I agree with you. However, you are already challenging his male machismo by earning more money than him. Not your fault, but most men are uncomfortable if they are not the bread winners (though they'll never admit it).
Men are biologically programmed to be the providers. So if the wife is the superior provider due to a superior income, a man feels like he's losing control of part of his masculinity. It would be like him demanding to decorate your bedroom. So, the only way in this situation for him to feel important, is to control the money.
Here's what I'd do. If you've been with him long enough to feel sure that he's a financially responsible person, let him feel like the big man and share the checking account. The one condition is that you both agree to stick to a budget and the account you set up together is with a bank that you can go online and check all of the withdrawals, payments and deposits. If he is reasonable and doesn't overspend or take advantage of the money you've earned, let it go.
If he doesn't agree with this, a second option would be to have a joint account that you both deposit an equal amount into just for bills. Let him run that one. Then you have your own account for your spending money and let him have his own.
If he's financially irresponsible, don't agree to let him control any account.
Good luck!