My personal opinion on this matter is that single parents cry wolf quite often and those that are playing the system are the ones that that ruin it and give a bad name to all the TRUE single parents that actually work for a living. Just like those GOOD men out there that pay child support, see their kids, are getting a bad name from the deadbeat dads out there that don’t do a damn thing.
Single parents on Yahoo (from what I’ve seen posted) are really out there. All you see and hear are those crying about how to get a man to pay up. Or those that are trying to take their child out of state because they want to. Or those that feel they can stop visitation just because they’re the mother and gave birth and carried a child for 9 months.
I’m well aware there are lots of loser Daddy’s. If you can even call them that. But I also know that it is NOT always the men that are the bad guys. And quite honestly, I don’t think enough of the good stories come out because all those horrible people clouded it for the good.
I’ll speak for myself, but when I post or ask questions about my stepdaughter, I get bashed pretty badly. People don’t know me, don’t know our situation. They don’t know that the mother kept the child a secret for 2 yrs, put another man on the birth certificate, then came crying for money because the other guy left her. And here is a woman that plays the “single Mom” card all the time. I’m sorry she struggles, but at least she has a child with a man that pays his child support and cares for his child. Because lots of other people don’t get that. Yet she still continues to badmouth my husband and act as those he’s a deadbeat. THOSE are the types of single parents I have a problem with. And not because I’m directly associated, because I’ve seen it more than once.
It may not be fair that people assume. But it happens. And unfortunately, you cannot tell a FULL story with all details that matter in the small space of what Yahoo provides. And unless you provide all info, then people don’t know the full story. It is what it is….but on the flip side, it’s also just the internet. Is it THAT big of a deal what people think?