I initiated contact with this guy that I knew as an acquaintance... He confessed that he actually was attracted to me too, but he never bothered to let me know... I am so frustrated with this whole situation... We are complicated right now, but I really want to be just friends now that I know that I am transfering in the fall to another college...but I wasn't sure about this until recently. When we talked before I came to this decision, I was still kind of looking for exclusion... But, he told me that he was looking for polyamory (which really was annoying because he has also told me that he doesn't want any commitment based on bad experiences in the past) ... but he also says that he is really busy regardless, but polyamory is really having a committed relationship with more than one person (and I think he is mixing words and that he just wants to screw)... and don't get me wrong, it's college and we are in a transitive stage in our lives... So, he doesn't know my current situation that I will be transfering, and I still want to be friends with him and have a good time regardless of me transfering. I don't want this to be another awkward and abrupt ending of another friendship... I made a pact to myself before this semester started that I would not date anyone and I would just stay on my schoolwork (like I did in high school) I just kept my head down and never tried dating or interracting like that with people... and I saw him one day (fricking hormones) and I said to myself, "Oh! I forgot all about him!!! He is soo cute!" I can't believe I actually threw myself out there like that ...I have done this before, and nothing ever works... I should just not try and stop wasting my time... all they want is sex. But, anyways, he has never initiated contact with me as far as a text wanting to go out or hang out whatever... I have always initiated contact, and I am just pissed off about this whole thing. I saw his play and texted him congratulations afterwards and invited to take him out for dinner as a celebration... he was busy doing a project afterwards, which is understandable, but he messaged me on facebook the next day apologizing that he didn't get back to me sooner the night before (his phone was still on vibrate from the play)...he said that he would have time to grab dinner over the weekend (and asked if I was still up for it)...I just kind of didn't say anthing other than good luck and to break a leg because he was actually heading out to do another run of the play)... and now it's Sunday night, and it's 8pm, the play ended at 4pm, and he still hasn't texted me... I am so annoyed with him, I just want to kick his *** for being so rude... I was paying for a meal, and he just blew me off... I guess I am such a type A and that I get a little crazy about this stuff, but seriously, it is really inappropriate. Oh yea, and he is older than be by three years. Maybe this has something to do with him being an asshole... I just feel like I am not very approachable because I come off as intimidating sometimes ( as far as the way I dress and such)...I dress casually, but I don't really wear revealing clothes (tank tops, dresses, etc.) I am also very blunt when I speak too... I guess he has no other prospects (girls) right now, and that he is flattered that I am interested, and he will just keep me around because I'm just there and it's convenient for him... Well, I'm done ranting...