Selfish people don't really change. There are lots of things that I think can be worked out with time and care...but not this one. Obviously your husband is not yet ready to actually become a husband. What will happen when you have kids? Will you have to beg him to get them school clothing while he laughs? This isn't good.
Its more then sad that your dad is still the man trying to take care of you, and your husband is trying to use you.
I would tell you to tell him straight up that either he start sharing or else...but you have already done that, and its not like he just doesn't get it. HE GETS IT. He just doesn't want to share. Just too greedy.
You need to discuss less, and do more before the situation gets worse. Like there are kids involved.
Unfortunately bullies are VERY good at making their victims believe that they are in the wrong. Do you know why? Its simple; Because in their own mind they are certain that this is the case.
Talk to your dad, tell him that you don't think this marriage has a chance, and you want to move yourself, and your laughable car right out of your asshole husbands perfect house.
Its a good thing you have only wasted 3 years. Don't waste more. Things could get even worse easily. What if you lose your job or your parents pass away and you have no means of even looking anywhere for emergency money? People get greedier with age. if he is like this now...Just go. Now he won't buy you a car you need or let you use his. Take off before he won't buy you food. Or you get your degree and start working and never save a dime of your money because guess who will be spending it on things for "both of you" which only he will get to use.
Edit; OMG. Some of these answers are so very rude.
@ Mike "What do you expect me to do about it" She is looking for advice, preferably from people who have a clue. Its very sexy to be a sugar mama...from a guys point of view. Sure. Sorry, but when people marry they share. End of story. A healthy and financially secure family is sexy. Not a guy that takes your stuff.
18tr; Yeah, its just two cars, actually. The car he won't let her have, and the car that her dad bought that he takes from her even when she said no. But you could certainly be right. Its perfectly reasonable advice. Or not.
Leykis 101; Blame yourself? Why? None of you have ever made any mistakes regarding people? Goody for you. How could she know how he would be about finances before she married him?
I may be full of crap, but at least i am not mean and rude for no reason.