2008-01-04 10:09:35 UTC
My husband has been paying support to his ex and son. Due to that, after all the deduction from work, he only brings back half of what he made. I am 30 weeks pregnant, and not working. Currently, we have lots of credit card debt to pay off. What my hubby planned to do is to take his vacation money and pay it off. The thing is, if he does that, is his ex going to get some of the money too?
Other than that, he has signed on a website, as a part time tutor, since he is trying to pay off his debt. As far as I know, if he does make money from it, his ex will get some too.
From what I have read, if my husband continues paying the support amount he is paying, and if our general lifestyle goes downsize, we can apply to the court to have the amount reduced (heck, we could barely afford groceries, and we have totally stopped eating out).
Also, his ex refused to work, how long must he pay support to her?