conservative instead.
2017-06-10 15:21:55 UTC
If it was me, I run off and let him find a proper woman

"I am an avid Trump supporter"

is just another way of saying I'm a total lunatic
2017-06-09 19:55:32 UTC
Why dont you axe him
2017-06-09 17:12:06 UTC
That's exactly why people should keep their political views to themselves.
2017-06-09 14:28:55 UTC
2017-06-09 13:59:11 UTC
Do not be unequally yoked.The 2 shall become one.
2017-06-09 13:46:13 UTC
He sounds to be off the charts 📈, not even on the political spectrum. Take the quiz for your hubbi or have him take it himself, and see where his views land.
2017-06-08 20:51:05 UTC
Have you tried talking it out with him? If you truly love each other he will try to understand where you're coming from.
Has Been
2017-06-08 17:55:47 UTC
2017-06-08 17:40:31 UTC
Get him fixed, we can't run the risk of him breeding more like him.
2017-06-08 09:24:36 UTC
This is the best answer you are ever going to get. Here is my take on your situation, you need to actually look at your relationship as something where you an your husband are in love. Or at least i assume you are in love, in love enough to where you took a huge step an married each other.... So i am sorry to say, but why in the hell would something like voting make a god dam difference? When you love someone with all your heart, you think about them all the time, an even mundane things like grocery shopping becomes this exciting thing when you know the other person is going with you. This is what being in love is like, you are a team an you support each other, an you become more then just lovers you become best friends who know everything about the other one an share little intimate details about each other that no one else knows. I think that just from reading perhaps, you an your husband have lost that team work, perhaps neither of you should take politics so seriously. There is more important things like your love for each other. With politics there is nothing you can do to change the outcome of the world unless you yourself decide to become a politician. An that is why arguing about politics is stupid. Just focus on loving each other instead.
2017-06-08 08:41:38 UTC
You should divorce him so he can have a happy life with a woman who doesn't have rocks in her head like you.
2017-06-08 06:44:52 UTC
What's the meaning of liberal husband?
2017-06-08 02:05:28 UTC
Look past it. I swear to god, people say liberals are intolerant, I think conservatives make liberals look like Prince Charming.
2017-06-07 21:38:21 UTC
Listen to him, and join him.
2017-06-07 20:04:31 UTC
Where did he get a Ph.D. in Physical Therapy?
2017-06-07 20:02:20 UTC
What you should do is get a lot more education and while you're at it, get a working heart.
2017-06-07 20:01:41 UTC
applaud him for recognizing a fraud when he sees one, you are a disaster though..
2017-06-12 01:20:22 UTC
Sounds for a match made in hell. You will probably divorce eventually left him go
2017-06-11 01:44:04 UTC
I hope he leaves you, you're a **** that doesn't give a **** about anyone but yourself.

2017-06-10 23:17:00 UTC
Are you sure he doesn't have a vagina?
2017-06-10 22:56:01 UTC
divorce him. he deserves a way more intelligent and empathetic wife. or open up your mind and heart and learn why he thinks the way he does. you are very lucky to have him.
2017-06-10 06:27:59 UTC
You're incompatible, politically. It wouldn't surprise me if you head towards the divorce courts. He's appears as much anti Trump as you are pro Trump. He's not in the wrong.
2017-06-10 01:10:12 UTC
The earth has been closing it's in on the sun every sense it's first day around . this has been a for ever event . and it will keep up it's for ever approach until the day they finally touch . we are just caught in the middle . so don't be surprised if it gets a little hotter . and don't think you can fix it . it is on a collision mission that will take for ever . but we will be gone before that . it will be just too hot to stay .
2017-06-10 00:57:31 UTC
2017-06-09 18:10:03 UTC
2017-06-09 12:46:33 UTC
If he's a liberal he should obey you as you're the woman and he's the man. Just tell him that if he doesn't do what you say he's a male chauvinist pig.
2017-06-09 04:37:02 UTC
set him free so he can save the world
2017-06-09 01:32:49 UTC
Do him a favor and get divorced - he doesn't need to deal with your mental illness.
2017-06-09 01:06:57 UTC
You had better think deeply about what really matters to you.

Maybe ask him to keep his extremist political ideas to himself. I mean, what does he personally intend to do to reverse alleged global warming, besides talk to you about it?

Complainers usually are just talkers, not doers.
2017-06-08 15:30:28 UTC
So your husband doesn't want a Reality Show host as President of the US government; who has no track record to be followed and apparently cannot tell the truth and talks to the country - on Twitter!

Just wait 3.5+ or until Trump quits or gets impeached & do not talk politics - then there will be a new President.
2017-06-08 13:52:40 UTC
Cuckold him to treat him like the fairy he is.
2017-06-08 12:47:55 UTC
When ever the horny bastard wants sex, tell him his radical views turn you off.

Cut him off if he doesn't shut his big mouth.

Tell him he comes off as very unmanly and you are ashamed to be around him.
2017-06-08 02:28:27 UTC
give half half the income you guys make to another family that will make it equal to what you will make when it's gone so it will be equal Bernie is a socialist and that's the ideas of a socialist is everything is equal
2017-06-08 00:40:47 UTC
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2017-06-08 00:29:10 UTC
Give him some really good head then stop short of him coming. Then tell him he has to convert to conservatism or you won't finish.
2017-06-07 22:27:14 UTC
Try to understand his intellectual weaknesses. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Liberalism is being totally wrong while totally believing you are totally right. Reagan said it best when he said, "It's not that our liberal friends are wrong. It's that they know so much that isn't true." Liberalism is like a religion: Libs have a total, solid belief in things they cannot prove and will tear you to pieces when you show them the truth. The greatest fear of a lib is to be confronted with the actual, real and honest truth about whatever they believe. I think it was Teddy Roosevelt who said, "If you want to anger a conservative, lie to him. If you want to anger a liberal, tell him the truth."
2017-06-07 20:23:52 UTC
personally I think your story is bullsh//t

If not - your husband has got more brains than you
2017-06-10 20:58:49 UTC
have sex
2017-06-10 20:13:23 UTC
Divorce his ignorant as s!
2017-06-10 19:27:37 UTC
pat him on the head and tell him his penis is just least 4 times a day
2017-06-10 15:53:45 UTC
Tie him to a chair and whip him.
2017-06-10 15:46:37 UTC
I suggest you kick him in his balls as hard as you can.

But do no leave him.

He needs all the help he can get from an intelligent woman.
2017-06-10 15:30:53 UTC
2017-06-10 02:24:09 UTC
Listen to him. He's smarter then you.
2017-06-09 16:14:13 UTC
I choose my political affiliation based on my moral and ethical principles and I have reached my political opinions thanks to an intellectual curiosity that drives me to improve upon what I already know about the world. I take pride in my value of knowledge, because I operate under the idea that my life and opinions can only be improved by learning, and not ignoring any evidence or fact if it contradicts my views. What I value in life has a lot of influence that unavoidably relates to politics. ---- I would never be able to marry or stay married to a person who disagreed so strongly politically... If someone is closed off to not to accept any proof or arguments based on party rhetoric, thats intellectually gross to me.

If you care more about feeling right about your political view than you care about actually being right, that says more about a person....

Your husband is right btw... cause... facts.
2017-06-09 13:55:47 UTC
not sure.
2017-06-09 13:54:42 UTC
2017-06-09 10:37:42 UTC
sounds like a CUCK
2017-06-09 05:40:45 UTC
You need not bother about political and social views of your husband. Everyone has a right to personal views. Your marital life has nothing to do with his ideology.
2017-06-08 22:24:51 UTC
wow, I wouldn't even have coffee w/ a liberal man. How in hell have you managed marriage w/ one?
2017-06-08 19:47:14 UTC
every man needs a hobby. a woman does not own her husband. if anything, pull up to your computer and complain online about the education of your children. apparently, this group believes that teaching S.E.X. in schools as education, leads to homosexuality. get your right wing extreme fringe views out-there girl, we need you to know your place in the conservative world.
2017-06-08 16:08:53 UTC
I don't support BLM but I wouldn't call it a hate group. It's somewhat ironic that you complain about him supporting them when you support trump tho. Either way I'd just ignore him, I mean he could argue the same thing about supporting trump. Obama was good man so I don't see what's wrong with him voting for him twice but that's my opinion.
2017-06-08 08:26:48 UTC
You need to divorce him unless you re super hot. He won t put up with that kind of stupidity forever unless you are too hot to dump. This won t be the best answer for you, obviously since you voted for Trump. If you aren t too hot to dump and you want to stay with him, think what you want but say liberal things, dishonest but you can t get any dumber so not to worry.
2017-06-08 04:55:09 UTC
Nothing. When was any election ever won by a single vote, especially when yours will always cancel his out? "It's the economy, stupid" and that is a Greek word for the FAMILY accounts. Does he contribute his fair share to the family budget and household tasks? Then be thankful and appreciate your real situation. Whatever you, he (or I) think about the national or the world situation may be tiresome or even interesting, but it is never going to have the slightest impact on the real world. I am 88 and I know my own extended family's checked politics going back to the 1850s, and can see that all our divers views resulted from peculiarities of personal character and experience and the times and that they did not matter one whit to anyone but ourselves. I am sure they all had strong opinions about earthquakes and the weather, but they did not matter either. My teachers at school ranged from ultra-conservative to avowedly communist, and we used to make fun of them all.
2017-06-08 00:05:39 UTC
Always a good idea to know your future hubby's political leanings and if you'll get along with your inlaws.
Still Proudly Anti-Trump
2017-06-07 20:34:57 UTC
Applaud him for being a real man.
2017-06-07 20:14:59 UTC
Be proud of him. It is quite impressive for a white man (assuming you two are white as you mentioned BLM) to be a liberal, whereas his wife leans conservative. You two are an odd married couple.

Statistically, college-educated people tend to vote democrat.
2017-06-09 06:33:19 UTC
2017-06-09 01:46:18 UTC
You gotta embrace him, dudette!
2017-06-08 05:16:40 UTC
Learning how to love someone who has different political views (liberal wife “versus” conservative husband?) isn’t easy, but it is possible. These tips for mixing politics and love will help smooth the rough edges of your relationship.

Whether you’re a “bleeding-heart liberal” or a “hard-hearted conservative”, in these polarized political times it’s easy for conversations to disintegrate into name-calling sessions. Those sessions are normally reserved for the elementary school playground or political debates in caucus or the Senate. It’s the last thing we want in our love relationships and marriages!
2017-06-07 19:58:09 UTC
Tell him you won't peg him anymore til he gets his act together.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.