2008-07-31 16:17:59 UTC
This is the 2nd post im making and I'm hoping most people that read my first one you return here and talk a little more with me. First of all I'm sort of new to this site and don't know how to personally contact people via like Private messages, so please someone talk to me on AIM upon reading this long post. my sn is WrstLLanc for anyone who would like to talk further more. I hate reading your posts and not being able to respond/talk back to you.
Don't read this next long part if you read my first post. SKIP to bottom if you read my first post.
My mom wants a divorce, my dads an alcoholic.
Drinks damn near a handle of vodka a night, always puts my mom second to alcohol. He always promises her things like to take her to dinner but will come home from work around 2 or 3 and start drinking and mom doesn't want to go to dinner with a drunk(thats 1 example of hundreds).
Me and all my siblings are old enough now that having a divorce wouldn't effect us that much, the youngest child in the family is a JR in High school.
Mom doesn't want the divorce because she wants what's best for us, but all 3 of us (kids) HATE seeing her live the way she does dealing with my fking dick head dad.
What do I do? My dad wouldn't change for LITERALLY the world as far as the 4 of us are concerned (3 kids / mom). I've gotten into almost MANY fistfights with dad preventing him from doing mean things to other family members or even me.
Please someone help me with some bit of advice. My mom won't divorce because of us, and my dad won't change because he's a stupid mother fk'er. I HATE him more hours of the day then I can ever like him.
SKIP to here.....
I appreciate all your previous responses on this post
however I don't think my mom would want to attend those sort of classes because she thinks she already knows enough. She wouldn't go to one because I don't think she could stand to invest that sort of time to try to learn to put up with someone (my dad) that she could probably careless about. Me myself, im nearing 20 years old and every night my dad drinks i feel like just knocking him the fk out. Seriously.
It old, it effects me directly, and I personally WANT to move out of the house JUST to be away from him but I always feel guilty leaving my mom/bro/sister behind to deal with my dads pathetic fking habit. We try to spend more time with him when he's sober/less when hes drinking, when he's drinking we leave him downstairs all by himself where half the nights he ends up crying and wondering why no one cares about him so he thinks. Maybe if he changed his fking behavior we would care more. He gets so drunk he can't remember a single fking thing that happened the night before.
This whole problem effects everyone in my family. I'm always depressed because I'm a very carring person (i believe so) so I'm always trying to eat less and keep my diet under control, I feel like i can't have a GF because my dads drunk more hours of the day than he's not and hes obnoxious and has said multiple VERY rude things to past girl's that have made me have a turn-off of having girls within 10 miles of my home. My brother has depression eats alot and has gained a lot of weight, my sister's behavior has increased a lot (negative behavior) and my mom just lives a terrible life. I feel like everyones relationship with one another is fake towards each other, etc,etc, this list goes fking on forever. Someone please chat with me. Please instant msg me I sit on my computer bored, lost, thinking, wondering, feeling depressed AT LEAST 2 nights a week over this for the past 5-ish years. My sn is WrstLLanc and my e-mail is stramel@hotmail.com
Thanks for taking your time to read this far and possibly respond - mica