2020-02-27 13:26:05 UTC
But please bear with me.
Me and my wife have been together 6 years this April. We used to have intimatr sex every day. After our first child was born, this changed to once a week and i was fine with that.
After our second child was born, we weren't in a financial or emotional position to have another so in result we both agreed to go along with steralisation as her health could potentially worsen.
Now I am 34 years old, she is 35. Since January we have had sex twice which is a big improvement over the last year like not having it at all for the 6 months prior.
I have really worked on myself like paying attention to her and giving her space and being emotionally invested in her but nothing seems to work. I ask for it, every other day and the response is always the same that she's tired, on her period, stressed, she can't get sexually stimulated because she believes something wrong.
I hate to admit but feel like i am not even in a relationship, I am sex starved. My libido is always high and I can't even express it because of constant rejection. I am not ugly so I could easily cheat on tinder but the problem is I am madly in love with her and i want intimacy not random sex.
I am tired, ive looked online and sterealisation doesnt affect sex drive. Relationship studies told me its common for men to get rejected when the women feel like men have no other options. What do i do