There are probably a million different things you can do to fix your marraige. Counseling is one of them, and it probably would really help.
For what it's worth, my answer below has to do with perspective and your mental outlook.
First, be aware that all people evolve. We all change, whether or not we are aware of it, and whether or not we like it. Infact, most people resist change. Change can be scary, and we all enjoy being comfortable, and change usually entails moving outside of a comfort zone.
The fact is, the more we embrace change, the easier it is, and the more we welcome the changes as something new and undiscovered.
The same thing applies to marraige. Marraiges evolve and change as well. This is scary for a lot of people, especially if one spouse is resisting and the other spouse is embracing.
My advise is to see today, as a new day, forget about where you've been. Look at where you are and where you want to go.
Counseling can be a great first step, because it will be a positive decision that you and your spouse can make together, one that will confirm your comittment to each other and your marraige. Whether it brings great or small revelations to the two of you, at least it will be something the two of you did together to move in the right direction.
Beyond counseling, you and your husband should work harder to communicate better. If you are scared, and tired, and frustrated with life right now, try to work with him to create an environment where you can lay your head on his lap and cry, where you can tell him how you feel, and where he can comfort you.
Beyond counseling and communication, the two of you can work towards embracing the changes in life. Take matters into your own hands, and decide together on how you want your life together to be.
Happiness is possible, it sometimes takes work, and decisiveness... too much waiting around for life to come to us can be bad, sometimes we have to go out and secure the life we want.
Good luck, God bless, and I hope you find some solice, and happiness soon!