Can men actually fall in love?
Ashley Bugg
2015-03-14 01:10:06 UTC
This is a sincere question, I promise. I'm not trying to knock the male gender or anything but can guys truly fall in love or is that all romance novels and movies? Ever since I was little I was lead to believe that men could not love.. That all they have in their minds is to reproduce with as many females as possible whether it was a conscious thought or not. I figured it's just nature. (It may have something to do with my parents splitting up when I was a young toddler, it may not, I don't know)
Now this might cause a lot of controversy but I just want to know if there is hope of finding a man who can love as deeply as a woman can without sexual intercourse being the first thing on his mind.
193 answers:
craft painter
2015-03-17 16:03:05 UTC
A lot of people have sex before marriage and maybe a little too soon in their relationship and they mistake this feeling for love and this has been a lot of problems in our society today. When two people feel attraction for each other and do not jump into bed they may fall in love. A man can love a woman very much. A preacher once stated that if a man could think above the belt instead of below it he would be better off. This is the problem with a lot of men. They sometimes think they are in love because of sex but it is not love and they end up marrying and finding out they did not love this person at all. Men and women can truly fall in love but true love takes time. You cannot find it with a one night fling. Love grows.
2015-03-15 16:40:09 UTC
There are some men who do actually fall in love with a woman for the person who she is.

Unfortunately, there are some men who are not really interested in the woman as a person but like the idea of using her body for excitement.

One problem with living at this time (2015) is that there is now a higher chance that a woman will end up meeting a man who is of the second type listed above. A second problem is that many women today do not expect to find a man who really falls in love and they accept someone lower.

Advice: Hold out to find a real man who really falls in love.
2015-03-15 18:23:26 UTC
Honestly, this question makes me mad. Of course men can fall in love. You would be crazy to think otherwise. The points you made is whether the love lasts or not. That is a whole 'nother topic to talk about. But yes, men fall in love just like woman. In face, I read somewhere (can't remember where or if it is a legit statistic) but it takes a man not even a full day to fall for a girl while it generally takes between 1 and 2 weeks for a woman.
2015-03-17 02:13:28 UTC
It sounds like you grew up with people that were bitter about each other. Yes men can fall in love, I was just in a situation were I had my heart broken recently because a women wanted me only for sex instead of a human being. It is possible, there are good men out there trust me. Love in general can be rare and when you find it you will know. A person that you can relate too, not hit or hurt you, cherish every moment with you, and show appreciation with flowers or doing sweet things. Love is a person that accepts you for you and believe you as there other half. It's some thing you never give up on ;)
2015-03-15 13:53:31 UTC
Yes I can love! Love unconditionally. Be faithful whatever happens. I had a gf for 2 years.I dumped her more than 4 months ago and I still miss and love her. She cheated on me, 2 days after our break up she started a relationship with that guy. 2 months later she wanted to get back with me. So can women actually fall in love? The answer is yes, but always falls for another men time to time no matter what...
2015-03-15 02:28:13 UTC
It is a great pity that you have always had these pre-conceived instincts, but you are quite incorrect!

Men do fall in love, often quite deeply, and can be very hurt if things do not work out for them add their ideals. As for the concept that their objective is 'sex only, and more sex,' that is also quite wrong.

Sure, sex is a bonus, but if it is the only objective, the relationship means nothing, and when the woman gets that idea, the relationship soon goes very sour. A man needs to be accepted, and needs to earn the respect of others around him, so usually he will try very hard to please!

There is a lot of very poor publicity in movies, attitudes, etc. which I think desecrate men in general, so it contributes to the popular modern beliefs that all men are bad, which is untrue.
2015-03-14 22:03:32 UTC
I have been in love for about 3 years with the same girl. I moved far away from her so it didn t work. It is almost a year now and she now has someone else. I am kind of happy that there is someone there for her because I can t take care of her from this far. It kills me from inside but i know that she deserves someone there for here and not a stupid guy that is going to see 1 time a year. I think I am in love I think I will always feel something for her. So of course a man can fall in love.

The first thing on my mind is her happiness. Don t rush you will find someone that will love you so much. Just give it a chance to the nice guy, not the asshole.
2015-03-16 05:53:34 UTC
I don't know who has been feeding your mind this crap but men can love. I'm a woman and my man is in love with me. However, a man's love is different than a woman's love. Women are nurturing, patient, supportive. Men don't really love like that. I mean, they can be supportive and patient but they are not nurturing. Men are fixers. When they love you, they will tell you they love you, they will provide for you and they will protect you. When you have a problem, they want to fix it. They are not the kind that can sit for an hour while you cry out your woes. I wouldn't say it's a different kind of love, that was incorrect, I would say they show their love in different ways than women show theirs.

Don't listen to whoever has been feeding you this crap. Sounds like a very bitter woman to me. Some men are jerks who care only about nailing every woman in sight but not all men are like that.

And to turn it around, some women are unfaithful b*tches who can't be loyal and faithful, who will cheat at the first sign the relationship isn't working. Not all women are like this.

NOTHING is 100%!

God bless.
2015-03-15 10:26:54 UTC
Nice question. And this is truly a sincere answer for a brilliant mind.

Yes they do and women do to.

"It is the Natures way that men and or women not only fall in love but they do fall flat and deep in love with a hope and a prayer that they would be caught in this ecstatic fall, rescued and embraced by the significant other." A quotation of Dr. Singh
2015-03-15 12:50:52 UTC
As a man I am offended. It seems these days that feminists are making men out to be monsters. I don't want my son growing up in this world if it gets any worse. Now a days you can't even complement women without them thinking you are trying to get into their pants.

Now to answer your question I do feel love. There have been girls that give me butterflies, girls that make me tear up when I think about them, and girls I would give my life for. That is how I feel love, and I show it by my actions. And it sucks because I could ask the same question about women? Do they actually love or do they just like the attention?
2015-03-18 17:08:14 UTC
Yes, they can and do. I've been married twice. But it was only in the second that I discovered what being "in love" really was. Magic feeling and so glad to have experienced it in my life as I suspect that many people do not. Many couple who have been going out for a while, having sex, move in with one another and then think ohh well suppose we may as well get married and have kids etc. Do the whole 9 yards bit. That's not being "in love". While the marriage may well work out due to the couple being happy enough with what they have got, there is so much more. BTW, I cannot find a formula for falling "in love". Just seems to happen. Wake up one day and realise that you are desperately in love with someone.
2015-03-14 11:19:57 UTC
Yes men do fall in love in fact men fall in love faster than women do believe or not since men are drawn to physical beauty meanwhile women take longer to fall in love because they have to see if the men is husband material since women have more to lose if they pick the wrong men. It all depends how the man was raised guys who generally love their families specially gets along with their mothers are usually the good ones. Guys change over time I know I have I am now 28 years of age and if you were to ask me if I wanted to get married back in my early 20's I would say NO. Now things have change I actually want to settle down find myself a good woman that is wife material and as far as the sex goes to be honest it's not the first thing on my mind because you I could be having sex with women but I simply don't want to since sex is sex no emotional attachments but being with someone you give your life to is much more precious than sex, and I value honesty just like a woman doesn't want a man sleeping around with other women I don't want my woman to be sleeping around with other men because I am giving my true honesty to her and want that to be reciprocated.
2015-03-15 21:53:33 UTC
yes, in general a man is human like every body else. it is like every thing else different strokes for different folks. there are some that take relationships serious, and some that are just looking to have sex. it may be difficult to find a serious guy because your standards may be too high. or you are looking in the wrong places. or you are not dealing with guys that are looking for a serious relationship. if you go with a guy and go along with what he wants this could be a problem too because he might be taking you for granted. when you choose too fast or live with a guy too long that can be a problem too. when you stay with a guy and they treat you like trash that could be a problem also. take your time and you will find a guy that is serious about falling I love for real. this is something you can't rush. most of the time when you meet someone that do fall head over heel in love he becomes possessive and over bearing. and if you try to leave him he will try to hurt you. but yes, men can fall in love just like women
2015-03-15 22:49:01 UTC
Yes, men can fall in love. Me being a guy I can tell you from my personal experience that yes I have met women that I simply purely lusted after and only wanted their body. I have also been madly in love with someone before which was unfortunately one sided. I think a lot of it depends on emotional health, where the man is in his life as far as women, is he getting over someone, etc. I have always been more attracted to a personality more than a pair or a backside; however, physical appearance is definitely a requirement. More often than not what starts a my lust for someone ends with me being in love with them. I get attached.
2015-03-16 18:06:07 UTC
Well Ive been married for 38 years and dated for 2 years to my high school sweetheart! I think he loves me more then I ever loved him so yes men can love and they are all dogs for sure but you have to know that in order to get a man a real man you first must be best friends and really like one another or it will never last for very long. Also I told my Boyfriend fiance and soon to be husband before I married him that I didn't believe in DIVORCE s somebody would die and guess what it wasn't going to be me>>>lol He knew I was dead serious then and it still holds 40 years later! Don't worry God sends us what we need not what we want and Mr. Right will one day come along and seep you right off your feet! Mine did and I never had any regrets at all!
2015-03-15 16:32:20 UTC
Yes some men can, some just won't allow themselves to fall in love.. same as yourself fear of being hurt, why some men just doesn't care about nothing but getting the cookie and moving on to the next woman that will put out. even the ones that fall in love at time he may stray with another woman, now don't get me wrong it is some good men out there but chances of finding one is about 2% because that's what every woman want's.. and the women that's lucky enough to find one dog's him out...
2015-03-15 15:47:09 UTC
If men can't fall in love then what make women can fall in love
2015-03-14 01:11:05 UTC
Yes men can actually fall in love.

Usually we fall in love with having sex with as many females as possible.

The point is this. Just because we fall in love, doesn't mean we don't want to have sex with a lot of women. This is one area where men are good at multi-tasking.
2015-03-16 15:44:34 UTC
Men fall in love just as much as women do.
2015-03-16 00:18:20 UTC
Yes Ashley.. All men can fall in love :)

Some men prefer to sleep with as many women as possible before they settle down.

Other men prefer relationships for the same reasons as women.

Men and women are not that different where love is concerned.

We can all fall in love and out of love.. Such is life.

Relationships are hard work and can get unrepairable damage overtime.

Your a very pretty girl.. Men respect women who respect themselves.

Also try to go for different guys if one type lets you down.

Hope it helps :)
2015-03-17 06:02:32 UTC
I am pretty convinced men can fall in love, however, once the chase is over, they become lazy, stop trying to impress you, and therefore bring the woman to a state in which she feels unwanted and unloved. And when the woman sends signs of feeling that way, men usually withdraw and stay put in their lair, while declaring that they actually still love her, yet, they don't go back to chasing the woman they love. This is the REAL reason why women find another guy soon after a breakup. For a woman it is vital to actually feel loved and adored, and if her partner doesn't make her feel that way, no matter what he says he feels for her, there will be another guy who will bring out those feelings in her.
Suryaprakash Devarakonda
2015-03-14 01:41:45 UTC
Yes of course, men fall will in love with women, but what made them attracted towards female is 80% is for her physical appearance. Fundamentally, I agree most of the men will do fake love for getting her for that purpose only. But there will be the one who can love without lust, for ex : Blind men. I agree with you that men will be having an instinctive thought of lust feel upon opposite gender which is very hard to Re-Program. Eventually there are 20 % of men who were innocent, cool, modest and tough. Good question anyway :)
Roland Chambers
2015-03-16 07:48:51 UTC
Yes a man can fall in love. Most times people fall for the wrong person and not know it. Everyone has something about them that another person is going to love. We are always busy tying to figure out ways to catch that certain eye that we miss the eye that is already focus on that one thing we have.
2015-03-17 18:43:46 UTC
Men do fall in love, but it also depends on the girl because you do attract what you put out! Girls often complain about getting a bad man but they are often both the same, that's why you have to be someone you would want to be with! Men truly do have feelings, even the ones that don't show their feelings do! Men who don't show their feelings usually stay up all night thinking and possibly even crying because they don't show their feelings during the day.
2015-03-16 10:14:29 UTC
I think there is a difference between a boy and a man. If you get with a boy then he is more likely to just want sex, but if you get with a man (meaning maturity) then you are more likely to find true love with him. Just like there is a difference between a girl and a woman. I think men love very much, sometimes more deeply than a woman can and I believe they carry that love with even long after their loved one is gone. The way they express their love is different than a woman's way, but its just as special and when you find a MAN and not a boy then you will find out just how wonderful a mans love can be.
Latf La
2015-03-16 08:52:28 UTC
Yes, men can fall in love. Probably man love woman more than woman loving a man.

It is just that woman desires love and that desire has been interpreted as woman loving more.But reality is if woman desires love, the man is the one who has to give love thus the man is the one who is in love.

But sex is an important part for man as biologically man are more sex driven.Man can get turned on by a naked body of a woman but a woman will not by a naked man. This is an advantage for woman becuase woman do not have to try that hard to attract a man.

To ans the part " can love as deeply ...without sexual intercourse being the first thing on his mind "

Man can be polygamous minded too, but if he is polygamous minded he might fulfil his sex desires from someone else and not make sex a priority and love .
URY ^.^
2015-03-16 18:15:07 UTC
Yes some can fall in love but there's only a few of them who will actually take the time to dedicate his life to her and then there's the rest of men who just want sex to satisfy their needs. I fell in love with a girl but she ended up breaking my heart several times till I got tired of it and left her. Now I'm happy with a girl a meet in college and even though we been about a month together I can tell we will get far in life ^.^.

Just keep looking u will find Ur guy.
2015-03-16 20:59:10 UTC
of course men can fall in love, from what iv seen society in general judges men to be more sexuly active than women, whether true or not. Men can still have feelings for someone just as women do. However here is a spin of the topic im going to hit you with. When I met my first girlfriend I had feelings for her, but however three weeks into the relashinship her and me had she was wanting me to have sex with her. That hit me like a bombshell, it caused our relashinship to fall apart because I was not ready for it. anotherwords its the same way the other way around.
2015-03-17 20:07:14 UTC
I am a man, and yes we can fall in love. The wife and I, did thing the right way. A lot of communication! that is your foundation. You have to be best friends with the ability to share everything. You have to love for the worst things that bug you, like biting nails, or leaving the seat up. And no you cannot train a man or a woman. Marriage is work always and anyone can get divorced but it takes two to keep a marriage strong.
2015-03-16 11:47:59 UTC
Yes, males can inded 'fall in love'. That is to say a male can find the one person to whom they are willing to invest thier time, money and lives literally unto death.

I am nearly 60 years old and have been married and in love with one woman the entire time of 38 years.

I do recognise I am somewhat unsual because I taught myself to control my biology and not be controlled by the biology.

It is unfortunate that the average male does not learn to rule themselves in the same way.

as for a mate: be choosey, there are generally two females to every male out there.

Let that kind of competition do most of the selecting for you.

A strong amle without intelligence is useless, a weak male has poor offspring, and an entertaining male is just an entertainer. Let them prove they are deeper, smarter and stronger than their competition, and take your time.

superficiality exposes itself in no time, so do 'the right words'.

A good mate has a job, cares for you above themselves, and has no need to 'look around' because YOU are there. If they fail this test, take the PINK note: just walk away
2015-03-16 09:53:40 UTC
Actually, among heterosexual men and women, polling has shown repeatedly that men have much more romanticized views of love and relationships. (Keep in mind, these are generalizations, and not true for every single person.)

Men claim to believe in "love-at-first-sight" more often than women.

Men are much more emotionally driven in relationships while women are more pragmatic and practical.

Men are less likely to marry a woman they are not emotionally drawn to, while women often overlook emotional connections and marry men that are stable, reliable, and can provide for a family.

Men can get aroused and excited just by seeing women that they like, whereas women "size up" the relationship potential of men when they see them, and require a lot more work to get them in a romantic or sexy mood.

TL;DR: Men have a more emotional, physical approach to romance and relationships. Women have a more practical, logical approach to romance and relationships.
2015-03-15 11:53:53 UTC
Men can fall in love as easily as women can and you have lived in a strange environment not to realize this. Men do tend to hide their feelings more than women do but those feelings though hidden are still there.
2015-03-14 23:20:02 UTC
That's sad that you learned that men cannot fall in love at such a young age. I had a completely different experience and I thought men were more like Prince Charming and Cinderella/Thumbelina all thanks to the movies I saw when I was younger, especially the disney ones.

Wow I feel sorry for you.
2015-03-15 21:21:06 UTC
YES, absolutely, a million times YES! I've been in love and can honestly tell you there was so much more to it than a desire for sex or even just her beauty. I loved her because I could be myself and she could be herself and we'd just be happy in each other's company for hours on end. If that's what you mean by love, yes, we can. Now, obviously, it's not always going to come from the men that you want, but yes, men who love their girlfriends/wives deeply are out there.
2015-03-15 17:55:40 UTC
My boyfriend is a good man who has waited patiently for me. I was a virgin when we met and he never pressured me. He messages me all the time and just likes being near me. He is affectionate, and very thoughtful. When I am upset, he holds me and talks me down. He was incredibly excited to meet my family, and slept with me in bed before we ever had sex. When we started having sex he actually refused to have it all the time because he wanted every time to be special. So I would say a man can love :) I think he fell in love before me even. There are as many women out there with a problem with love as there are men. I had a problem with commitment and my boyfriend has helped me through it (no I never cheated on him). So there are good guys out there
2015-03-15 14:43:26 UTC
Easy answer is yes because we are talking emotions not choice and no matter how big a player the guy is when he finds someone he connects with he will fall in love

what you must be aware of is that real love is rare and because you love someone does not mean they must love you
2015-03-15 09:13:58 UTC
From my experiences, I do fall in love deeply. Like a journey to heaven and the feeling is very warm and peaceful. When I fall out, it's devastating. But I always bounce back up.
2015-03-17 00:41:48 UTC
You get what you're looking for. If you are into a serious relationship and a real connection, you will scare off anyone who just wants some fun. So be aware of what you truly want, because it will show. If you only expect men to be d-bags, you will probably only attract d-bags. You get what you "ask" for and what you think you deserve. Work on yourself if you have issues with the opposite sex.
2015-03-16 05:20:49 UTC
I actually have no idea. I've read stories about man falling in love but it's based on fiction. I have never been in love and I'm a girl. I would like to fall in love one day with a guy who loves me for me. For my weird and quirky personality, randomness. I don't want them to just fall in love with me for my looks or because they are attracted to me physically. I want them to fall in love with my personality. I know I sound like I demand a lot and that probably won't happen.
2015-03-17 05:15:37 UTC
Of course, men do fall in love. We only have different ways of showing it compared to women.
2015-03-14 23:56:09 UTC
Not all dudes are just in relationships for the sex. Yeah a lot are but not all. And cheesy romance movies can set your expectations WAYYY higher than they should be. Not all guys are THAT chivalrous and stuff. But hey, some are. So yes men can fall in love.
2015-03-14 01:16:25 UTC
[im a guy]

I dont know about others,but there is a feeling I get when I even hear her name.Its not about sex or anyhting like that, I think I truly do love her. I cant look at another woman in any sexual, and I know this phrase gets thrown around, but I seriously would take a bullet for her.I love her with all of my very being, hell I asked the whole world on yahoo not 5 minutes ago if it was normal that I felt guilty when I looked at porn.The people who responded said no,but I still do.
2015-03-14 23:37:57 UTC
Speaking from experience, yes, we men can fall in love.
Celissa Cat
2015-03-17 13:08:11 UTC
Men have feelings as well. So yes they can some show love different than others.. In time you will find some one who loves you they way you want them to! And when you find that person you'll know and you should hold on to them!
2015-03-18 21:11:28 UTC
there are actually 2 types of love. 1. infatuation. now this is something fleeting 2. lasting love. this is something that has to be worked on.

The first one is probably what you mean "falling" in love. everyone can have that. The question is how to get to the second type and keep it alive
2015-03-16 22:58:18 UTC
Yes, men actually fall in love and its true love not platonic. I myself loved someone more than my life. But unfortunately her parents forced her to marry someone else. So, what's up? I loved her and will love her forever until my last breath.
2015-03-15 22:17:30 UTC
Why the eff are you even asking such a stupid question. Love is a human trait not a gender-related trait. OBVIOUSLY men can fall in love, what the fck is wrong with you? I'm a girl, and *I* feel offended by this because I know my dad loves my mom. And my boyfriend loves me. We've been together 2 years, I haven't even had sex with him yet. He hasn't even BROUGHT IT UP. So there you have it.
2015-03-14 09:18:02 UTC
yes men can fall in love I have one guy who I know loves me very much and I love him too and all men can fall in love you just need to find the right one.
2015-03-14 20:07:30 UTC
Of course, when we r young it's easier for men to fall in love completely. But when we grow up we realize how dangerous it is to fall in love too easily.
2015-03-15 06:55:39 UTC

Yes I'm a male and i've fallen in love before. Sadly that ended but I am capable of falling in love (and no it's not sexual thoughts only).

I've had thoughts about a girl I liked recently and the thoughts aren't sexual at all.
2015-03-15 00:41:02 UTC
I am just a nasty little weirdo, but no, I can't. I have found in life, that nothing lasts, and everything is subject to change. I understand joy, fear, anger, compulsion, repulsion, pain, and pleasure. Things such as love, hate, and faith are beyond me. These are supposed to transcend time, space, and matter, while I have never experienced anything like that. Aside from a total selfishness that goes beyond all consequences and possibilities.
jeremy f
2015-03-16 14:15:22 UTC
I've only been "in love" about 3 or 4 times in my life. I'm 39, neither which was either of my wives, sadly lol. But yes it happens. Men fall is "lust" more then anything.
2015-03-15 09:22:49 UTC
Yes they can. It takes longer, but they do. After the teen hormones wear off, men are more receptive to actually having a relationship. hence why men are married and have kids and are happy. some men never grow up, but most do.
2015-03-15 20:50:29 UTC
Men can indeed fall in love, rather deeply in fact. I've been dating a man for about 2 years and not once did he ask for sexual intercourse (he knows I want to wait). We are in love, and it's most definitely not one-sided.
2015-03-15 13:49:44 UTC

The real question is, can women fall in love?

Every woman I've ever met is an evil, racist whore who dates people

SOLELY on the basis of social status. You can't love people when you

are obsessed with material possessions and social status the way

that women are.

You are all disgusting, wretched, materialistic racist whores.

How dare you question our ability to love, when you have ZERO empathy.
2015-03-15 20:31:16 UTC
I can't answer for all men, but I have not been able to fall in love. I am no spring chicken either!!! Good luck.
Barb Outhere
2015-03-19 00:59:33 UTC
When Hubby and I first met he told his sister he had met the woman he was going to marry. It took him over a year to convince me and we are married over 30 years now. YES men can fall in love and some do.
2015-03-16 19:18:14 UTC
this Q, I answer Meany times , a man can not fall in love, is not a such think, fall in love between two people all of what you see is an argues of sex that are program in our pint mop for survival of the spicy

a man do not fall in love but he going around and fortalices fameless because the female want him to do so, nothing ells . love is from mother to the children's and animals to their owners only. their is a truth love.
2015-03-15 09:30:14 UTC
Yes,guys can actually fall in love.My ex told me he was in love with me and still is.I know he is because he shows me that he is in love with me.Guys can fall in love just like girls,even faster.Its just a feeling you get when you're around them,hear their name,kiss them etc.It is an amazing feeling to be in love with someone and they're in love with you also.Some guys can be the sweetest people ever when they love their girl.Sometimes romance movies and novels set girls expectations reallllyyy high,but hey sometimes guys can actually be like that.My ex said he would always be in love with me and the feeling is the same for me.When two people are in love it's like heaven and nobody else matters in that moment but just you two.Have a great day :)
2015-03-17 08:46:39 UTC
The areas processing "love" in the male brain are just as active as yours when we fall in "love". If you dumps your boyfriend he will, statistically, be downed and depressed ¾ longer than you if he dumped you, and also he will fell bad for dumping you during most of your suffering, statistically. I am not just an equalistic feminism resistance, science says so. If males and females were more like each other you would understand, if you are willing to peace. Remember following:

we are different in functions,

society looks down on men who admit having emotions (unless they're homo or bi),

when it comes down to it we all (men and women alike) are just organic machines,

and "love" is a function of kemikals, electric impulse and a reflection of our "hardware"
2015-03-19 04:23:39 UTC
What a scary question ..... Yes, why not? men can really fall in love
Brian Arkton
2015-03-14 14:55:21 UTC
If men are willing to sacrifice for a woman, I'm sure they're not doing it just for sex. There are certainly easier ways of finding sex that involves far less effort and resources.
2015-03-15 19:06:44 UTC
Of course they can but it is NOT like romance novels or chick flicks.A guy sees a girl he thinks is pretty, decides to get to know her and if they click love will usually follow.HWOEVER not all guys are looking for marriage hon, MOST guys wants free and easy sex with no strings and you women have been programmed by society to think if you can attract a guy sexually you can turn lust into love by "making him want you".That does not work and sex before marriage is always a risk.So when a guy asks you out, tell him to give you a call in a week and take that week to find out about him from people who know him.Did he abuse his last g/f or wife?does he have kids he is paying child support for? does he hump and dump girls galore?does he have a drug and/or an alcohol problem?does he have a job, driver's license and a car?If he is a decent guy proceed with caution.
2015-03-14 13:17:05 UTC
Yes. And not all men would celebrate a woman whose first thought is jumping into bed. I am looking for a wife (for a lifetime of marriage) and want a woman I can trust and respect.
2015-03-17 11:00:20 UTC
Yes men do actually fall in love if they see their dream girl in their first sight........
2015-03-16 03:50:03 UTC
Ok, I'm gonna cut through the 5 pages of answers by asking you 2 things that get to the root of your question:

Have you defined 'love'? And where have you got your definition from?

For example, many 'love' stories, especially in films, show only the courtship period between two people. Undoubtedly this is fiery and passionate, but when this definition of love is used, it can mislead girls especially into thinking a long term relationship can maintain this intensity. Then, when the 'love' story is made tragic, where one of the lovers dies, it can lead to further misguided fantasy. Tragic love adds the emotion of grief, which is perhaps the strongest emotion of all, but it's something we feel primarily from our separation from our mother. In other words, if you dwell in the grief of a tragic love story, it suggests it's not so much about a romantic man but your own feelings of mother's abandonment from childhood!

What about friendship? Friends are those who care about each other's wellbeing AND in keeping up to date with each other's narrative (ongoing story). Plenty of guys can do this with each other. Doesn't mean they 'love' each other in the sense of being a romantic couple. But sure there's a care there. I like to distinguish between friends and playmates. The latter means there's a fun chemistry but without the care.

What about sex? Yes, guys do enjoy sex and lots of it. In my opinion, guys need to sexually explore with various women before they are willing to commit to an exclusive, long-term relationship. But here's the big secret. Women love sex too. They are sexually repressed by society's narrative though. It's only when they are in the socially acceptable conditions of monogamy and commitment that they can really let go and enjoy the act in itself. Every female I know, friends, ex-girlfriends and even strangers have told me how much they enjoy it.

So what is 'love' between two people in a long-term relationship? Using a breakthrough theory in neuroscience that outlines our basic emotions, I'd say love is a mixture of the following: GRIEF release when you feel lonely, CARE for a partner's wellbeing and narrative, PLAYfulness provides a light and easy-going tone for a relationship destined for 50plus years, SEEKing out projects together provides longterm substance for your joint narrative, and of course, LUST for each other until it fades.

Hope that gives you a bit more information!
2015-03-17 18:08:36 UTC
Some guys can fall in love with only one woman. And live with them for the rest of their life.
2015-03-17 22:51:02 UTC
Jarrod N
2015-03-17 06:46:43 UTC
Seeing that you can find stories of men fighting to the death to protect their wives and children I would say that men can, and do, fall in love.
2015-03-14 12:20:48 UTC
I think it's because some men have fallen sooo many times that they just hide their feelings. It's usually hard to identify, since men has the tendency to hide their emotions. I have fallen many times so you just pretend that your fine and protect your emotions to get crushed into tiny little pieces again.
2015-03-14 21:37:41 UTC
Believe it or not "YES". But it takes a special type of woman for a man to fall in love.
2015-03-17 02:53:34 UTC
Only speaking for myself, being a male of early 20's. Never been in love, might one day though, but so far never loved anyone to be fairly honest.
2015-03-14 06:53:00 UTC
as a guy that recently fell head over heals for a girl who was amazing and just like me, then had my heart ripped out after finding out our relationship was just so she could use me and cheat on me whenever she wanted i can tell you that men do fall in love and its the best and now the worst feeling ever :(
2015-03-15 06:14:39 UTC
2015-03-16 05:57:58 UTC
Only men fall in love most of female are materialist and the most important thing to them is being welthy and have nice appearence.
2015-03-15 22:19:09 UTC
I've loved many a women in my time. All through the night. And sometimes in the morning (after they served me my brunch on silver platter in bed). There was...Betty...Betty...other Betty...Elizabetty...Sharon (egads no that was my wife, horrible woman really. Might have turned out better if she'd taken after her mother, Betty. Charming woman. I'm going to add her to my list)...Sharon's mum Betty...then blonde Betty...deaf Betty...plump Betty...tall Betty. Wow I'm just now beginning to notice my parents hired a lot of maids named Betty. Ivette...or was her name Betty, also? I'll have to phone my ex-wife for the specifics. Or was it my third wife who knew the Betties?

Nevertheless, my dear, it is entirely possible for a man to love JUST as deeply as a woman can. Even deeper, in some cases. And much more frequently.
2015-03-16 17:05:09 UTC
Yes When they find the right women who is ITS qualified.

ITS=====intelligent ,talented, sensual

Not very many of those around.

Men keep looking and discarding.

Where did all ,at least some, of the ITS women go?
2015-03-16 04:59:46 UTC
What about women? They NEVER fall in love, they usually date a man ONLY for his looks/money.
2015-03-16 08:08:53 UTC
Yes they can. Woman are just as capable of love as men. Don't think that men just want to have sex. Sometimes woman are capable of what you posted.
2015-03-14 17:01:52 UTC
Of course. It all depends - also - on what you perceive "love" to be. Many have this deviant understanding that Love is a feeling; it is not, although IT PRODUCES feelings. It's our ignorance what takes us away from the knowledge of the Truth, hence we become slaves to that ignorance.

Define FIRST, what Love is. Then, you WILL find the answer to your question.
2015-03-15 18:21:45 UTC
Yes and I am one who falls too crazy in love.
2015-03-15 11:32:55 UTC
Yes they do if they truly love a girl they wouldn't care whether they got to have sex with them as long as they could spend the rest of their lifes with them. well I know I would love to be with the girl i love and I am a male not a man yet though
2015-03-18 14:30:42 UTC
Guys can definitely fall in love. There's loads of guys at my school who like me and my friends.
2015-03-16 22:05:12 UTC
i think in 35% case man actually fall in love
2015-03-14 07:45:01 UTC
Actually its women who cant love, hence the 80% divorce rate initiated by women. Youll find there are more broken hearted men than women.
2015-03-17 05:13:21 UTC
Of course it happens. I have been loving a girl without seeing her for 8 years. Then we see each other and finally we got married. We are happy now and will be.
2015-03-15 09:46:49 UTC
I married my wife for her lovely disposition. The fact that she was also beautiful did not enter the equation, because after a while I took her beauty for granted and stopped thinking about it. Her beauty may have faded with age but her character was as lovely as ever.

Tragically she died ten years ago, and I miss her a lot as we were soulmates.
2015-03-14 22:52:08 UTC
I am in love with Lissy LOu and i am an example that men can fall in love.
2015-03-18 13:57:21 UTC
Yeah, I fell in love at 17 and still love her five years later. However, I'm no longer in love with her since she married another man.
Ubaldo Jimenez
2015-03-16 00:27:02 UTC
Lust is hardwired through men, and sometimes more predominantly than others. Yes, some can love but I'm not one of them.
2015-03-14 14:53:43 UTC
honestly yes. i have found a man truly capable of love. the shocking bit is, before we met he was a player and sexual intercourse was usually the only thing on his mind.

we met at a very bad time for me, i was in a very abusive relationship and circumstance and was completely bent out of my shape.

he waited 3 year to have sex with me, coz he wasn't sure i wanted it.

he spend those 3 years trying to help me get away from abuse and hurt and pain.

he grew, he faced himself and he faced me with the truth about me and my life like a fuking boss....

he would hold me throughout night and we would not have sex, coz i was raped by my bf at the time and was too traumatized to have s ex....

i only wish for you to meet your own john, but to answer you question, if one man can be truly capable of love, than many could, if they chose so....

keep looking, and keep an open mind, coz my guy was least likely to turn out such a wonderful partner, given his past track record....

i needed a hero so he grew into one....god i miss that man...
2015-03-15 18:48:25 UTC
Yes,I'm a guy and I've been in love before we can be in love just like women.
2015-03-15 17:09:53 UTC
2015-03-16 13:17:12 UTC
Of course. Men are just wired differently than women.
2015-03-16 21:17:44 UTC
Of course they can. There are just as many woman that like sex as there are men that like it. It's not just a guy thing. Your issue, it will happen for you one day, I promise. I did. Had great sex too!
2015-03-15 23:03:22 UTC
2015-03-15 03:18:31 UTC
My life coach said that I'm unlovable, so this year I've totally given up on love, dating and relationships.
2015-03-16 18:03:42 UTC
Yes I have, but that woman made me never want to love again, so we'll see. I grew up being taught that all women want to do is manipulate lol.
John D.
2015-03-16 18:33:51 UTC
Why fall in love that's when they rip you apart? We have feelings too, but society doesn't give a crap.
2015-03-16 12:19:16 UTC
Yes, I do at least 3 times a day.
2015-03-15 03:02:10 UTC
Your upbringing, sadly, has damaged you.

I fell in love with a young woman; we have now been married over 45years and I am more in love than ever.

Does that answer your question?
2015-03-16 22:59:54 UTC
yes, anyone can fall in love. When they meet that right person it comes natural.
2015-03-14 20:20:10 UTC
My boyfriend truly loves me <3 He's amazing, and more than I could've ever hoped for.
2015-03-15 20:55:05 UTC
yes even the ones that are ***** fell in love once and got burned so they imatuley take it out on every women after and say they; never be in a serious relationship
2015-03-15 20:10:06 UTC
Yes men can fall in love, my boyfriend is deeply in love with me & i know it because he tell me daily , He showed me & changed for me.
2015-03-16 07:09:25 UTC
The Same question goes to girl are girls loyal doesn't they go with man for there money. From whom so ever she gets good money from a guy she goes to them and ditch other.
2015-03-16 18:58:19 UTC
We are misunderstood because the drive for other women is always there. So while we love you we will still feel lust for others. Now what you feel and what you act on are personal matters.
2015-03-19 22:28:12 UTC
every man must fall in love.
2015-03-14 20:06:25 UTC
Of course they can. They have feelings just like us and adam and eve were in love and created a beautiful place where we can all live in harmony because of it.
2015-03-15 06:39:57 UTC
Love is not a falling term.


Wo/Men is a completely different term to fe/males.

Wo/Men are the evil/cast aways.

Males are good. Some males are the best security. Some males are the best greenkeepers. Some males are the best home makers. Yet all males are love. The Angel (FatherMother in one but in 3 in 7) above does most of the mega massive protecting, so that LOVE can be forever with LIFE.



A soul is two, not one. Thanks be to God. Forever Thanks be to God that God made my forever perfect girlfriend of the Most High God. There is no end. I SHALL live forever. My girlfriend of God SHALL also live forever.
2015-03-14 21:14:46 UTC
2015-03-14 01:14:05 UTC
2015-03-15 13:51:49 UTC
Of course
2015-03-16 09:18:22 UTC
Men can love however their desire to bang is almost as strong as their love.
2015-03-17 06:32:10 UTC
2015-03-17 11:26:55 UTC
Lol I was stupid enough to let myself fall in love once but when you get older and realize everyone is in it for themselves your priority’s change.
2015-03-15 14:00:10 UTC
Yes we can! Not all men necessarily do but there are some!
2015-09-22 16:48:44 UTC
I have fallen in love... and I hate romance novels. Romance novels and films are just cheap tat to make money.
2015-03-15 08:16:56 UTC
yeah! Men experience two types of things...One is Horny mood.....that is like Yeah !You're pretty...saying to all girls...

The other mood is like that 'someone' is really special and we'll sacrifice even ourself for the pleasure and satisfaction of 'Her' ;)
2015-03-17 08:28:15 UTC
Of course they can. My husband fell in love with me and he's admitted he did :)
2015-03-16 15:24:16 UTC
The only true love that one shall ever receive is that from God since all humans are fallible.
2015-03-16 13:56:59 UTC
Yes, they can.. I've fallen in love, (still am in love) and he's in love with me also.. He would do anything for me.. literally anything
2015-03-15 14:06:04 UTC
It depends on the kind of guy. Some guys can love, some only want sex.
mike s
2015-03-16 21:36:33 UTC
lol certainly, haven't you noticed how we get infatuated so easily by the girls we like? we feel like we are already in love with them before we get to know them!!! wtf's that about? LOL! there's your answer.
2015-03-15 10:32:28 UTC
The ones who fall in love are the ones who are rejected. :/
2015-03-14 18:52:55 UTC
how deeply does a woman love?

"girls like cars and money\' according someone's song.
2015-03-18 05:19:52 UTC
Yes they do. Not all. To find one try going to church or some volunteer place.
2015-03-15 03:15:17 UTC
yes we can fall in love...
El cabrón
2015-03-15 15:01:40 UTC
Yep! They can. Normally, with their-bloody-selves, and own bloody reflections, and their own bleedin' *****! Peace and love. Be lucky.
2015-03-15 13:57:00 UTC
Ofc they s´can, just like you can. its no question.

even scientifically speaking, we are 99.999999999999999999...% identical, and we have the exact same interest in love as any other gender.
2015-03-22 07:50:03 UTC
Yes, head over heels, or hook line and sinker even lock stock and barrel.
2015-03-16 15:56:25 UTC
Males do not fall inlove... they know two thing 1 - how to shag, 2 - how to shag
2015-03-16 16:46:03 UTC
Yes, they can. They're human beings too, after all. :)
2015-03-16 03:37:09 UTC
Yes they can and they can feel hurt just as much as women can.
2015-03-16 11:39:21 UTC
I have, twice, and on both occasions I KNEW I had, no ifs no buts. So it is possible, and it's not just lust.
2015-03-15 13:28:16 UTC
2015-03-14 19:49:10 UTC
2015-03-15 17:48:42 UTC
2015-03-15 18:17:51 UTC
I'm living proof that they can
2015-03-14 15:35:40 UTC
I've wondered that myself.
2015-03-16 15:45:50 UTC
YES.... They are actually capable of real emotions
2015-03-14 17:23:26 UTC
2015-03-14 01:43:08 UTC
2015-03-15 19:17:43 UTC
knut erik
2015-03-14 18:42:04 UTC
yes. i am in love With this girl, she is truly feminine. like, innocent. and i want her around me, you know, like after sex and all. i Guess thats it. if you want her around after you've ejaculated, you're in love.:)
2015-03-15 07:55:53 UTC
No after all they're just heartless, emotionless non-humans
2015-03-15 14:35:02 UTC
we can always fall in love... depends on how u treat us
2015-03-14 16:58:41 UTC
Yes !! I fell in love with my soul mate Gwen !!! She OD'd !!! It killed me !!!
2015-03-16 13:44:41 UTC
I am truly in love with this girl I love her sooooo much !!!!!!
2015-03-14 09:36:56 UTC
They're human, too.
2015-03-15 09:39:06 UTC
for you to think that we cannot already builds the initial wall of finding that experience to be true.
2015-03-15 23:51:52 UTC
most men fall in lust.
2015-03-16 14:42:34 UTC
Yes they can.

My boyfriend use to hook up with a lot of random girls. He never got close to any girl, never had a girlfriend and he hated showing affection towards a girl. He felt awkward showing "love" to a girl pretty much.

I met him at work over a year ago. When we first met, we started hanging out and to be honest I was one of those random girls he would hook up with. I had just gotten out of a relationship, I was heart broken and depressed so I would sleep with him to forget about the pain. He didn't treat me badly but he never got close to me. After sleeping together, he would just go home or keep his distance from me. Basically for a few months, all we would do is drink alcohol and sleep together. Slowly after awhile, we started going out more instead of just sex. We would go to the mall, out to eat, go to a theme park etc. but even in public, he still kept his distance. He never offered to pay for me, never held hands, never did anything. We were basically "friends with benefits" and even at work, our coworkers would ask about us because they knew we were hanging out. he would reply to them "she's just my friend".. I tried for months to be close to him because I was falling for him. He began falling for me too but he wouldn't show it. The more we hung out ,the quieter he got around me and he would just stare at me like he wanted to tell me something. Finally one day, I asked him if he was just using me. He said he wasn't and that he liked me a lot.

weeks went by and I kept waiting around for him. He slowly started showing it and he fell hard for me lol. He is now the most amazing guy i've ever met. He treats me like a princess. He is so caring, patient, loving and affectionate. After being together for a year, I'm now pregnant with my first kid. And he has been there for me through it all. He has put up with all my moods, my attitude. I've been diagnosed with a weak cervix & have to go to the doctor about once a week. He waits in the waiting room with me for hours & doesn't even complain.

I've never had anyone treat me so well. He's not like most guys who try to make their gfs jealous, who takes their gfs for granted. He shows me everyday that he cares. He's always trying to find ways to make me happy or to make me smile. I had surgery the other day and when it was over, he walked into my hospital room and started crying. He said that he hated seeing me in a hospital bed like that. I've never met a guy who shows so much emotion or cries so much over me lol. He really does love me and he's sincere.

I hate the way we started though & I regret it. I wish we would have took the time to get to know each other first & took things slowly but it goes to show you that guys CAN fall in love. Even the guys who act like "players" and sleep around.. They just need to meet the right girl & they'll fall in love.
2015-03-15 11:15:35 UTC
Ummm yeah, we are human too.

This is just a stupid question.
2015-03-16 06:20:54 UTC
Faster than women they do
2015-03-16 13:54:31 UTC
uh yeah
2015-03-15 02:45:23 UTC
yes they do actually
2015-03-14 15:32:39 UTC
yeh while they are looking at ya they trip over xD lol
2015-03-15 17:12:52 UTC
yes, some actually can.
2015-03-16 22:06:37 UTC
If they have a heart and brain then yup!
2015-03-16 04:59:41 UTC
yesbut to be fair you could say the same thing about women
2015-03-16 12:55:49 UTC
of course
2015-03-19 03:06:32 UTC
yes ofcourse every person has got the feeling
2015-03-15 23:45:26 UTC
To make it simple: Yes, we can.
2015-03-14 18:52:12 UTC
If they can, they have a funny way of showing it!
2015-03-15 11:58:45 UTC
Of course they can!
2015-03-14 19:39:34 UTC
may be or not
2015-03-16 07:47:47 UTC
yes we are only human lol
2015-03-19 12:55:28 UTC
Please believe me that some of us do. My ex said that I loved her too much, can you imagine that ?
2015-03-16 19:55:17 UTC
three words yes we can
2015-03-17 21:07:59 UTC
tis true. i do love a chicken :)
2015-03-15 15:57:08 UTC
shockingly yes!! haha
2015-03-16 19:45:31 UTC
love isn't given easily, lust is.
2015-03-16 14:17:00 UTC
2015-03-17 04:23:03 UTC
it depends.. you know that they man have 2 heads.. it is important that the big head loves you because the small head... is to way simple to please...
2015-03-15 11:45:30 UTC
men just want sex sex and more sex and will probs cheat on u
2015-03-15 08:57:36 UTC
Almost not
Shepherd Azad
2015-03-14 23:36:53 UTC
yes...but that love will keep befalling!!
2015-03-16 10:48:35 UTC
2015-03-16 16:41:53 UTC
2015-03-16 09:41:29 UTC
Of Course......I have
2015-03-17 11:40:18 UTC
I am really trying...
Chand cha
2015-03-16 17:40:41 UTC
2015-03-16 06:16:28 UTC
yeah why not
Anthea D
2015-03-16 04:30:33 UTC
they always did
Md. Shariful Islam
2015-03-17 18:22:24 UTC
2015-03-16 00:47:36 UTC
2015-03-15 10:13:24 UTC
we do not know
2015-03-16 00:52:50 UTC
of course we can!!!
2015-03-16 11:09:04 UTC
i think they can.
2015-03-16 10:26:43 UTC
2015-03-14 18:37:53 UTC
Hell the **** no!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-03-15 15:36:02 UTC
Duh! Of course they can!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.