O.K., first of all, shame on you for snooping. Is there a prior reason for you wanting to look through his stuff. It sounds like there is. But, that's not our business, so I'll leave it alone. Second, I do believe that his actions would be considered cheating. I mean it's one thing to go to a website like that and take a look around, but it's a whole different ballgame when you sign up for an account. From the sounds of it, he's currently looking to get some sex on the side. Regardless of whether or not he has met anyone yet, there is still the fact that he went to a website looking for something or someone, which tells me he's willing to cheat. As far as your actions, you have to do what you feel is right in your heart. Your right, you have 5 years invested and a baby. That is a lot of time together to just throw away. My suggestion to you would be to ask him about it. I would fess up that you looked through his e-mail and tell him what you came across. If you choose to stay with him, I would recommend some marriage counseling for the both of you. But that will only work if you both want it to. If either side doesn't feel like they need it, then it will never work. I just had a rather long conversation about this topic at work ,and my personal feelings on the subject are rather blunt and to the point. If your thinking about it, then your going to do it. I'm sorry, cheating is cheating, regardless of whether or not your seperated, thinking about it, got too drunk, whatever the excuse. But honestly, the only person that knows what you should do is you. My opinion, as if it needs to be told, is to get rid of him. You and the baby really don't need the stress of the whole situation. And in my book, "Once a cheater always a cheater". I wish you luck. God Bless.