What's the incentive for a guy to get hitched?
2006-04-02 13:31:04 UTC
been thinking but haven't come up with any!
Seven answers:
2006-04-03 12:43:48 UTC
Ric, you are a wise man to ask this question. My answer is if the man would be the primary source of income in a marriage, then there is no incentive for him - it is all high risk/no reward, assuming you'll live together anyway whether you're married or not.

But I do believe you should be married if you're going to have kids.
2006-04-02 20:38:16 UTC
If you love the person and imagine spending the rest of your life with them? Even if there are negatives, as long as the positives outweigh them. Are you ready to settle down? Have you done the things in your life you want to do as a single guy? I think the first two answers are the most important.
2006-04-02 20:46:20 UTC
Someone to have sex with you when you get old and ugly
2006-04-02 20:54:24 UTC
a family, which is a great tax break and all the pus*y you can eat
2006-04-02 22:19:47 UTC
guarenteed piece every night?
2006-04-02 20:36:29 UTC

Is love not enough?

2006-04-02 20:36:20 UTC
he can cheat on his wife

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