2015-03-14 00:18:24 UTC
Her husband has to leave early for work each day. And my wife travels often or works late. This woman texts me frequently during the day. It feels like I get a play by play of her working day. I think she must text to me more than him or any of her gal friends. She even asks be when I am finishing work or if i have arrived home.
On nights when her husband is busy and she knows my wife is away she asks me out for dinner. She also asks me for lunch, just the two of us. I feel like she sees me more than any of her gal friends. I get emails from her in the early morning, or late at night, just funny stories and videos but they are sent only too me she is not sharing them with anyone else.
When we are together she does not mention her husband much only to complain about him. She often vents her frustrations and shares she doubts with me.
I have asked this question before and someone has pointed out that maybe she wants to be more than friends. I would like to get a 2nd opinion. Does she just want o be friends or is she looking for more? I know that she wanted to be more than friends in the past but she says she is happy with how things are right now.