I have 22 years of working with fathers on this subject, but you will note that I never use such language.
However, there are significant problems, though generally it comes from lack of education as much as anything.
First off, there is an Urban Legend that men only go for custody to avoid paying child support. Less that 15% of custodial fathers are awarded child support, of which 5% receive any. However, 9% of custodial fathers are still ordered to pay child support.
A mother can more successfully argue for a Rebuttable Presumption to show that she should not pay the guideline amount as she is being emotionally harmed by not having custody, so what a father may be warded would be significantly less then a father earning the same amount of money would pay.
The media claims there are billions in child support owed, but 83% of that is interest penalties, and not the actual amount owed.
Death of a child support obligor is not considered a defensible argument for not making child support payments in any state.
No state provides informs child support obligors that there is free help to modify an order in the event of an involuntary loss of income, such as a result of a job layoff. They refuse to give out the free handbook on their rights.
Federal Child Support Enforcement Handbook for Non-Custodial Parents
A man can be required to pay child support even when he is not the father of the child(ren) in cases whether he was living or formerly married to the mother, even when the bio dad is paying. Further, a man can be serve with an paternity action in many states by newspaper notice, and after the child support order is entered, it cannot be overturned. Kansas is one such state. A year ago, a 21 year old man was informed by the IRS that his tax return was intercepted due to owing child support for his 15 year old daughter. Not even his birth certificate was admissible as evidence.
A woman can be award child support, in every state, even when the father is a child that she molested.
However, the boy cannot file for custody due to his age, and his parents have no standing in the court to file.
In five states, inclduing California, if the child support obligor remarries, the income of his wife can be considered for setting the amount he pays.
If a man is paying child support through a weekly or bi-weekly payroll deduction, he is accumulating interest penalties as eight months out of the year he has not paid the full amount.
There is no accountability for child support. The woman can tell a new spouse or boyfriend that she is not getting it, so he fully supports the children,while she spends the money as she wants.