I can't believe that in this day and age, and all the information available to EVERYONE out there, that people still don't GET IT.
It boils down to ignorance. Or stupidity, depending on how you look at it, and what information the people we're talking about have had. And, the old "head in the sand" attitude doesn't help. Put that together with the "that can't happen to ME" statement, and the rest of the lame things people tend to believe, and voila! You have the ol' "virgins can't get STD's spiel".
Well, what more can be done? You read it, you teach it in our schools, some parents tell it, and on and on and on. Still, there are those that hold out (literally) until the marriage bed, and can't understand it when a couple months later, they're visiting Dr. Feelgood with some rather strange things going on in their, uh, well...you know.
The old saying "when you sleep with someone, you sleep with everyone they've ever slept with" doesn't say a THING about staying a virgin until marriage will protect you for life.
What can I say? Ignorance is NOT always bliss.