2010-12-13 18:37:40 UTC
I'm a Marine getting deployed to Afghanistan soon. It's my first deployment and I've only been in about a year. I'm not worried about getting hurt or killed as that's totally out of my hands. The thing that worries me, and I know this makes me sound like a whiny *****, is how my girlfriend and I will be when I get home. We've known each other since we were kids and always likes each other. We didn't date however as we knew we were too young to have a proper relationship. We officially started dating when I went to college (see how that worked out) and have been together for about 2 years. Last January I went to bootcamp and mct, mos school and all that trash. She stayed very devoted and wrote me nearly every day. She kept me goin. Now, I've been back with her for about 4 months at this point and it's been fantastic. It seems to have strengthened our relationship and given me purpose. Now that I'm actually going into combat and won't see her for roughly a year I'm worried though. I've asked her if she ever thought shed cheat and he assured me she wouldn't. And I believe her. The problem is, I hear these constant horror stories about 4 year relationships that suddenly do a 180 as soon as the Marine goes to war. Anyways, Im just having trouble with it and can't really talk to anyone about it, my buddies would think I was being a huge ***** (which I probably am) I just wanted to hear any of talks stories that have gone through this. Military, spouses, girlfriends or whatever. Any advice is also appreciated. Thank you and Oorah to all my boys overseas.