I have been married for 5 yrs and we talk about difficult issues much more easily than we did in the beginning.
Sometimes I email him when I know it is a subject that will make me cry (like his mother being cruel to our baby) and I know when I start to cry his brain shuts off.
Sometimes I just have to get angry and let it out, not with yelling but with the truth and the I won't tolerate that type of statement. Like when he didn't get me a Christmas present one year because I was a new stay at home Mom and he was fully supporting us.
Fast forward to now, my son is 4 and hubby would do anything to keep me from working outside the home. He brings up anything that bothers him right on the spot. I stew, send an email or just simply bring it up and let him know how I feel.
We have one major rule when it comes to conflict. If it means more to the other one than you give in and let them have their way.
We never spend over $100 without discussing it first. No matter who makes more money.
We always no matter what make all plans and decisions with each other and tolerate no guilt trips from either Mother about who spends more time with the kids or what we do on holidays. We, our family comes first and we are adults and we make our own decisions.
We are very close to my family and they do come before his family. That is because he is fighting cancer and his family has proven useless over the past 10 months and we now know without a doubt who we can count on.
Just find your best way to talk, and never go to bed without a good night kiss or leave the house without a good bye kiss or enter without a hello kiss.
I have a 17 yr old daughter and we gross her out, it keeps the spark alive with us and shows her the kind of adult relationship she should strive for, our son too.
Good luck!